How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?


How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?

This is an important question, that I have not answered publicly yet, so here you are…

What raises your vibration is the spiritual practice that you are being nudged to do by the activator, and not the activator itself.

Each activator works on a certain level of your consciousness.

I will use, again, the analogy of a highrise building to demonstrate how this works:

Most people, when they come to me, live, fully, in the basement of their being. Nowadays I have received requests from people that are, at least partially, on the ground floor.
Continue reading “How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?”

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… And you can…

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… Updated

water doesn't exist for the fishThis article is from 2014…

Often anything can kick you into the horizontal plane 1 . I got kicked into it… the horizontal plane, and now I am working my way off… it is not that easy. I can’t even connect to muscletest… the horizontal plane is sticky. It wants you, all of you. It eats your life for breakfast.

Let me explain: Humanity (you!) lives on the horizontal plane at this stage of evolution. It is both the starting point and the end state…

On the horizontal plane everything is about comparison. More, better, different…

The good old days…
I want what they have, because I don’t have it… and I want it.
Continue reading “Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… And you can…”

Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?

Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car on a long trip. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions. but I was eminently suited: instead of just talking about it, instead of writing about, I can actually verify the “findings”, verify or un-verify the theories by feeling. Continue reading “Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?”

Raise your vibration? It’s a Hero’s Journey

katara water benderIf you are here, I know a thing or two about you.

One of the most important things I know is that you are smart. That you have earned to be here. You have tried a lot of other teachers or gurus or methods or tools to get what you want: more energy, better decisions, more love, more peace, a sense of meaning in your life.

There is no way to throw a dart and get to the right solution, every mistake you make, every wrong turn, wrong decision, believing false promises, falling pray to money-sucking gurus or cults have caused you to get here, zig-zag.

The more often you have been disappointed, the more hopeless it seemed, the more of your funds were eaten up, the smarter you have become, and the more ready you have become to actually see your way, do your work. You haven’t given up. Good. Continue reading “Raise your vibration? It’s a Hero’s Journey”

You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio

You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio

I don’t quite know why it works so well, but it does. So let me try to decipher. and see why it works, what it does, how it creates such a dramatic difference in your energy level… OK?

As usual, my students, volunteering to be guinea pigs, tested it. And this morning I connected to them and measured their cell hydration… and the numbers are proof: the audio works directly on their cell water level, meaning the cells are willing to use more water because more water is coherent inside your body.

Coherence is like the difference between orderly and chaotic. Cells are not willing to use chaotic, incoherent water. Coherence, just like boiling point, is at a set level of energy: 653 on the vibrational scale. Being that natural waters found on the planet are between 150 and 250 vibration, it takes a lot of energy to make water coherent. Continue reading “You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio”

Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

energize your body while you are doing other things water energizer audioUpdate 10/5/2018: I didn’t realize this when ‘i wrote this article: I should have tested the energizer audio’s effect on my cell hydration, not direct download from source.

What is the difference?

When I download the energy into the water a five gallon container gets energized to coherence in less than a minute. Using the audio it takes between 48 hours and 72 hours… so9 that means that the audio does not raise your cell hydration directly. oops, my bad.

Do the remedy creating audios work on your body too? Does the Water Energizer energize your cells directly?

I haven’t heard this question in a long time, which is interesting.

Regardless, I tested it.

Because 60% of your body is water, some body parts more, if you listen to the audios through headphones they get infused in your body.

How did I test it?

I just downloaded the Water Energizer energy into my body. I measured my cell hydration before, in the middle, and after.

My cell hydration number was 30% when I started, and it rose to 70%.

Continue reading “Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?”

Headphone special offers… limited quantity. USA address only.

Headphone special offers… limited quantity. USA address only.

Have been thinking of getting something for yourself?

I have two limited special offers for you:

I just re-ordered a bunch of headphones… and have only one, a black one… So I won’t have this available unless you are willing to wait…

Deal #1:

Get get the whole 67 steps on a chip shipped to you with the best headphones I have ever owned

Continue reading “Headphone special offers… limited quantity. USA address only.”

The missing science so you can start mastering your beingness: the Real Kabbalah

The missing science so you can start mastering your beingness: the Real Kabbalah

Today’s “What’s the truth about you?” workshop is the first experiment to get to beingness through feelings.

The challenge, for the participant, is to accurately feel their feelings, and maybe even what the feeling wants them to do, the inner dynamics.

My experience is that despite what everyone teaches, you cannot get to what you want through words. But you can get to what you want through the feelings level and the through feelings level to the beingness level: the creative plane.

If the “Law of Attraction” or the “Law of Similars” has any water to hold, if being in energetic alignment with what you want does actually allow you to go for it, having, use it, keep it, then this is the most important skill you want to develop. Continue reading “The missing science so you can start mastering your beingness: the Real Kabbalah”

The most frequent energy leak that holds you back

The most frequent energy leak that holds you back

I just realized that I left out one of the most frequent energy leaks, need leaks from the last article.

And that is the minuscule pleasure you gain when you feel clever, when you feel you got one over someone, when you are told you are clever.

Or maybe that you are pretty. Maybe some other compliment, that you are put together. Or that you do a good job. Or that someone pays attention to you. It is all the same bait.

Any compliment that you find important.

You are the guy/gal who, when you do the five questions exercise, you pay attention to the positive feedback. When you listen to me: you are waiting for the positive feedback… and hear none of the negative, or if you do, you grieve about it, but won’t change a thing.

You are a whore for little pleasures, ego boost, ego gratification, ego stroking.

You sold who you could be for a bowl of lentils. Bowl of lentils or whatever it was that Esau sold his firstborn right to Jacob for.

You always thought he was stupid, he was greedy… but he was you.

As long as you are hooked on this pleasure/release, you’ll never amount to anything… guaranteed. Because anything worth achieving requires you to control the release… to bear with discomfort, to hold your peepee, so to say.

To be someone who can handle it.

I am lucky. My parents never complimented me, so I never thought I was clever and I never thought that I don’t have to work for things.

They did tell my two brothers, though. And both of them suffered because of it.

One married someone who pushed him, the other one married someone who didn’t.

Their lives turned out as different as their wives…

And me? I worked my ass off, got into trouble, got thrown out, was rich, was poor, went from country to country, learned seven languages, and here I am, attempting to teach you something that can change your life, that can return you to the path of becoming a person, to fulfill the Original Design.

Obviously my chances are between slim and none.

Because to change, you need to make a huge and consistent effort to take more and more discomfort, more and more pain, without trying to fix it.

Do you want to? I don’t feel that you are… but I am willing to be surprised.

Some of you are… to some degree.

One of the tests is what you do with the guidance you get from me about your health.

If you do well with it, then you probably will do well with everything.

If you don’t… well, we know that how you do anything is how you do everything.

One good sign I have: the new clients are a whole new breed. And with them I think I can start a revolution.

The old clients, nearly all came at the time when it seemed that what I am about is doing it for you… energy healing and such.

Or: just connect to Source and get everything you wanted.

Laughable. But you see I had to get clearer myself… and I have to admit it to you and to myself that I didn’t know how to take you to the promised land, to Heaven on Earth, because a lot of knowledge was still missing.

And my hunch is there is still a lot missing. But the truth value of what I am teaching is climbing steadily.

And it’s a journey. If you are waiting for someone who knows everything you’ll get someone who pretends that they know everything… just like you have.

Feeling totally stupid… not being able to learn something

Feeling totally stupid… not being able to learn something

it always seems impossibleBeing told that you are stupid is one thing. Feeling totally stupid because your cannot seem to be learning something that you need… is that same thing plus.

I haven’t often experienced this before…

I had a real hard time learning Arabic. Danish was another challenge.

Then I had an impossible time learning basic programming: I had to do the class three times to get it.
Continue reading “Feeling totally stupid… not being able to learn something”