People don’t care how much you know until…

People don’t care how much you know until…
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

As you know, I am a mad scientist. Mad, because I test things other people wouldn’t. Scientist because I talk, then test, then share it.

In thousands of experiments I have developed a sixth sense. What you would call the truth sensing ability.

It is a feeling that only develops after knowing a lot…

I am exposed to a lot of books, a lot of information, and this sixth sense has helped me to read only what has the kind of truth in it that is actually useful for me and my clients. Continue reading “People don’t care how much you know until…”

Please help me in this test… Thank you

I trust you that you’ll do what is in your best interest. That is what I want you to do… because then the information I’ll glean from this test will be valid. thank you.

Who is my ideal client? It matters not what you say, it matters more if it is heard by the right people…

I have been asking this question for a few years now.

Marketing teachers tell me to find people who are kept awake at night by something that nag at them, that doesn’t let them sleep… a problem, an itch that cannot be scratched. I am not attracted to the suffering.

I want to expand my business to start selling “stuff”.

But what stuff shall I sell and to whom?
Continue reading “Please help me in this test… Thank you”

Different types of clairvoyance and other extrasensory

Different types of clairvoyance and other extrasensory

How are you? you ask.

I don’t know. I only know how someone else is feeling… 99% of the time I cannot feel myself. And 99% of the time I don’t know whose feelings I am feeling either.

I am an empath, and a clearsentient Continue reading “Different types of clairvoyance and other extrasensory”

Anchor your existence and start becoming a person

Anchor your existence and start becoming a person

We all want to be a person… but none of us know how to do it.

This article is a method that can help you becoming a person…

In this article I use an analogy with plants… but this article is not about plants, it is about you having deep roots so you have a core, and when you say I, you know that you are talking about those deep roots…

floating plantsI have run out of good shows to watch on Netflix.

I began to watch and abandoned four shows, fast.

And I just had an insight:

Most TV/Netflix customers are like most people: they have no foundation from which to watch, see, read anything.

Even when it’s a well designed, well executed show: these people don’t know why. Or the reason it is good for them is different from person to person.

For me a good show is a show well planned out. A show that decides, ahead of time, what it thrives to accomplish. That is the context inside which they develop the characters, the story line, and direct the actors to act in. Continue reading “Anchor your existence and start becoming a person”