Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?

Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?

the experience junkieI used to be a course junkie. I have recovered… This morning’s incident is a good indicator…

I found myself this morning unable to connect. Connect to Source…

When I closed my eyes, I was buzzing…

I muscletested: Am I tired? The answer was “yes”. Shall I rest? The answer was “yes/no” Shall I meditate? The answer was “yes” Shall I meditate for five minutes? “yes”

I closed my eyes, and within seconds I had this huge upheaval, with lots of tears.

Now, what the heck is that about?

I didn’t forget that I have been downloading the Day of Power energy over the past 36 hours… and whatever is there, spiritually, can spill out, and be gone… really fast.

I don’t care what was in that sob. It’s gone. I also don’t look at my poop and wonder what was in it… unless I do… lol.

But you? are you still a junkie?
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I almost screwed up the date completely… almost.

I almost screwed up the date completely… almost.

moon-calendarI am talking about the timing of the Big Power… coming down. But how did it happen? How could I screw up like this?

OK, fair enough. Let’s look how…

I didn’t do enough research and the power has been already coming down like there is no tomorrow.

This article is a tad meandering… you need to just walk with me to get the benefit. If you do, you’ll like it. If you don’t: you’ll hate it. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!

I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was in bed, but not sleeping. The energy was so strong. Now I am starting to understand while, like clockwork, some nights I am so full of energy I can’t sleep… This is new to me too…

On the positive side: The big energy will still be coming down at 7 pm tonight full force, but… but only for 15 minutes. And for another day somewhat weaker… but still much stronger than on a “normal” day. It may even be lucky: just like the energy was too much for me… it may be way too much for you… But as I said in my email: you need to grow your cup… so you can get more energy.
Continue reading “I almost screwed up the date completely… almost.”

How do you generate positive energy… the boomerang

How do you generate positive energy… the boomerang

boomerangprinciple-kabbalahHow do you generate positive energy… and how can you tell? Be ready to be surprised…

Summary: What people consider positive is not… It is actually intensely negative energy… and contribute to the Dark Side and the destruction of humanity.

But teachers teach it… churches teach it… and yet… it is not true, and it is harmful. In this article I will teach you a rule of thumb, that if you use it, you’ll start turning the tides… and your actions and thoughts generators of positive energy…

Remember Deedee? The woman who made a huge list of things that showed how high minded she was?

And yet, her vibration clocked in at a puny 70; hugely negative energy, much lower than the average negative energy of people on the planet.
Continue reading “How do you generate positive energy… the boomerang”

Quantum Physics seems to say: reality is what you say it is

Quantum Physics seems to say: reality is what you say it is

Sometimes I get really lucky. And if I am ready, prepared, open, and eager for the gift, I can get it, harvest it, and life becomes brighter, by a lot. Clearer… by a lot.

This is what happened to me this morning. Continue reading “Quantum Physics seems to say: reality is what you say it is”

Soul Correction: How do you do it?

Soul Correction: How do you do it?

life-blockedSoul correction is the pivoting point, the fulcrum around which a person can go from gene driven to someone who can become, potentially, an expanding human being.

Said in another way, each person has a particular and typical to their soul correction way that is stuck in a lower way of being.

The most frequent question I hear: how do you fix it? or as one my students said it: “this whole thing turns a lot of corners. I’m not sure i can even recognize all the ways i use it. Nor how to climb out of it.”

The answer will surprise you: The moment you are trying to “climb out of it” or “fix it”… you enter a world of pretense.

Both climbing out and fixing are the genes’ way of pulling the wool over your eyes. To push back the hidden deeper into the invisible.

Continue reading “Soul Correction: How do you do it?”

The conspiracy to keep you miserable, wretched, and limited

The conspiracy to keep you miserable, wretched, and limited

unreasonableHow everything you know, everything you ever learned from others, everything is being taught makes you miserable, and unable to become an Expanding Human Being

I woke up this morning with crystal clear upsight: if you have a because then you are wretched or you are heading to being wretched.

In the book, Snow Crash, there are two main characters, Hiro and Y.T. 1

They win the war that is waged against humanity.

Hiro is a hacker, and a master sword fighter. He fights to win the affections of a girl.

Y.T. fights because what else is there to do.
Continue reading “The conspiracy to keep you miserable, wretched, and limited”

Do empaths have empathy?

Do empaths have empathy?

what-is-empathyEmpathy… and empaths. Is the empathy we talk about in the world as a good thing and what empaths have the same?

Empathy 2 as psychologists have it, is not the capacity to feel another’s feeling as your own. That is the “extrasensory” ability of an empath: more a nuisance than a good thing.

Empathy, as psychologists have it, as evolution has, probably, intended, is the ability to recognize another’s feeling and have mercy for them, sympathy for them, want to help them. Continue reading “Do empaths have empathy?”

How to grow some balls… at least seemingly

How to grow some balls… at least seemingly

grow-some-balls-2As I have mentioned, I have signed up to an expensive course that teaches a marketing method to pick the right people that are a good match for what I am attempting to do: take a group of people to the level of human being, the next evolutionary level for the species.

Signing up opened a can of worms.

Several daily emails, and a slew of offers, all beyond my need, all beyond my budget.

Today, a week into this campaign, the fifteenth video, the offer is 20 thousand dollars… and I am ready to throw in the towel.

It is like being in a restaurant,
Continue reading “How to grow some balls… at least seemingly”

It’s amazing how much you can get if you quietly, clearly, and authoritatively demand it…

It’s amazing how much you can get if you quietly, clearly,  and authoritatively demand it…


Everybody dreams of a stress free life… even though stress wakes you up. Stress as in challenge. I am not talking about the anxiety where you are fighting what if scenarios… that will never happen.

My countryman, who worked in Canada, Selye Janos (aka Hans Selye), was an endocrinologist, who was the first to demonstrate the existence of biological stress.

Stress response, what stress can do to your body.

But in his groundbreaking book, “Stress without Distress” he showed that stress also keeps us alive.

Continue reading “It’s amazing how much you can get if you quietly, clearly, and authoritatively demand it…”

How could you become ready to grow? Wanna find out?

How could you become ready to grow? Wanna find out?

I am not ready to grow upI am using Rob Brezsny’s words here… maybe his English communicates better than mine:


Exaggerate your flaws till they turn into virtues Pretend your wounds are exotic tattoos. Refuse the gifts that infringe on your freedom. Shun sacred places that fill you with boredom. Keep in mind it’s bad luck to be superstitious. The official story’s always fictitious. Pump up your karma with idiot laughter. The promised land’s here, not in some hereafter

We are searching for the answers so we can destroy them and dream up better questions

Here are two attitudes that will be useful, invaluable, and mandatory if you want to grow through my programs

Continue reading “How could you become ready to grow? Wanna find out?”