Kabbalah String aka Red String… and the Evil Eye

Originally posted 2008-08-02 11:30:07.

kabbalah string red stringThis blog (on Kabbalah) is new, and I decided to look for a logo image for it. A picture of a left wrist with the famous red string around it felt like an excellent idea.

So I went on Google and searched for ‘Kabbalah String.’ What a mistake. First off, there were 420 thousand pages listed. Intimidating. Second: most of those sites are hellbent at throwing dirt, venom, spit, at Kabbalah, and everything that has anything to do with Kabbalah. They call it a religion: it is not. They call it a cult: it is not.

all signs of the evil eye

I resisted being sucked into …
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Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

web-muscletestingI am getting hate mail.

I am happy about it.

They say the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. Continue reading “Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?”

How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?

tree of knowledge: sleep

Tree of Knowledge : sleepIn this article I will tell you about the health aspects of the Tree of Knowledge… 1
William, a rehabilitation trainer from South Africa sent me one of his clients’ DNA testing.

It would have been interesting to also get the client’s picture, so I can compare the results with muscletesting, with what Source has to say about her health… but I think that is pushing it… we’ll see if William is willing.

Hey… I just checked… and found the client’s picture… But I will muscletest her AFTER I publish this article… If you want to know what I find, email me at [email protected]. Continue reading “How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?”

Foresight is available only to sentient beings

Foresight is available only to sentient beings.

Nature, the Universe, don’t have foresight, don’t predict, don’t care, don’t make things wrong, don’t have regrets, and… gasp, evolution is NOT the survival of the fittest, it is the survival of the lucky. I’ll talk about this last one in another article, when the thought will be fully developed.

For now, I am interested in foresight and divination… this is the subject of this article.
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And I recoil from dirty laundry… doing the laundry

I should be doing some laundry. I have run out of socks… And anyways, I want to tame this beast of not doing my laundry.

I gather a load’s worth of stuff, carry it to the washing machine… and the distaste, the disgust is so strong… I take a beeline… and sit down by my computer.

Distaste, eh? Yeah, says muscletest. Disgust? yes. Was it always there? No. Was it from when i was 3? later… from age seven.

What was happening at age seven? I went to school. We had a live-in help: my mother was working on her Masters Degree, coming home around nine every night. My brother was about a year old… and was probably driving the live-in help bonkers.

And I recoil from dirty laundry…

I sit really quietly. The fear joins the distaste. I feel terror. I feel being beaten. Screamed at. Wrapped in wet sheets… Can’t breathe…

I must have wet my bed. I don’t remember. My body remembers. The fear, the disgust, the gagging.

The body remembers.
Continue reading “And I recoil from dirty laundry… doing the laundry”

It is the week of Thanksgiving… Why can’t you feel gratitude? Why your thanksgiving is hollow?

This morning I received an email from a young man who paid me to measure his starting point measurements.

He could be speaking for you.

I need to take better care to my physical body. Like you said, drinking more water is the first step.

I don’t take care of my body, and I can’t understand why.

I feel like I’m missing gratitude. I hate to say it but I don’t feel grateful, and I don’t understand why.

Gratitude probably will come up to everyone, at least in the United States, where this week is Thanksgiving week… and you are supposed to be grateful. Or pretend that you are.

The more lavish your Thanksgiving, the more money you spend, the more food on the table, the more you do it to cover up that you are pretending. And pretense is the killer of the spirit.

Continue reading “It is the week of Thanksgiving… Why can’t you feel gratitude? Why your thanksgiving is hollow?”

Can you connect to Source through imagining connecting?

I did the first session of the Muscletesting course, version 2 yesterday.

There was a lot of things to unlearn and relearn for the students, things can and do prevent one from being effective in life.

Tons of the memes, everything and its opposite, no clarity.

What is Source. Where is the knowledge coming from when we muscletest for the truth? Is truth stagnant, the same today as it was yesterday? Does anything remain the same as it was yesterday?

The most successful people on earth know that only physical laws, the laws of physics apply here, and you can deal with the rest as appearances. A mirage. Maya. Not solid.

That nothing happens until someone does something… The law of cause and effect. Continue reading “Can you connect to Source through imagining connecting?”

How to access the invisible so you can have more power in your life?

It’s Saturday. The only reason I know it is Saturday because tomorrow I’ll have the first session of Version 2 of the muscletesting course.

And I am afraid. Normal. Anything new, anything threatening with unexpected unknowns creates fear. Normal.

So I stayed in semi-sleep mode an hour longer than my normal getup time… Looking.

I looked at all the relevant invisible elements of my life, to see where I can influence this fear… and how. Not that fear is bad… but I prefer life with less fear. Continue reading “How to access the invisible so you can have more power in your life?”

Why are my articles so hard to understand?

I have been having a difficult time writing enough about any one topic to finish one article… Meaning I have six articles started, and can’t or won’t finish them.

What’s going on?

I am afraid.

That’s new FEARLESS Sophie, tell me more?

Some of the things that are being shown to me recently are polarizing. Dividing people. Will make some, maybe many people angry.

The truth hurts. And when something hurts, it is natural to go to victim mode, effect mode, and point a blaming finger at someone. At me.

So I have been cowardly, and have been sitting on the fence.

But today I think I’ll overcome the inertia, and say what there is to say.

OK, it’s about vibration, capacities, and what you can get or not get, what you can use, what is going to work for you or not, depending on your numbers. 1When I measure your Starting Point Measurements, I give you a recommendation. It is not cookie cutter… I actually look what would be a step that you can take. Occasionally I say: I don’t recommend anything. That is a bad sign… 🙁 Continue reading “Why are my articles so hard to understand?”

Who am I? looking through the filter: who you have become…

The particular filter I am looking through here, answering this question, is the Jim Rohn “you need to change who you are” who.

I cannot see it all, and I can tell you, it is not yet who I need to be so I can have all I want, but I am getting closer.

One of the fundamental shifts in the who is how I relate to doing and results.
Continue reading “Who am I? looking through the filter: who you have become…”