3rd level?


I want to address a widespread issue I see in self-improvement with a lot of people.

People struggle, and their results are minimal, nothing to write home about. Or they get a result and then nothing… even what they got goes away.

Part of the reason you struggle, is you’re trying to advance to a level you’re not yet ready for.

Instead of trying to master one thing at a time, you try several things…

… and end up mastering none.

What are the levels I am talking about?
Continue reading “3rd level?”

Why is it that you don’t like yourself, and your life?

Why is it that you don’t like yourself, and your life?

drinkingMore conspiracy theories that can open your eyes

Could you identify the many ways you don’t like yourself and your life?

Most likely, these areas are areas where conspiracy distorted your behavior, distorted your thinking, distorted your expectations.

Consciously, willfully, with malicious intent.
Continue reading “Why is it that you don’t like yourself, and your life?”

What do you need to do to raise your vibration?

suck-it-upMary asks: what do I need to do to raise my vibration?

To be able to answer that question, we need to agree on what the vibrational number indicates.

What does the vibrational number indicate?

Unfortunately, unlike a speedometer that only measures one thing: speed, unlike a thermometer, that only measures one thing, temperature, the vibrational scale measures a lot more.

And the Anna Karenina principle starts kicking in: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Or the way Aristotle expressed it: For men are good in but one way, but bad in many.
Continue reading “What do you need to do to raise your vibration?”

How to be with The things you can’t be with

How to be with The things you can’t be with

dwelling-on-the-negativeI got a really great question yesterday from a student.

He asks: Is it possible to be with what you can’t accept, killing, rape, and such? And how do you do it without jeopardizing your personal values, your personal integrity, and at the same time still be able to be happy and not be mired in the dark energies of hatred?

This is a really great question. After all isn’t the world REALLY divided to right and wrong? Good or bad? And wouldn’t it put you on the side of bad and wrong if you accepted what you don’t agree with, what you don’t like, what you abhor?

The answer to the question, as almost always, is hidden in the question.

It takes a shift of vantage point.
Continue reading “How to be with The things you can’t be with”

Is how you feel an accurate indicator of your vibration?

Is how you feel an accurate indicator of your vibration?


Please check the special offer on the mini speaker that sounds like a Bose (the best audio I know). Also a great gift! Harmonize your vibration included!

Dr David Hawkins says that your mood indicated your vibration aka consciousness level. Is that accurate?

Continue reading “Is how you feel an accurate indicator of your vibration?”

Are you addicted to learning more and more?

Are you addicted to learning more and more?

simply-buying-online-red-300x153Are you addicted to learning more and more and more? Do you use what you learn?

Do you ever wonder why you are sometimes filled with energy and ambition, at other times you don’t want to do anything new?

I am not talking about an emotional cyclicity here, like you have in bipolar, I mean your activity level is fluctuating…

One of the reason can be what I call accumulation and consolidation.
Continue reading “Are you addicted to learning more and more?”

A typical day of this empath… energies, connection, more

A typical day of this empath… energies, connection, more

dna difference between dogsI often find out what I have and what it does, from students, or by accident. Also some of the things are theories until proven by enough empirical data… Continue reading “A typical day of this empath… energies, connection, more”

Energies Part 3 The documentary “Water: The Great Mystery” an analysis and vibrational review.

water-the-great-mystery1-300x450I just watched and listened to the documentary “Water the Great Mystery” at the recommendation of one of my students. 1 . It’s 6 parts, so watch them on youtube.

The movie is 40% accurate, the rest is misleading or is outright misdirection.

A felt that the underlying intention, from the beginning, was propaganda… a strong agenda. I first thought it’s to sell water equipment to the people, but it turned out to be more religious misdirection. Regardless whether the researchers had anything truthful, the assembly of the fragmented information, the “masterful” mixing or religious propaganda made the valuable content a vibrational level of miserable 180.

Now, is it worth for you to watch it? Probably not. Why? Because you are far below the level where the capacity “discerning” lives, which is 499.
Continue reading “Energies Part 3 The documentary “Water: The Great Mystery” an analysis and vibrational review.”

Ten signs that you are on the path of spiritual awakening

I know your spirituality is a private matter, but your generosity, or the lack thereof, unfortunately, very visible to all, and felt by you: stinginess feels bad, trust me I have been there.

Sharing is generous. Especially when you don’t want to… Almost as effective in raising your vibration as the secret tool I have shared before, validation.

Ten signs that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening:
Continue reading “Ten signs that you are on the path of spiritual awakening”

Vibrational Review: Tamra Oviatt and sacredactivation.com

Vibrational Review: Tamra Oviatt and sacredactivation.com

I had a reader send me a comment, complaining of a sudden deterioration of health and connection after she connected to Tamra Oviatt.

Here is a vibrational review of Tamra Oviatt:

tamra oviatt vibrational reviewI went to her site, and looked around. I did not connect… if she put an attachment on the reader, she’ll doubly put an attachment on me…

She changed her website, got better pictures, lost some weight, but she and her site still puts an attachment on you… it did just a few minutes ago. Luckily I can feel it and can remove it. Smack onto my Tangerine Spot.

My educated guess is that she is a Dark Side Practitioner and my recommendation: stay away from her, unless you like the Dark Side and it resonates with you. Like attracts like.

Her site says: “Unplug from the collective consciousness…” but you have to be plugged in some consciousness… and her choice is to plug you to the Dark Side.

I may have a chance to remove the “plug” I call attachment, and I’ll let you know what else I find.