The Michelangelo Method of becoming you

As I said it before, I have a strong affinity to the dramatic… in every area of life. This may be part of my bipolar personality… taking things to the extreme.

I do that with food… I call them experiments, but largely these are experiments taken just too far or too long…

And, of course, I pay the price. With my health, mainly.

But… as in everything, there is a silver lining, a benefit, that I would be amiss not to appreciate.

I have discovered almost everything in the area of health this way. Or in the area of training, self or others… or in anything else.

So my latest “fad” thing has been sorghum. I cooked up a huge vat of sorghum seeds with sauteed (fried?) onions and butter… delicious. Continue reading “The Michelangelo Method of becoming you”

What you value and in what order…

your load... intrinsicallyA lot of why’s are answered here… why you can’t get well, why you are not happy, etc.

People are the highest value in the universe. Why? Because they are able to be all levels of values, the thinking mind (systemic), the extrinsic (create tools, cook food, provide pleasure), and the intrinsic.

You live, predominantly on one level, and value what is on that level most.

Depending on how closely your valuation matches the valuation that is “godly”, or the Original Design, you fulfill the purpose of being human.

Continue reading “What you value and in what order…”

Vibrational Review: Donna Eden – Updated

Donna Eden laughing all the way to the bankDonna Eden 1

Her vibration is 230 120… the highest of the so called ‘energy practitioners’.

She works exclusively with 4th plane energies. She doesn’t connect to Source (Reality).

Muscletest results: what she teaches vibrates at 300 Has a truth value 3% truth value… meaning 97% not true.
Can she heal? No.
Can she teach what she does? No.
Is it worth my time? No.
Does she believe that what she does is the truth? Yes. No.
Average vibration of people she attracts: 120

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, meditation, chanting, etc. Anything under 500 or truth value of 30% … won’t raise your vibration, most will lower it. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source and the Original Design. Disconnected from truth.

He is also on Mind Valley, which means “fraud” in my world.

Ways Your Mind Keep You From Hearing What’s Said

Ways Your Mind Keep You From Hearing What’s Said
How Many Different Ways Do You Know Your Mind Keep You Trapped In A Dead End Loop Of Activity?

I’ve told you about me, finally, awakening that there is a mosquito invasion in every window of my duplex.

So I’ve researched for ways to get rid of the mosquitoes that doesn’t involve chemicals, doesn’t involve flame throwers, and expensive carbon monoxide machines.

One recipe called for brown sugar. I have never bought brown sugar, and I didn’t feel good buying a pound of brown sugar for the mosquitoes… but I remembered that I had some black-strap molasses in my kitchen cabinets. After all brown sugar is not perfectly cleaned sugar… mostly they just mix the white sugar with some molasses… I can do that.

The mosquitoes love the molasses. They buzz above them, and then they go too close and the sticky gooey molasses trap them. They move around but can’t get out.

This reminds me that we could talk about the morass: the mind’s way to keep you trapped in useless servitude so you can’t move forward.

Sound useful? Then let’s get to it.

Ways the morass traps you

Continue reading “Ways Your Mind Keep You From Hearing What’s Said”

The only way to affect real change: change the root cause

The only way to affect real change: change the root cause

the three great mysteries of lifeThe Three Great Mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, mankind to himself
~ Hindu Proverb

We live in an age where, we could say, are poised to move our inquiry into areas where it could make a difference. Not yet… obviously.]

I say in every area of the mystery that we call life and Universe.

In health. In well-being. In climate change and caring for our planet. In evolution, genetics, and feeding all these people. In psychology. In human growth and self-actualization.

We are still on the surface, and everything you buy, everything you read, everything you can think is still not cause, and doing it won’t make a difference… except…

Some ideas, some theories are closer to the source than others. Continue reading “The only way to affect real change: change the root cause”

Is the fixed mindset a sign of courage deficiency? Can you turn on courage?

Is the fixed mindset a sign of courage deficiency? Can you turn on courage?
If you can’t measure it it doesn’t exist.

The world’s population is divided. A small part tries to get results through effort, and the large part is trying to sail on their innate abilities alone.

People in both parts have an ego. Ego is normal.

Ego can push you forward, or ego can hold you back.

This is exactly how it works in the two parts of the population.

  1. The people who want to live through effort, learning, challenges use their ego to push them forward.
  2. The other part… hell, they use their ego to get offended from criticism, to hide from challenges, and to make sure they maintain their self-image… whatever it may be.

Continue reading “Is the fixed mindset a sign of courage deficiency? Can you turn on courage?”

Can you conquer your laziness, your lack of action, your slacker nature… Your sissy nature?

Can you conquer your laziness, your lack of action, your slacker nature… Your sissy nature?

In this article we’ll go deep into what’s going on, inside you, that fails you… We’ll look at different schools of thought to do that. Understanding the inner dynamic is the first step towards success.

That, and knowing that every number in your Starting Point Measurements can be changed… Nothing is fixed. Not even your DNA.

If you look at yourself and your behavior, and then compare it with what you say, what you’ve said, there is rarely any similarity between the person who spoke and the person who acts.

It’s quite confusing.

If the mindpower people were correct, if their model were accurate, your actions would come from your thoughts.

But they don’t… Continue reading “Can you conquer your laziness, your lack of action, your slacker nature… Your sissy nature?”

Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated

Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated

Building Bridges

Update 4/4/17: New insight: Building Bridges (BB) is quite slothful by nature… I am changing the picture to an actual bridge… because it is a more apt illustration: you want to get to the other side, and you need to do a ton of work to get there… and you have no skills… but to build skills you also have to build a bridge between the thought and the action that builds skills… So most Building Bridges never actually do anything. The only BB I have ever seen do something is a guy who has undertook reading… and following that method, he is now adding skills to his toolbox. He may amount to much.

So what is the trick?

I recommended that he starts reading not worrying if he understands, or if he enjoys it. He trusted me and started to read that way. After a while comprehension imperceptibly grew, and now he enjoys reading.

Once a BB experiences how learning a skill works, they grow wings.

It takes a lot of skills to build a bridge, but each bridge is the same: you have to start with no visible results plus faith. Faith that the investment will work out, even though they can’t see it.

Without this a BB will just live randomly, thrown about like a dry leaf, never amounting to anything.

Continue reading “Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated”

Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?

Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?

Could, reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger? 1 Or how to learn to do what people did through reading what they read… So you can do it too. So you can see what they saw.

People with humility and success quote a lot. They know where their views, where their knowledge comes from. And their knowledge is deep, instinctive driver of actions. Not book knowledge, not Trivial Pursuit knowledge. NOT Tree of Knowledge.

I read eclectically. The next few books that are on my list now come from Charlie Munger’s suggestions.

He sees things I don’t. He has wisdom I don’t. What he reads has something to do with it. How he reads, how he thinks… He says: “Becoming rational is a slow, arduous process.” You need to build up to developing that skill. Most of us have very small capacity to use our brains. But it can only be grown like a sculpture. So most don’t even start.
Continue reading “Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?”

Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?

Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?

Does it matter whether this Universe with you in it is a hologram or not?

Great question, isn’t it? I am very proud of myself for asking it.

But if I get an answer, and I go “yes”, unless I find out what exactly I asked that was answered, I am as dumb and assuming as I was before I asked the question.

So, what way can it matter whether this/you are a hologram or not?

  • Emotionally
  • Physically
  • As a context… inside which we live this life of struggle…

Continue reading “Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?”