Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

rememberingIt’s been a weird couple of days.

Every time I stop doing something my mind goes to evil acts I have seen in movies or read about in books.

It started with the Marco Polo series on Netflix. I realized that I can’t watch betrayal… something about betrayal is too difficult for me to be with.

I wondered if it was that I saw myself in either the traitor or the betrayed, but I don’t think it’s that.

But it dislodged a veritable mound of buried memories of acts in books and other movies.

Continue reading “Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.”

Is your body stuck in survival mode? Framework for health

Is your body stuck in survival mode? Framework for health

This article starts out very philosophical. If you can’t stand that, jump to here…

What is health?

No one has defined it yet, because just like “good” was until Dr Robert Hartman came along to define it, existed only in a context of good this or good that.
Continue reading “Is your body stuck in survival mode? Framework for health”

Updated: Hungry? Eager? How resisting “hunger” can raise your vibration.


Hunger is a poor advisor

It is said by many people, that you shouldn’t go grocery shopping when you are hungry.

Why? Because when you are hungry, the context of your being becomes to satisfy that hunger. Everything seems to be the answer to the question: this is the best way to eliminate hunger, to satisfy hunger.

So you end up spending money on stuff that is not good for you, that you should not have bought, maybe ever, in the first place.

Continue reading “Updated: Hungry? Eager? How resisting “hunger” can raise your vibration.”

The capacity of seeing patterns…the threshold capacity

alberteinstein118979I am reading a book, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. I am reading it because I want to be able to teach my students better, so they can leave behind the level of ordinary school learning, the pedestrian learning that always produces pedestrian result.

Amateurish performance, amateurish life. 1

The DNA, the blueprint that heralds the evolution of humans, the inactive 160 spiritual capacities, don’t become needed, and therefore won’t turn on, or won’t stay on, in a pedestrian, amateurish life where one doesn’t go consistently beyond their limits, intellectually, spiritually.
Continue reading “The capacity of seeing patterns…the threshold capacity”

Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable

seven-soul-heads-w350Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is.

This is very catchy… titillating even. I read this on a blog talking about the reincarnated soul… Barry McGuiness: personal vibration: 170. Truth value of teaching: 4%.

People look at spiritual work as titillating, and that is why nothing happens as a result of the “work” they do. 1

Work is always painful. Work is never “nice”, never an experience, never passive. The soul isn’t doing the work, and the world’s people consciousness isn’t like the Bell Curve…

It’s more like 99.99999999999999% of humanity is unconscious, and has scarcely any spiritual capacities working for them.
Continue reading “Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable”

Should you strive for leaving a legacy to be remembered by?

footprint in the sandThis is continuing the theme I started in my last post, looking at your life and priorities. This is a politically incorrect article… The footnotes are really important in this article, don’t miss them.

Let’s take a near posthumous look at your life… so you can see what was important, and do it while you still have time.

If you are afraid of death: this is especially for you. 1

Someone who lives fully and does what is important to them, isn’t afraid of death. They weren’t afraid of life, they aren’t afraid of death. That doesn’t mean they want to die… they are just not driven to panic by the sight of an life that never happened.

Yesterday I spoke about wanting to get my work out… but upon further examination, I realized that I fell for the cultural, societal mumbo jumbo, that is designed to have you be unfulfilled, and lose your self interest.

What am I talking about?

About legacy… What is your legacy? Can you feel the cold hands of dread squeezing your heart?
Continue reading “Should you strive for leaving a legacy to be remembered by?”

Can you be selfish and generous at the same time?

desire to receive for the self alone is the only evil there isI am reading Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene. The genes that use humans as vehicles, and are only interested in procreation, and not in the life experience of the vehicle.

But, as I have said before, there are 160 intangible capacities, mostly dormant, in the human DNA. The ones that we are going to look at in this article are the capacities (genes) of generosity (altruism) and trust.

Trust and generosity seem to be at odds with the selfishness of the genes… but they don’t have to be.

The crucial decider… is that a word?, is whether the gene of envy is turned on, or not.

Envy is at odds with trust and generosity, because envy means: desire to receive for the self alone… i.e. wanting the other to lose more than wanting to win. Considering the other losing as a win for you. Considering the other’s misfortune, suffering, pain, as a win for you.

According to Kabbalah, that is the only evil there is. I see it clearly.
Continue reading “Can you be selfish and generous at the same time?”

Updated: How to go from lazy, procrastinating never do well to someone who gets things done? This also applies to raising your vibration…

I found this article today… I wrote it 18 months ago.

Of course at the time I had no idea that there are spiritual capacities, that they are encoded in the DNA, that they can be turned on, that I can turn them on… none of that.

So the article is a little outdated, and yet… many of the principles apply, they are timeless. Good reading.

One of the typical mistakes I see comes from the “culture” of instant, quick, magic buttons, magic bullets.

The idea that if you can imagine it you can do it.

It’s not true, or it is not that simple.

We all understand that things take time to get up to speed, your car, an airplane, your computer, but we don’t think that the same rule applies to us. We actually really think, really hope, that someone can touch us, a holy man or woman, and we will be healed, and throw away our cane, walker, and run away dancing, laughing, victorious.

This is what the fake gurus (i.e. the associates of the Dark Side) want us to believe.

But why are they selling us a bill of goods if it is not true? The answer is simple: because what they sell matches your desire, that’s why you will buy it.
Continue reading “Updated: How to go from lazy, procrastinating never do well to someone who gets things done? This also applies to raising your vibration…”

One principle of becoming a Human Being, that if you miss this, you’ll never raise your vibration

What is the difference between a worker and a manager?
What is the difference between the leader and a manager?
What is the difference between leading your life and managing your life?
What is the difference between working in your business and working ON your business?

The answer to all of these question is: the position from where the actions come.

By position I actually MEAN an almost physical position: where are you looking FROM when you make your decisions about what to do.

A lot of my students are stuck in a situation an earlier decision got them into. A bad marriage, bad health, bed relationship, bad job.

There are surprisingly few principles for a human being, which is the next evolutionary level after human. Applying the same principles, honoring them, will also take you to the new evolutionary level.

One of the principles is to make decisions from the whole. Continue reading “One principle of becoming a Human Being, that if you miss this, you’ll never raise your vibration”

Why I refuse to teach a course on Abundance?

abundance-lies-wayne-dyer1As you know, it’s taken me two years to become willing to create the More Money Workshop.

I know, you expected an Abundance course… but you see, your concept of abundance is flawed. Your concept of abundance is corrupted.

Why and how your concepts of life, including abundance got corrupted?

By religion first, and then by gurus who piggyback on your already corrupted worldview.

What is religion?

Religion is a worldview in which you are policed by entities that decide your fate, and all you can do is to try to please them so they help you, instead of killing you.

Religion is reduces you to an effect, who has very little to say about their fate.
Continue reading “Why I refuse to teach a course on Abundance?”