Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization

Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization
  • Lisa Nichols and creative visualizationI like Lisa Nichols. Maybe the only self-improvement person I actually like. Why do I like her? Because she feels real to me. Does that mean that what she teaches work? No, it doesn’t. Does that mean that she has high vibration? No, it doesn’t.Her personal vibration was 200 a week ago, and is 170 today. What happened? She has expected her launch with MindValley to go better… I am guessing, I have no connection to Lisa Nichols.
  • What does a dip in vibration like this mean?

    It means that Lisa Nichols, at least as far as her business goes, lives fully on the horizontal plane, and poor success in a product launch is now effecting her. Should it? No…

    This was one of the last barriers to inner peace that I managed to pull: making my feeling and inner peace depend on my numbers, on my results, on my feedback. It rendered me a dog that is wagged by its tail. It was horrible… Now that I am rid of it, I have reliable 24/7 inner peace.
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Effortless Abundance: side effects, feedback, meditation

Effortless Abundance: side effects, feedback, meditation

Effortless Abundance Activator: Allow abundance to reach you: feel abundance, release tension, release longing, jealousy, envy, greed, resistance and gain power in your life. The remedy contains 168 different transformative energies that effect a different area of life and a different area of your personality. Removes the effects of stress, failure, fear, anxiety and replace them with peace and well-being. Energy medicine: no medical claims, no chemicals, no voodoo. True and tried. Unconditionally guaranteed to work.

New: I have added a non-alcoholic version of this remedy on Amazon.

Unexpected side effects to Effortless Abundance Activator

I didn’t expect results and changes the way they happened. I thought they would be gentle, gradual. It didn’t happen that way for me. It was more like I wanted want more light, and I meant another light bulb, well within my comfort zone, but what I got is the whole cloudless sky. Overwhelming.
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The art and science of calling the shots…

The art and science of calling the shots…

Context: A thing or idea is better distinguished by what it is not than by what it is.

Well distinguished vs. poorly distinguished behavior

For example, the 10 commandments (from the Old Testament): some of the commandments are worded just right, you know exactly what to do and what not to do.

For example,

  1. Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. It sounds really great… but what does honoring exactly mean?As many answers as many people… not clear.
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The Capacity Of Having: The Most Important Capacity Of All

buddha had the capacity of having, the capacity of allowingThis article will leave you disbelieving that I know you at all… after all you think you know yourself.

But if you allow me to crack the dense bubble you live in, just a little bit, and show you how exercising this capacity will change your life to the better, maybe, and just maybe, you will allow me to get the work done with you…

Why would you resist? Because we all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is. But having is possessing, and not doing… and therein lies the mischief.
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Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?

Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?

dna upgradeHuman DNA, DNA upgrade… did you get it? Did you want to get it? What the heck is DNA upgrade?

For most of my life I knew I did not care. But no matter how bad that felt, I still could not care. I thought I was the worst person alive, a bad bad bad person. I was sure everybody else could care, only I could not.

I didn’t know, that caring was not part of my DNA.

But as I was raising my vibration, at some point I experienced caring. In a way I invented caring.

Maybe I wasn’t the first person to care, but I was now part of a very small minority. The people who can care, who can love, who can respect. But I still didn’t know I was different. I thought I just became like everyone else, finally. Continue reading “Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?”

The gap between who you are and who you say you are

The gap between who you are and who you say you are

fake-smileThe gap between who you are and who you say (pretend) you are causes stress. Most of us have lofty ideals and mediocre (at best) actions…

This is why noted gurus, healers, coaches, teachers have a low vibration.

You, the person seeking enlightenment, peace, healing, or success, expect the person who teaches you to know it all, be all, and never have any negative feelings, to not be like you. Continue reading “The gap between who you are and who you say you are”

How does the Energizer energize the water? Energized Water Explained

goose-waterskiingWater is the most godly creation right after human being. It is capable of carrying any energy, and carry it without any distortions. Water is loving with no agenda of its own.

It’s hard to imagine, but the water that we consume isn’t coherent 1. It’s much like unkempt hair: full of knots, lacking shine, sticky.

Why is that? Is it because of the impurities of the water? Yes and no.

In our hair analogy, the foreign substances, solids, gases, and other chemicals, are like the knots in the hair: they force the water molecules to seal the impurities off: the water doesn’t want to be soiled.

But the most important reason for our natural or tap water’s incoherence is its spin. (spin is a lot like curly hair: each hair follicle tells the individual hair which way the spiral should go, left or right.)

Water is highest in its coherence and its energy when it’s left-spin. Each molecule. Consistently, through and through. That is when it is at 650 vibration.

But reasons that we can only guess, (the impurity of the human mind feels most accurate, second guess is the cause of the Great Flood: the Earth spin got reversed, all guessing!) water’s spin is reversed… it is largely incoherent.

Imagine your hair: each hair follicle instructs the hair to curl in a slightly different direction. The resulting hair is much like a bale of hay: no rhyme and reason, and no beauty. A big mess… Like your bad hair day? lol.

That’s how our drinking water looks when you can see it, energetically. Twirling, like sewage.
Continue reading “How does the Energizer energize the water? Energized Water Explained”

From surviving life to real living… add the big picture

From surviving life to real living… add the big picture

the-big-pictureWhatever works… Or how to go from surviving life to real living by expanding your horizons to the big picture

You can’t argue with results… yet, we (you and I) catch ourselves not ever looking at the results, instead we look at something else… Continue reading “From surviving life to real living… add the big picture”

A Rant: The Frustrations of a Teacher

frustrated rantingRanting: I use the word ranting as a reference to the original Ranters, nonconformist dissidents, one of many radical groups in seventeenth century England. We live in similarly turbulent times.

This article will probably offend you. I apologize if it does… though that just proves my point, lol, not funny. My intent isn’t to offend you, my intent to move you out of your smugness, your sureness, your “I already know” attitude… So hopefully you can learn something new.

It is hard to have compassion for the person who is frustrated with you, who is angry at you. It requires you to be able to move, at will, from your periphery, where you live, to your real self, to your core… And that is exactly what you have been unable to do… So you will be offended… but now you know why…

So, here is the rant:

Most people will never learn to muscletest accurately. Why? Because when you unconsciously, unawares live in your mind, you will muscletest from the mind, and that is as good as a guess, you don’t need to muscletest. Whatever the mind knows is useless… for the purposes of deciding truth or false. Works or doesn’t… Should you buy or should you not.

What is this mind-thing? Most people (you) live in their mind most of the time, you equate yourself with your mind, you run the whole business of living from your mind. Your results are the results consistent with using the mind to live your life.

To the extent that you live in your mind, to the extent that you are miserable, ineffective, disappointed in life, people, relationship, etc.

Let me use an analogy: It’s like this: you wouldn’t identify yourself with your car, you use your car. You use it to get from place to place.
Continue reading “A Rant: The Frustrations of a Teacher”

Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person

Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person

Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person

People can’t hear what you say, ever. They “hear” what they think you are saying. What you said went through a set of filters, stuff was taken away, stuff was added.

I, sometimes, get a comment here and there, that reflect it more than others. Mikolaj’s comment is an example: “She’s married and a mother right now, no hiding there, as far as I know. Why the ‘before’?”

The article she is commenting on is my second review of Teal Scott Bosworth. I revisited her, and found, for the second time, that her life-story that explains how come she is an indigo child, is a fabrication.

Now, she may be an indigo child, Source doesn’t seem to know about indigo children, so there you have it.

She may have special abilities that don’t show up for me, but what she doesn’t seem to have is the ability and the results she promises.
Continue reading “Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person”