Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

energize your body while you are doing other things water energizer audioUpdate 10/5/2018: I didn’t realize this when ‘i wrote this article: I should have tested the energizer audio’s effect on my cell hydration, not direct download from source.

What is the difference?

When I download the energy into the water a five gallon container gets energized to coherence in less than a minute. Using the audio it takes between 48 hours and 72 hours… so9 that means that the audio does not raise your cell hydration directly. oops, my bad.

Do the remedy creating audios work on your body too? Does the Water Energizer energize your cells directly?

I haven’t heard this question in a long time, which is interesting.

Regardless, I tested it.

Because 60% of your body is water, some body parts more, if you listen to the audios through headphones they get infused in your body.

How did I test it?

I just downloaded the Water Energizer energy into my body. I measured my cell hydration before, in the middle, and after.

My cell hydration number was 30% when I started, and it rose to 70%.

Continue reading “Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?”

Afraid to make a mistake?

incoherenceThis past week almost all and every input scrambled my mind. Made me incoherent. Made me restless, and I ended up tired with nothing to show for my feverish-feeling brain activity. I even continued the activity when I slept… or when I couldn’t sleep, like last night.

Familiar? I bet it is.

You can only move forward if and when you are coherent. 1
Coherence is akin to driving a four-horse carriage… it’s powerful, and it goes where you want it to go. Continue reading “Afraid to make a mistake?”

You’d rather die than ask for help. People should volunteer

helpless-haplessAs I am observing my students they belong to two very distinguishable camps.

People who ask for help, and people who don’t.

I myself belong to the second camp. But my reasons for not asking help is different from yours… lol. Maybe.

When I look back at my childhood, I must have decided really early on that asking for help is useless. At best they say “go away”, or who do you think you are… At the worst they beat you up.

And I could use a lot of help. Especially in learning. Especially since by brain damage almost 20 years ago. Continue reading “You’d rather die than ask for help. People should volunteer”

I am not in healing, I am in getting you well?

Healing should mean “getting you well”, and on the 13th floor of your being: it does.

But humanity lives on the 14th and the 15th floor… the Tree of Knowledge, and there healing means something entirely different. It means that someone who is a “healer” does woowoo and then whatever was bothering you goes away.

Not going to happen. But people are seeking healing, want to be healers, so I am changing the words… and of course a ton of people who this way can keep on dreaming.

I changed my site’s heading from healing to “getting you well” and the quality of the people changed DRAMATICALLY! Who would have thought? I was guided to change… but I surely didn’t expect that I was going to rid myself of the wannabe’s and the secondhanders.

The words sound similar, but the meaning, the emotional meaning in today’s “culture” is vastly different.

The only thing that can heal your body is your body itself.
Continue reading “I am not in healing, I am in getting you well?”

The ground of your being comes from where you live

life on the 14th floor: words and more wordsWhen you live on the 14th-15th floors of your being, the ground of your being comes from there too.

Let’s first look what is the ground of your being, the floor on which everything is built that is compatible with that floor.

On the 13th floor the ruler is Life. Nature. The Universe. No interpretation. Life, nature, the universe gives you your actions, your attitudes, your interpretation of events.

Virtues live on the 13th floor, because virtues are a Yes to life. Anything gets evaluated by that question: is it a Yes to life or a no to life.

Is it part of the flow, or is it a blockage to the flow. Blockages need to go. Attitudes, needs, wants, habits, activities that are a no to life, that don’t fit the flow of life, Nature, the Universe, must go, because it is evil. Against life. Continue reading “The ground of your being comes from where you live”

Why you don’t heal fast? Why do you get sick?

Without understanding how your body works, you’ll remain NOT SO WELL

Your body is like a factory,

  • manufacturing daily energy units that you need to do what you need to do, and
  • energy units to protect you from pathogens, toxins, and other trouble.
  • and thirdly, that in case something did get through… that you heal fast.

Your doctors are mostly trained to give you tools to fix what is already visibly wrong with your body. Continue reading “Why you don’t heal fast? Why do you get sick?”

How the 14th floor opens you up for mind viruses

One of the numbers in your Starting Point Measurements, that people most really painful is your vocabulary number.

Why would someone’s vocabulary be so low if they are educated, well read, etc.?

The answer is: because of mind viruses.

The mind virus doesn’t want you to be clear. Astute. The mind virus wants you to be sheep: miserable, crowd the churches, the “spiritual healers'” offices. Vote for morons who use big words they themselves don’t understand.

The main tools the mind viruses use are confusion and imprecision.

In my work, recently, I am seeing that people cannot tell the difference between a feeling and an emotion. It’s the mind virus in action.

Result: the feelings are suppressed, the emotions are made louder. Continue reading “How the 14th floor opens you up for mind viruses”

Who and what is making your decisions, your attitude, your behavior?

From time to time a student or client confides in me that they resent being told what to do.

I find that really funny, especially when they paid me well for telling them what to do.

But such is human nature… or is that human nature?

This question is what this article is about. How do you know it is you and not some addon making your decisions for you? Continue reading “Who and what is making your decisions, your attitude, your behavior?”

The size of your foundation, your astuteness, capacities

Note: this is an important article… please read. It summarizes a lot of what is not working about you… and what you can do about it.

I really enjoy the work on people’s hydration.

I love seeing how they get things done (or not) and it is a source of a lot of amusement. Continue reading “The size of your foundation, your astuteness, capacities”

Why you don’t want what you say you want…

water energizer setupI am working, one-on-one with people who submitted their pictures of their setup of the water energizer.

This has been one of the most brilliant things I have ever decided to do.

Without feedback one may imagine a lot of things, but with feedback, eventually you arrive to the truth, to reality, and there is no room for imagination, fancy, or any other unreality.

The reality is this:

The Water Energizer works… you don’t.
Continue reading “Why you don’t want what you say you want…”