I’ve been weeping for an hour or so. It is the tears of the soul.
The trigger: thinking of Billy Elliot, well known to many: where the spirit had a chance to fully express itself through a human: a rare phenomenon: we seem to have a hard time hearing the gently nudging of the spirit. By spirit I really mean the soul: I use the words interchangeably. In Hebrew: ruah, neshama, nefesh: they are different states of the same soul: expressing where the soul is with regards to its correction, with regards to becoming like God. 1
The other movie is “Together,” a 2002 Chinese movie about a young violinist, whose father, tirelessly grooms him and pushes him to be a top performer. We, together with the boy, find out that his father is not his father. The man who brought him up since he was a few days old found him at a train station with a violin next to him. He searched for the mother in vain, and he took it on himself to bring up the boy the way the mother seemed to have asked him: to become a violinist. 2
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