Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

try-time-to-reinvent-yourselfYou live in a world of your own design… Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can’t see the filter, just like you don’t see the window unless you touch it…

A filter is like a pair of glasses…

A filter is also like a pair of glasses… They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green… and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can’t see that it’s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you… unless you can take it off…

You can see only the ripples. The indication that there is something there…

It’s the ripples that we don’t like… we don’t like the things we do, the things we think, the things we feel. We want to change the ripples. But the ripples are the surface of the iceberg… hidden, invisible…

But you can’t change something that you don’t know. You can’t change something that you don’t see.

We all want to reinvent ourselves, our world. Because what we have now is not working too well, not serving us too well. We can’t have what we want, and we suffer.

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Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say and we lie

Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say and we lie
Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say enthusiastically and we lie.

Clarity is one of the things we ALWAYS lie about. It’s like the speed limit… or not thinking about sex. It is a built in landmine to make sure we are never in integrity.

We view clarity if it were a black and white phenomenon. Continue reading “Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say and we lie”

Can you change your money DNA, your love DNA, your DNA?

I’ve participated in Landmark Education’s programs, on different levels, for 26 years.

In all of those years, there were two sentences that made a difference:

  1. Your actions are correlated to the occurring world. Meaning: your actions depend on what you see. Not your mind… on what you see.
  2. You live in a world of your own design.

The two sentences are intimately connected, though I learned them 19 years apart.

There is a sudden proliferation of programs that claim that they change your DNA… in the area of money, love, or some other concern that you have.

Their truth value is 0%, their attractiveness to you, given that you don’t know how a human machine works, is 100%.

Continue reading “Can you change your money DNA, your love DNA, your DNA?”

True? You have to believe that you can succeed to succeed

True? You have to believe that you can succeed to succeed

#1 lie that makes you sheepThe teaching that you have to believe that you can succeed is utter b.s.

This teaching has been the secret to more failures than anything else I can find.

  1. You see, you cannot force yourself to believe anything that you don’t believe.
  2. In addition to that, your actions do NOT come from your beliefs, do not even come from your thoughts, they come from a place much deeper than that.For example, I am your perfect pessimist: I never believe I can do it. I never believe that I will succeed.Possibility-Thinking-BSBut… I am not waiting for my beliefs to change, I do what I need to do, whether I believe I will succeed, or even that I am doing the right thing.

Now, why is this stupid lie taught? Because it makes you sheep… Or conversely, it makes you overconfident.

By the way, all Dark Side suggestions, or emotions are designed to make you sheep.
Continue reading “True? You have to believe that you can succeed to succeed”