Many ways to unhappiness, but only one way to happiness

Many ways to unhappiness, but only one way to happiness

There are thousands, millions, even billions of ways to unhappiness, but only one way to be happy

Controversial statement, isn’t it? It is reminiscent to Jesus’ saying: only through me… whatever he said.

Although the statement is grandiose, it points to a very simple truth. Simple doesn’t mean easy. It only means ‘uncomplicated.’

No one is really teaching it. It doesn’t sell. It is near impossible, and yet, it’s been done, and we just did it this past Saturday. We demonstrated that it’s possible. Continue reading “Many ways to unhappiness, but only one way to happiness”

The Original Design: Becoming An Expanding Human Being

expanding: you are either growing or you are dyingOne of the hallmarks of a person who lives their lives rightly, is being an Expanding Human Being who is joyous in their daily existence, fulfilled, living a life worth living. Being an Expanding Human Being is in harmony with the The Original Design for humanity …

Of all the elements of growth this one is the most frightening to most.

Most other changes are between you and yourself, and no one needs to know about it.

You can sit and meditate, become the observer, go deep, connect to whatever you connect to, breathe however you breathe… it is a private affair.

Unless you are doing it on one of my webinars, your level of anxiety is low: you don’t even know if you are doing it right or not.

Of course, when you are on the webinars and I check what you are doing, your anxiety shoots over the roof, you become incoherent, you lose your rhythm, your self-confidence, you are afraid that I’ll point out that you are doing it all wrong, and you are right, you probably are… in that moment of anguish: definitely.

Now, enter “expanding human being” and you have added a whole slew of people that can see what you are made of. They can see if who you have been pretending to be, having it all together, cheerful, cool, smart, hip, whatever, has been just a thin veneer covering up that you are neither: you are just a frightened little girl or boy hoping to look good and make it in life.
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Vibrational Review: Mastin Kipp of The Daily Love — A place to Love and be Loved

A student of mine, actually the best-performing student of mine asked me to check this guy, Mastin Kipp out.

I have a prejudice. The prejudice is that when someone is looking for a place to love and be loved, they barely got my Unconditional Love Activator. What does that mean? Isn’t getting it the same as listening to it?

No, not at all.

An activator needs to get to and accepted at all levels of your being, your conscious mind, your other than conscious mind, which is mistakenly called “subconscious mind,” your ego, your soul, your body, your heart, your history level, which is all your blood relatives, so it is a complicated affair.

Most people listen to the recording with their conscious mind, maybe even cry, thinking that they got it. I myself only got it 70%! I still cannot feel being loved. I feel loving, but not the “love” that comes towards me, whether it comes from you or from Source. I can feel caring, concern, gratitude coming towards me, but not love. It’s blocked. That is the missing 30%.

The Unconditional Love Activator takes out the linchpin or cornerstone that keeps your miserable, puppet on a string, rat on the machine existence together. That is why aspects of you resist getting it.
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Vibrational Review: Tapping Into Abundance By Carol Look (MindValley product)

vibrational review tapping into abundance carol look mind valley empowermentTapping Into Abundance By Carol Look And Tapping – A vibrational review

I am working on an abundance activator, and therefore I am very interested in anything that is happening in that topic.

I didn’t buy the 195 dollar product, so I am only able to provide my thoughts and my muscletesting results.
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Tools For Your Soul Correction you can use

Tools For Your Soul Correction you can use

soul correction: are you sure you want to know it?Soul correction is an active process. No one can do it for you.

Soul correction is the path to raising your vibration.

Every soul correction is a theme around which your life can be turned around: it’s like a pivot point.

It is a specific way you block the Light, it is a specific way YOU are not in the process of becoming an expanding human being, it is your way of “desire to receive for the self alone” i.e. at someone else’s expense.

You remember, the Creator doesn’t play favorites. It won’t take away from one to give it to another. Regardless if the other has right to what they have or not.

This is why when I ask the Creator to protect me from the Dark Side people, the Creator says No. Because protecting me would be taking away what is theirs, good or bad, or indifferent, won’t matter.

So the Creator is not like your dad who beat up your neighbor kid because he took away your toy, or yelled at the teacher because she gave you an F. The punishing, angry, selfish, jealous god is the figment of human imagination: no such thing in reality. As thee is no heaven any other place but potentially on Earth.

So, back to your soul correction:


  • knowing intimately what it is is very important.Your Bach flower profile, i.e. which of the 40 feelings are part of your persona, are invaluable. Each of those feelings are “desire to receive for the self alone”They are your reactions to life, and they limit you, make you sick, poor and miserable.
  • Finding your default “name” and inventing new ones (from the Art of Soaring book and upcoming course) are probably the most precise but the hardest to master. And, of course, the harder something is to catch the bigger the result you’ll experience.

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