You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?

You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?
you create your own realityDoes it serve you to have a personal reality?

You may know that I have been talkingĀ  a lot about flexibility. And how important flexibility is. How essential flexibility is for you to be able to change your mind. To get out of the rut your mind has taken you and is keeping you in.

Without you knowing why you can’t grow. Why you can’t be happy. Why you don’t feel successful, productive. and why you don’t have ease and grace in life. Continue reading “You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?”

Living life as an experiment is an attitude. It is an approach to life… Unemotional

I haven’t been feeling well. I feel dumb, I don’t remember what I am talking about, I am foggy. I don’t remember names like normal, and in the evening I just want to sleep, instead of reading.

I could be worrying, and I am hovering on the border of worry and “this is what it is”…

I could ask “what’s wrong”, but that would lead to a fix-it mode… and I am not interested in that.

Instead I am saying: this has been an experiment, this is an experiment, albeit an unplanned one… Let’s see what we can see, what we can learn from this experiment?

Obviously this is not a question most people think to ask. In the age of reacting, in the age of thinking we know everything, we are asking stupider and stupider questions, and get ourselves into deep trouble.

So, if you can learn my methodology: that methodology, that attitude is the key that whatever and whoever has been trying to kill me, hasn’t been able to. Had it been you, I assert, you would be dead already. Or wish you were…

OK, so here is what I have done: Continue reading “Living life as an experiment is an attitude. It is an approach to life… Unemotional”

The Christmas season water story… standing on one foot…

The Christmas season water story… standing on one foot…

I live in Syracuse, NY. The city is one hour south of Canada. The energy came from the North Pole… or the Arctic Circle? Swept through Canada… and came as far as Syracuse, for sure.

Over the 12 days leading up to Christmas and up till this morning the water energizing method didn’t work. Or more precisely said: the water lost its coherence faster than the energizer could energize… and therefore the people who were drinking the water lost their cell hydration. Me included.

My cell hydration dropped from 70% to 7%.

I hadn’t experienced that, first hand, for a few years now. I saw and felt it from others. But not on myself.

When your cell hydration is low, it is like you are living your life standing and hobbling along on one foot. The slightest force topple you over… or threatens to topple you over. Continue reading “The Christmas season water story… standing on one foot…”

Vibrational Review: Muse – the brain sensing headband… a meditation device, Ariel Garten and Jordan Peterson

The idea for the Muse came from Ariel Garten, personal vibration 120, a Canadian entrepreneur… curiously deserving a Wikipedia entry, while Dr. Joel Wallach hasn’t. Ugh. Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Muse – the brain sensing headband… a meditation device, Ariel Garten and Jordan Peterson”

Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners

Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners

I am on my eighth round of the 67 steps.

Obviously I am following what I learned when I was nine: you can spend a whole vacation reading a book, a lifetime listening and working with 67 audios and not get bored with it.

Or the way Bruce Lee says the same thing: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

I have grown more in these 19 months than in any similar period in my life.


Most people I watch are not present to what they are doing: it is habitual, which means mindless, stuck, plateaued. Continue reading “Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners”

Can you change the world by changing yourself?

Can you change the world by changing yourself?

The question in the title is as vague as a question can be vague…

But it is still a good question.

If you look at yourself, you, I bet, knew what the question was, even though none of the words are clear, and mean one and specific, discrete thing… at all.

This is one of the reasons your accurate vocabulary measure is so low, in the Starting Point Measurements. You think you know what words mean… and you don’t even suspect that they don’t mean that… 1

OK, I am not going to take the question apart, you can do it in your own time, instead I’ll attempt to make the question clear… accurate… one-meaning.

If you change your inner world, what you honor, what you value and in what order: will that effect the outside world, other people’s behavior, people who aren’t even aware of you?

Continue reading “Can you change the world by changing yourself?”

Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

I can feel the wind, but I am not the wind. I can hear the voices and I am not the voices.

The above is a quote from one of my students who has raised his vibration, even though his soul correction is one of the difficult five.

Thinking that the voices are significant, engaging with the voices makes us schizophrenic, as if we were many people.

Thoughts, voices, are like the wind. If you start to listening to the wind as if it talked to you, you go crazy. The wind takes over your life, starts running your life, and you go crazy.

The wind whispers, the wind sings. It has nothing to do with you. And so is with all the thoughts.

Hoping for a silent mind is like hoping that everything is given to you without you having to do anything. Really.

Wanting life to be different than it is.

No one can promise you an easy life. No such thing.

The only authentic promise anyone can make is make you a match to life.
Continue reading “Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life”