How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book

Originally posted 2011-12-16 15:55:21.

How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book

fence posts, all the same length, none stands out How Evil Grows on Planet Earth: a Feedback on my request to buy my amazon kindle book

In this article I teach you something about yourself that you probably didn’t notice, haven’t known, a way you unwittingly and unintentionally grow Evil and the Dark Side, that you so valiantly fight in other ways…

You can’t catch what you don’t see.

Now you will. Now you can catch it.
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Do Onto Others The Way They Want To Be Done Unto Them

Originally posted 2011-08-26 18:16:42.

Do Onto Others The Way They Want To Be Done Unto Them

how to feel loved, how to feel alive Do Onto Others The Way You Want To Be Done Unto You, or Do Onto Others The Way They Want To Be Done Unto Them? Choose!

At least the past 2,000 years the first saying is said… And it is an interpretation of the “commandment” Love your neighbor as yourself.

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The Dark Side… It exists. What Can You Do About It?

Originally posted 2011-08-02 09:54:40.

The Dark Side… It exists. What Can You Do About It?
The Dark Side… What is the Dark Side?

My concept of the Dark Side has, over time, gone through a lot of changes, from the mundane to the sophisticated.

If you look, we have approximately as much information and clarity about the Dark Side as we have about the dark side of the moon… we can’t see it. We know it’s there… but what’s there? Continue reading “The Dark Side… It exists. What Can You Do About It?”

Who and how Perpetuate The Culture Of Abuse?

Who and how Perpetuate The Culture Of Abuse?

the culture of abuse Who Perpetuates The Culture Of Abuse, The Culture Of Measuring Man And Woman’s Rights Differently? The Men Or The Women Of A Culture?

This is a controversial article. it will offend people. Rattle their. traditions. But unless someone speaks, nothing will change. I am taking on the risk to be that someone… When I see something, I can’t just step over it… OK, kill me now… lol

WTF are you talking about Sophie: of course it is the men! If women ran the world there would be peace… There would be love. There would be trust…

Wrong… please think again. Look again

Continue reading “Who and how Perpetuate The Culture Of Abuse?”

It is the week of Thanksgiving… Why can’t you feel gratitude? Why your thanksgiving is hollow?

This morning I received an email from a young man who paid me to measure his starting point measurements.

He could be speaking for you.

I need to take better care to my physical body. Like you said, drinking more water is the first step.

I don’t take care of my body, and I can’t understand why.

I feel like I’m missing gratitude. I hate to say it but I don’t feel grateful, and I don’t understand why.

Gratitude probably will come up to everyone, at least in the United States, where this week is Thanksgiving week… and you are supposed to be grateful. Or pretend that you are.

The more lavish your Thanksgiving, the more money you spend, the more food on the table, the more you do it to cover up that you are pretending. And pretense is the killer of the spirit.

Continue reading “It is the week of Thanksgiving… Why can’t you feel gratitude? Why your thanksgiving is hollow?”

The spirit only wants that there be flying

The spirit only wants that there be flying

I am sitting here, working… but my mind wanders to the movie August Rush.

I hear the Catholic church’s call for whatever they do at 6 pm… and today I hum with it, I hear it as music. And I remember that I used to hear it as noise.

This brings me to August Rush.

I think, most likely it’s a corny movie. And yet, it is one of the movies I go back to with regularity. And weep.

And I just got what about that movie, August Rush is talking to me. Continue reading “The spirit only wants that there be flying”

The path to freedom and happiness in a world where neither freedom nor happiness are supported

pleasure-principleI have gotten to a point in reading Freud’s book where I am now clear where what he says and what I know to be effective in facilitating happiness in humans.

Here is what is going on… psychologically, socially, and maybe even genetically, though that is too deep for my current understanding.

Humans are animals, with the same drives any animal has: the drive to procreate and the drive to aggression to everyone who seems to stand in their way.

Sounds simplistic, but it’s that simple.
Continue reading “The path to freedom and happiness in a world where neither freedom nor happiness are supported”

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself or The Evil Eye

love your neighbor as yourself The Commandment: Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

Some people are connected, yet they teach Tree of Knowledge stuff.

One such historical figure was Rabbi Akiva Ben Joseph. He was a Rabbinic sage. There is always one rabbinic sage in any generation in an area… he was active in Jerusalem. A rabbinic sage is a thought leader.

Rabbi Akiva was connected to source. He connected deeply and long. But he taught from the knowledge of the world.

Continue reading “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself or The Evil Eye”

Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

There is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. If darkness ever takes over for a moment, in that moment light will be reborn. Continue reading “Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths”

Divinity: Can you activate divinity that’s not there?

Divinity: Can you activate divinity that’s not there?

My early attempts to activate divinity were complete failures.

It wasn’t a course: it was a process. I called it ‘The Juice Process’ at the time, and have done it either one-on-one, or two or three-on-one. I had two ‘apprentices’ to learn the process. That’s why the one or two other people were on the call in addition to the client and myself. Continue reading “Divinity: Can you activate divinity that’s not there?”