Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom

Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom

Consolation vs. Transformation?

This may be the first time you’ll read about anything like this: arm yourself: it won’t be pleasant news.

Most everything that you can get or buy today is consolation. Their function is that you bear being a slave, being a wreck easier. Like Soma in Brave New World.

Health care, mental care, emotional care, all the so-called transformational, energy, healing, meditation programs are all consolation.

Continue reading “Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom”

Anxiety is spiritual. My energy audios can zap your anxiety

Anxiety is spiritual. My energy audios can zap your anxiety

here and now anxiety Being here and now has been a favorite topic of all the gurus.

What is a guru? A guru is a person who can teach. I said teach, I didn’t say just talk!

All the gurus I know are big talkers.

What is the difference between talking and teaching?

Continue reading “Anxiety is spiritual. My energy audios can zap your anxiety”

Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to stay or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.
Continue reading “Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness”

Your Dark Side: Desire To Receive For The Self Alone, Cutting Your Nose In Spite Of Your Face

All religions are against selfishness. All parents, all people tell you that you are a better person if you are about others rather than being about you.

The problem with this universally accepted principle is that we actually don’t know what we are talking about. It seems that what we are asked is to be selfless, to give up our selves, our self-interest.

Selfless can mean two things, both are a crime, a sin 1 , a horrible thing giving you a horrible life:
  • 1. We now have and know no self. This is a widespread phenomenon 2 in this day and age, and I was a victim of this phenomenon for many decades.

I literally did not know what I liked, what I wanted, what turned me on, what floated my boat, what I was excited about, what would have I wanted.

I knew fairly well what I didn’t like, but just like with everything, there are a thousand ways to miss the bulls eye, but only one way to hit it.

Knowing who you are, what you want, what turns you on, what ticks you off, what your preferences are, what your values are is mandatory, if you want to be on the path to become a human being.

Without that you are just unconscious sheep. 3

  • 2. Giving up your own life, on your own life, on your own interest, on your own enjoyment, on your own fulfillment… for others’ life, interest, enjoyment, fulfillment, whatever…

You cannot be a human being giving away your own life: it is against your nature, you are suppressing your nature, and anything suppressed will get its due: you either will go crazy, sick, or raging angry at the most inopportune times.

It is only your ego, the one that says: “but I am good…” enjoys it.

Human Being, (not just by looks and physiology, but by consciousness,) a Human Being, takes 100% responsibility for his physiology, for his needs, and takes care of those, without abusing anyone, without taking away anything that belongs to someone else.

A real Human Being does not suppress: instead uses his intelligence to express the needs, fulfill the need at appropriate times and in appropriate places.

You need to own that you are built on animal body, and consciousness, nothing will change that.

Making your nature wrong kills you, kills your body, kills your spirituality, but feeds your ego.
Unless you are Self-ish, your life won’t matter. Your self-expression will be pretentious and fake, or non-existent. Your creative powers will be un-expressed, unused, or frittered away.

Now, let me talk about something that no one talks about: another price of suppression: ego.

Ego, in its eagerness to make you special, make you successful, is doing a horrible number on you.

All Soul Corrections deal with this very issue: I am going to explain it here.

Desire to receive for the self alone is what modern psychology calls ego. Ego desire. Being right, making the other wrong, dominating, avoiding domination, avoiding responsibility, and all the other ego moves. 4

Instead of being Self-ish, (knowing who you are, knowing what is your unique expression, knowing what you need and what you want, without EVER violating another’s right for the same) you have suppressed Self-ishness, and now you feel justified to trample on other people’s rights, interfere with their lives, or withhold what you would naturally give them.

I can see this clearly in conversations, namely in all podcasts, all Playground partner calls… It is so obvious to me, so invisible to the offending person.

Most of your life is about gaining power over others… a clear violation of the base law which is: you can have anything you want without taking away another’s right for self-determination, for fulfilling their purpose, to earn their living, to live in peace and happiness.

Your main ambition in life seems to be making people miserable, upset, feel bad about themselves, get sick, lose the will to live.

I mean it. This is your main occupation, your main, albeit hidden purpose in life, unless you are Self-ish.

When you are Self-ish, you are busy creating, you are busy Self-expressing, or just living.

People suffer servitude, or animosity around you, and you pretend that you have nothing to do with it.

You won’t really do anything else, lest they have some fun, some benefit, feel like they can just live their lives. No, you won’t allow that!

Let me give you a recent example:

I have recently released a revolutionary audio recording, called Harmonize The Planet. Originally it was meant, like the name suggests, for harmonizing the planet. I asked people to join in and I was collecting a “donation” to be able to make a difference in the world.

Making a difference in the world is something very important to me, given that humanity has accelerated the pace with which it is destroying life on the planet. And there are not a lot of people whose activity can make a difference in that arena. I was excited that I could create something, and I thought that people will be excited to be able to contribute. After all this is OUR planet. And I supposed that my readership consisted of high-minded people.

Then something unexpected happened: the audio turned out to be doing two other things, on the level of the individual, things I didn’t know it would do or even could do..

  • It turned out to be an effective antidote for the common anguish and anxiety… Trust me, I had tried everything before, and nothing worked like this audio.
  • The second thing that it does is even more valuable. You see, to go to the next evolutionary level, humans need to use the mind as a tool, instead of being used by the mind… like puppets.

People use their minds to understand things, to listen, to see, to see what they feel. The mind is not a suitable tool for that, so people are completely cut off from reality, and the culprit is the predominance of the mind.

This audio, The Harmonizer, shuts up the mind. It creates a welcome pause, a silence, in which the Beyond can talk to you, in which you can contemplate who you are, in which you can feel your feelings, listen to your inner guidance, hear what others are saying, or just rest.

The audio cost a pittance, but only my students were buying it.

When I muscletested why other readers don’t buy it, I got that people resent that they have to pay for others’ benefit. They’d rather stay anguished, or riddled with a busy mind, lest others benefit from what they are doing.

Now, whether they are thinking of their mother-in-law, their “best” friend, I don’t know. I know one thing: if it benefits another, as well as them, they don’t want it.

Here is another example:

Some 25 years ago I had a lover. Every time I wanted to have sex, he refused. He said he felt used. He said that I was asking for it because it was good for me.

What he could not see, did not see, is that he, a man, always enjoyed sex, whether I did or not. But he preferred that he was the only one enjoying it.

Somehow it made him feel better if he was the only beneficiary of the “act.”

The people that say: no, “I won’t buy the Harmonize The Planet audio, because it also helps others,” are just like this one-time boy friend of mine.

A direct result of pretending all your life to be generous and selfless… while you withhold yourself and wish everyone dead around you, so you can finally have your day.Get your Harmonizer audio

PS: Misery loves company, the crab bucket are examples of desire to receive for the self alone. Each soul correction has their unique way of sucking the life out of life… maybe I should write an article about that. Do you know what is your soul-correction?

On Breathing: difficulty breathing, pressure in the chest…

On Breathing: difficulty breathing, pressure in the chest…

On Breathing: difficulty breathing, pressure in the chest, holding your breath, etc… how the harmonize works

I have started a brand new thread on breathing. Why?

It seems that all our emotional issues first manifest themselves in the difficulty of breathing, and only after a period of that will the physical issues of stomach trouble, heart trouble, cancers of all kinds will start to show up as a result of the blockage of the breath.

I have known, for some time, that I am supposed to help, but my tools were imperfect: if the blockage of the breath came from a single feeling, like simple reactive anxiety, or simple reactive fear, or worry, or impatience, or a moment of shame or guilt… the Heaven on Earth worked miracles.

On the other hand, until recently, when the blockage came from an attitude, a fixed attitude, the Heaven on Earth did not help, whether you got it in drops or in energy format directly from me on a call.

Until recently, I said, because the Harmonize Your Vibration (used to be called Harmonize The Planet) audio has changed it all. It seems to shake the status quo and dislodge those long-stuck fixed attitudes, and people are able to move in areas where they were stuck.

One result I saw, with myself, is that I have started to walk the hill again after I started to play the audio, and now I am up to five times a week… I wasn’t willing to walk for about five years prior to that, so this is a big deal.

Anyway, I wrote an article on that new thread, check it out… or you are not into reading more, but want to attack your discomfort in life at the root, get the Harmonize your Vibration audio: it harmonizes your vibration to mine…

Dreams: scary dreams, guiding dreams, fear vs intuition

Dreams: scary dreams, guiding dreams, fear vs intuition

I use everything for guidance. My method of guidance is one of the magicians of The Soaring Method use for guidance. (Carlos Castaneda demonstrates it well in his Journey to Ixtlan… He calls the two, signs and omen.) But the inner guide, the intelligence that you need to develop and then communicate with, the part of you that sees with 360 degree cone of vision, sees the Big Picture. Your intellect, your eyes, your mind can only see a narrow cone of vision.

Being guided, to see the signs, takes awareness, sober awareness. You can’t be sheep: you need to stay aware and awake. Continue reading “Dreams: scary dreams, guiding dreams, fear vs intuition”

Intelligence vs Intellect… Shared Intelligence

Intelligence vs Intellect… Shared Intelligence

I have been on a roll this past few days… I have received all these insights. Amazing.

The last insight in this series is about intelligence.

I have discovered a few things, just today… listen up.

Intelligence is not yours. It is not mine. It is shared. It is like air: if you breathe, it is yours. If you hold your breath, it is not yours.

Imagine a kitchen sink. Most kitchen sinks are designed to be used by one person. If you want to wash dishes, no one can help you with the work: it is either you or them.

Same is with intelligence. Intelligence is waiting for your beck and call, meaning it is always available. You aren’t.

Why wouldn’t you? After all, intelligence is a lot smarter than you, it has your best interest in mind!

Unfortunately, your mind and your ego, your egomind can’t tolerate watching someone being smarter… better, cannot tolerate seeing someone winning, graceful… oh no! To the egomind it means that IT is less… and there is no way IT hell he will allow it. So egomind jumps in and attempts to do all the things, poorly, for the glory of doing it ITself.

Intelligence is not available when your mind and ego are there…

How did I discover this? Playing computer games. Egomind wants to play, win or lose it doesn’t matter to egomind, as long as it can be busy playing.

I have been training myself to step aside and allow intelligence to play (and win every time!) for about five years now. I have trained myself to be willing to catch when I want to force my will, and pull back.

What is the difference between intelligence and intellect?
Continue reading “Intelligence vs Intellect… Shared Intelligence”

How do you live your life to develop intelligence? Intelligence is the end of anguish and anxiety

How do you live your life to develop intelligence? Intelligence is the end of anguish and anxiety

Intelligence is operational when there is no thinking, there are no thoughts. You can only detect that intelligence is growing by detecting that there are less thoughts.

One of the main causes of anxiety and anguish is living through the mind, not ever being in the present moment, not ever being in the here-and-now. You can only be intelligent in the here-and-now. Any departure from the now moment causes anguish and unintelligent ways of living and making decisions.

One of the things my Activate Divinity Course (closed) accomplishes is returning people to being whole and complete. It is almost impossible to be intelligent unless you are reasonable whole and complete, no parts suppressed, no aspects of you abandoned, denied.

The Harmonize The Planet meditation with the Heaven on Earth energy bundle is a great way to prepare yourself to be able to start the work of becoming whole and complete.

How did it happen, that in spite of my formal education (21 years total), I still managed to pull through with some intelligence intact? Not mentioning 27 years of Landmark Education, a 100% intellectual pursuit… When I look at landmark graduates, I see people waiting for someone else to give it to them, or repeating what they have already heard. Second-handers’ galore.
Continue reading “How do you live your life to develop intelligence? Intelligence is the end of anguish and anxiety”

The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?

The Path to Enlightenment:  an inside affair?

I love movies where humans seem to be endowed with supernatural capabilities. They are fun, and they give hope to people. For me they show the possibility of being a human being, shows me what’s possible, what kind of being is possible for human beings.

Hope in those supernatural beings, like in all saviors, allows humanity to be wretched, to buy time, to live below its potential, to live in hate, to live in pretense, to live in unreality, to never have to take responsibility for who we are and how we are. Continue reading “The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?”

Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama

Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama
Drama is a human phenomenon. Animals, trees, don’t know drama. Nature doesn’t know drama. Existence doesn’t know drama.

Drama is the result of ego-mind.

If you closed your eyes, and managed, for a moment, pulling your attention back from the future, and pulling your attention back from the past, you would get to a space, I call existence. Existence is not part of the time/space continuum, existence is part of the beyond. Continue reading “Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama”