Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

squirrel-stuck-in-a-treeIf you know you are stuck… stuck in a rut, stuck in a behavior, in a cycle, in a predictable outcome, or maybe you are stuck on a plateau… What you may want to consider that you need energy to move away from that place.

In this article I’ll show you two methods to create the energy to move. Continue reading “Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!”

What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light of the Creator?

What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light of the Creator?
What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light?

Why Being A SecondHander Is A Real Deactivator Of The Light?

When I say ‘The Light’ I mean inside and outside. The inner Light is the spirit… the outer light? is there anything outer, or your access to the Light is entirely from within?

I don’t know. I do know what deactivates it or keeps it off…

Most of the people on planet earth are secondhanders. Chances are that you are too. Continue reading “What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light of the Creator?”

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it
Depression comes and goes in my life.

Oftentimes and a depressed mood, a hopelessness, a futility starts mixing into my life.

It is hard to sleep, or hard to get up, or both.

Nothing changes and everything changes.

I have been watching it with curiosity. Curiosity tinged with worry… it is not pleasant to be depressed. Continue reading “Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it”

Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a ‘practitioner’ of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing. Continue reading “Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking”

The entitlement anchor: what being ‘entitled’ really means

The entitlement anchor: what being ‘entitled’ really means

The entitlement is anchored deep, and unless it’s pulled, it will keep jerking you back and forth, like a puppet.

Because I never felt that I was entitled to anything. My entitlement genes turned off when they were supposed to. It was around age 2. That was actually a little early, but that’s when it happened for me.

I never suspected that the entitlement anchor is actually more predictive to the quality of your life, to your unvoluntary harmful actions than the anchor to doom. Continue reading “The entitlement anchor: what being ‘entitled’ really means”

What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…

What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…

Part of my job as a ‘evolver’ (evolver as in causing the evolution) of the human race is to see what is the wrong.

To see what is unsustainable, untenable about human attitude and behavior. Why is it that humanity, time and time again destroys itself starting over from nothing.

I am starting to see that it is the possession and power over things and others… the hunger and the desire for more and more, better, and different. Continue reading “What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…”

Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration

Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration

new eyes to see...I am reading the  book Metaskills.

I am reading it for you and for me.

This book has given me a big insight… and ultimately a breakthrough, though we shall see… like with everything, on the long run.

OK, let me start at the beginning.

Most books are either easy or difficult to read. Why? I just found out.

This book, the Metaskills was alternating between easy to read and difficult to read.

At some point it felt like thick mud I needed to wade through.

Why? I had no idea how what he was talking about was connecting to what the book was supposedly about.

I am nearly certain that this happens to you too. The thought is ‘What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?’ or some other dismissive thought.

Continue reading “Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration”

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

theory that we live in a computer simulationWarning: this article is a likely story. A theory. A theory to explain something that doesn’t make sense…

So consume it with a grain of salt. But it’s not fake news… so don’t reject it without reading…

It’s about the current state of humanity, where humanity as a whole is on a dead end, not where the ‘original design’ clearly destined it…

The Original Design is spelled out in the DNA. The blueprint. The tools and the path to take.

Humanity got off this path, according to my muscletesting, seven thousand years ago. Continue reading “The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago”

Emotional detox? What can it do for you??

Emotional detox? What can it do for you??

Before you can go up, you need to go down! Just like in building a house.

Because unless you clear off the “stuff” and then dig deep to know what’s under the top soil, your house will be warped and collapse in a hurry, often while you are building it.

For most of you this is really bad news, because you are hellbent on staying phony happy, phony loving, phony well… delusional high self-esteem-ed, and you are unwilling to even look at what is real. But what’s real is real, and if you ignore it it will bite you in the a-s-s. No compassion, no looking, just continuing what isn’t working, and never will work is stupid… Here, I said it. Stupid. Continue reading “Emotional detox? What can it do for you??”

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

success-will-never-be-a-big-stepI am in the middle of the Water Energizing Challenge, and that gives me an unprecedented insight into people I didn’t want… 🙁

I am seeing something I didn’t expect, but that is what I am getting: stinginess.

Holding back, dealing thing out in thimbles instead of buckets, love, work, faith, service, energy, everything. For one’s own self, and for others, for life.

Result: No abundance.

Abundance is the opposite of stinginess. Abundance means abandon, flowing, largeness… there is more where that came from. Energy, love, effort, faith… joy!

Even how you laugh: hahaha… but I hear you holding back. Scarcity shows in every movement, everything you do. Continue reading “What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?”