What is the first phase of raising your vibration?

What is the first phase of raising your vibration?

The first phase of raising your vibration is unlearning. Letting go. Getting rid of attachments, the chains that hold you down.

All people have two inside attachments:

  • your dominant belief’s therefore: a behavior or attitude that, like an attachment, ties you to the dominant belief.
  • And your anchor to doom. Your doom is the worst thing you fear.

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You block your consciousness from flying, it is starving

You block your consciousness from flying, it is starving

One of the reasons the 67 steps coaching is wonderful, is because, done the right way, it leads consciousness on a trip that is both wide and deep. Wider than deep, by the way.

But even if you remain on the surface, but go where the steps take you, you can raise your consciousness by a lot.

The insight came to me while sleeping… I was taken somewhere, and I consistently refused to go down a certain ‘tunnel’…

And that is the life of a human. You and your is defined more by the places you don’t go than by the places you do. Literally. Continue reading “You block your consciousness from flying, it is starving”

You bought it and yet you can’t see yourself using it…

You bought it and yet you can’t see yourself using it…

the principle of taking consciousness out to a spinA few months ago I signed up to a service to create mobile apps, including a mobile app that would make it easier for cell phone users to use this site.

It was mighty expensive, but I thought that if I get just one new customer from it a month, it will pay for itself.

I signed up, and paid the $49 for a few months, but I never did anything with it. Continue reading “You bought it and yet you can’t see yourself using it…”

Ask WHY five times to stimulate consciousness

nutrition-supplementWhen I read stuff, I don’t resist. When I notice I do, I let go…

I allow the stuff to flow through me without blocking it. I consider everything I read a theory… not the truth.

Once I think I “got” all the stuff… I stop and allow consciousness to poke around. I need consciousness to look, because I am going to muscletest truth value, and I am going to ask questions.

I feel when consciousness is done looking. Then I muscletest the truth value. I normally start at 10%, and then I go up or down, until the answer is “no”.

Once I know the number, I am interested why the number is so low.
Continue reading “Ask WHY five times to stimulate consciousness”

The Flow… Life… The Light… how do you block the flow?

emotional-intelligence-by-daniel-goleman-1-638Psychologist Daniel Goleman, personal vibration: 200, 10 capacities active, 7% truth value, talks about the flow as a state, when things seem to go just right, when you feel alive, and fully aware…

And they say: it alters your consciousness…

What they don’t see, can’t see, that flow is the “state” when you, for some reason, stop blocking the flow… when YOU, as your identity, are not there.

What am I talking about?

Soul corrections, the names and categories I borrowed from Kabbalah, seem to be 72 ways that you can block the flow and live a life of scarcity (and lack of intelligence).

The psychologists don’t see it, but each moment that there is no flow, your stingy self is there blocking it.
Continue reading “The Flow… Life… The Light… how do you block the flow?”

Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable

seven-soul-heads-w350Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is.

This is very catchy… titillating even. I read this on a blog talking about the reincarnated soul… Barry McGuiness: personal vibration: 170. Truth value of teaching: 4%.

People look at spiritual work as titillating, and that is why nothing happens as a result of the “work” they do. 1

Work is always painful. Work is never “nice”, never an experience, never passive. The soul isn’t doing the work, and the world’s people consciousness isn’t like the Bell Curve…

It’s more like 99.99999999999999% of humanity is unconscious, and has scarcely any spiritual capacities working for them.
Continue reading “Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable”

How can I tell when you are stuck in your mind… where you have no power?

hugs_428_ndogThe mind was born when language was born. New… compared to the body and its intelligence.

When you live in the mind, you are cut off from the source of your intelligence, and from consciousness.

This means different things to different people… visual, auditory, or the most cut off… the abstract thinker.

When you are kinesthetic… you experience life, the world, through your body, direction means something different to you than others…

Continue reading “How can I tell when you are stuck in your mind… where you have no power?”

Getting ready vs. procrastination. What’s the difference?

ahh-procrastinationI’ve introduced the distinctionnot ready, getting ready, ready” in another article.

If and when you look at your life through that distinction (remember, a distinction is like a hole you punched in the wall to look at your world anew, to see things differently) you are going to see a lot of things differently.

Without this distinction, life is a lot of yes/no, and there is a lot of forcing.

As if you had to be ready for anything and everything at all times.

But, truth be told, you aren’t. I am not either.
Continue reading “Getting ready vs. procrastination. What’s the difference?”

What does a little energy remedy, a little meditation do

being churchWhy do people think that adding a little energy remedy to their low vibration life, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

Vibration number is an indicator to how close you are to becoming the peak of evolution: a human being.

If raising your vibration were a school curriculum, you’d start where you are, and move onto the next level only when you have maxed out the previous requirements. No jumping, no passing grades.

The subjects in the curriculum: Increasing awareness, the using and activating of your internal and external capacities, resolving inner conflicts, removing incoherence, etc.
Continue reading “What does a little energy remedy, a little meditation do”

Removing energetic attachments, also called cords

Removing energetic attachments, also called cords

I had the insight, after I published this article, and after I removed some 20 attachments, today, that the people (distance healers?) that put the attachment on you may not have malicious intent.

They need to connect to you, and because they are not empaths, they have to do it with a cord-like energy attachment. At the end of the session they don’t remove it… And now they have your energy available to them, or potentially their energy available to you.
Continue reading “Removing energetic attachments, also called cords”