How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

Originally posted 2011-11-07 17:09:37.

How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

I have been spending money on my own training. Not as much as before: this time I only spend money on stuff I know I can totally consume: i.e. do all the exercises, attend all the classes, without having to give up on something important.

I used to spend 5-10 times more money, but normally I would drop all the balls… and end up empty handed.

So, I am spending less money, but getting tremendous value for each dollar I spend.

Continue reading “How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study”

What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??

Originally posted 2008-12-17 11:30:07.

What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??

I know the word sharing gets thrown around in these emails quite a bit. Sometimes we become numb to the word. To get back to basics,

sharing means giving something of ourselves.

It can be sharing with someone we’re not used to sharing with. It can be opening up with someone we’re not used to opening up to. Or it can be calling someone with whom we’re holding a grudge and wishing them well and saying something nice, some words of wisdom. It can be anything. It just has to be an unconditional stretch.

As a Landmark Education junkie, I have heard the urging ‘Share, share share.’

In Landmark Education they mean ‘Bring more chumps like you so that Landmark Education can become a World Class Organization, here to stay.‘ They mean: do our selling for us. No please, no anything… Maybe they don’t, but that is how it lands for people. It didn’t land that way for me…

In multilevel marketing companies (network marketing, MLM) they say the same thing, but mean, definitely, selling. Continue reading “What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??”

How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?

How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?

How true is your truth? Do you or your teachers have theory induced blindness? the world is still flat as far as human behavior is concerned…

This article is about the inner workings of a human… that if you get it wrong, the price you pay for the error is your life.

Is a human like a faucet assembly? When it drips you have to replace the whole thing?

Continue reading “How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?”

Does your environment allow you to be yourself?

Does your environment allow you to be yourself?
In life, you have as much room to be as your environment grants you.

Room as in elbow room…

The environment you are in, at home, at work, at the pub, at the club, in the community van…

My brother has a lot of room to be when he is with his friends. Continue reading “Does your environment allow you to be yourself?”

Will You Succeed or Will You Fail in business?

Will You Succeed or Will You Fail in business?

Everyone has dreams, visions of success… A good job, a nice family, nice people, nice work, nice house…

But that is not what people have… When you ask people what made them who they are today, invariably all of them answer a version of the same thing: The past.

How they express this varies: my parents, my schooling, what I have been doing, my genes, etc. etc. but all in all, they all mean the same: what makes me who I am today is the past.

If that were true, that would be bad news, really.

Imagine that it is true. Now see yourself trying to be successful online. Given your track record, and your genes, and your past behavior, how much chance do you have for success?

I’d love to say zero, but it would be unfair to many of you. So instead, I answer it in a way that applies to all of you:

The same as yesterday. Or a year ago…

Now, that is a total bummer, isn’t it? Continue reading “Will You Succeed or Will You Fail in business?”

The invisible dynamic: resentment: Your Blessings are Trapped… Want Them? Go Get ‘Em

Your blessings are trapped … in other people.

Take back the Light! Go to one person today, with whom you’re having trouble seeing eye to eye, and tell them (in a proactive manner) something they are right about.

The more difficult it is to confront the person, the more Light you will reveal. Now, go get back your Light that you are giving to other people!

This is a Kabbalistic way to say: you’ve been giving away your power to everyone you are “incomplete” with.

Incomplete means that there is some charge on something that happened, they did, they said, or didn’t do, didn’t say. The bigger the charge, the more of YOUR light is trapped there.

And only YOU can release it. Bummer. Continue reading “The invisible dynamic: resentment: Your Blessings are Trapped… Want Them? Go Get ‘Em”

And live to tell the tale… coming back from the edge

You want to live a life where you say this about yourself, a lot. “…And I lived to tell the tale…”

Where you are on the edge… and come back to tell the tale.

The edge? it feels like the dividing line between life and death. It is just a feeling. Some edge is quite inconsequential, but the going there is tremendous.

I signed up to be coached on Monday, and it’s Sunday, and I am already “fired”.

Another man’s integrity may be out of integrity for you. Another man’s wisdom is not YOUR wisdom. That is what happened.

I was asked to do something that doesn’t agree, doesn’t foster love between my two selves. Everybody is doing it… but for me to love ME, I can’t do it.

If you are not free to be yourself, then your integrity number is low.

Integrity is an inside job, and only you can call the shot…

But… Without integrity nothing work. Continue reading “And live to tell the tale… coming back from the edge”

How does your past get into your future…

How does your past get into your future…

…and make you repeat the same life

I have an older blog that is attacked by hackers every week. They install malware… so I don’t want you to go there…

It’s an old website, more than 10 years ago it was my main blog. Most of it is still useful.

I read an interview with Jeff Bezos the other day, or was it a youtube video, can’t remember. He was asked a question about the future. He said something incredibly insightful, and something most people can’t even hear!

He said that the question to ask is this: What will remain the same?

Most people try something new, something shiny, something that is a new trend.

But real winners learn what works and what will work now, ten years from now, a hundred years from now. And that is what makes them a winner…

I am seeing now that I am re-reading my old articles, that I am putting my efforts into teaching the timeless, what will not change. What can transform you into a winner, if you adapt it.

I have learned about the timeless from Kabbalah. I am also seeing that the predictable success of Jewish people is inseparable from this principle: learn to do what is not going to change.

If you look through this distinction to the history of the Jews… you’ll see it everywhere.

This is just another proof, that if you don’t have distinctions, then you can’t see. And you won’t ever be able to model after what you can’t see… And most choose to hate those darn Jews… they must have make a pact with the devil that they are so darn successful…

Whereas if you knew the principle, you could live like that too… no kidding. YOU. Jew or not Jew.

I have started to move the old blog posts, one by one, to my site.

One of those posts reminded me, that until you get what I am writing in it, your future will be much like your past.

While I was researching for pictures, I found that what I am teaching is against the mainstream ineffective, all in the visible… the mind is powerful type of teaching.

Reality, if you watch a person, reality doesn’t work the way THOSE people, those memes, those motivational speakers tell you it works. The nature of reality is that 90% of what moves anything or anyone, the CAUSE, is in the invisible/unconscious domain of life. Continue reading “How does your past get into your future…”

The mind, the stupid part of you… knows not of reality

The mind, the stupid part of you… knows not of reality

Your mind, your stupid part, has no direct knowledge about reality.

It has no concern, no regard to reality, to the present moment… It has in it what the memes have programmed it to have… 1% reality, 99% b.s. And your mind is, therefore, your worst friend.

It is killing YOU and it is killing your life… sometimes slowly, sometimes really fast.

People, books, videos that talk about mind power are on the Dark Side. They are no friends of yours: they are working for the Mind. And you are too stupid to know.

Every Tuesday I read my email to find my weekly horoscope, and here it goes… again. Setting a context for my life, a context I could have never dreamed up myself… Rob Brezsny and his weekly horoscopes I would not want to miss. Continue reading “The mind, the stupid part of you… knows not of reality”

The grass doesn’t grow where you walk… does that make you special?

1. I think it was in 1991.

A manager of mine in Landmark Education said: you don’t make a difference.

My answer was: then I must kill myself…

I was banned from participating for about 8 months. By that time the manager and everyone have forgotten the interaction.

It was significant to me, and not significant to them.

Today, I got that I was just one of most, including themselves, who didn’t make a difference.

It sounds bad, doesn’t it? Very bad indeed. From one vantage point. Continue reading “The grass doesn’t grow where you walk… does that make you special?”