Ignorance in health matters is killing you

Ignorance in health matters is killing you

granny with flexibilityThis is not a gimmick… This old lady can do this and a ton of other stunts…

The question you should ask not how she remained so flexible, because who cares…

Instead: ask a question that is relevant to you:

What is it that you can do to regain some of your flexibility, some of your energy, so you can enjoy life more, feel younger, look younger.

That is exactly what I did. Continue reading “Ignorance in health matters is killing you”

The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test

The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test

necessary-endingsThe personality test that tells you if you can grow, and if you can benefit from working with me.

I have been at my wits’ end for years now.

Today I found out what was missing…

Remember the wise saying: when something is not working, there is something you don’t know.

More often than not, what you don’t know is a distinction… and it was definitely true in my case.

I have been making the mistake of coaching and dealing with my people as if they were me… like me… similar to me.

Continue reading “The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test”

A posthumus case study: Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwo?ole of Hawaii

A posthumus case study: Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwo?ole of Hawaii

izBrother Iz

I just listened to Over the Rainbow by Brother Iz… Hawaiian genius entertainer, now dead.

Cause of death: complications from morbid obesity.

I am most interested to know what made him so obese… And so many people in the mourning crowd…

This is a posthumus case study… Something you can learn from… for yourself.
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Anchor your existence and start becoming a person

Anchor your existence and start becoming a person

We all want to be a person… but none of us know how to do it.

This article is a method that can help you becoming a person…

In this article I use an analogy with plants… but this article is not about plants, it is about you having deep roots so you have a core, and when you say I, you know that you are talking about those deep roots…

floating plantsI have run out of good shows to watch on Netflix.

I began to watch and abandoned four shows, fast.

And I just had an insight:

Most TV/Netflix customers are like most people: they have no foundation from which to watch, see, read anything.

Even when it’s a well designed, well executed show: these people don’t know why. Or the reason it is good for them is different from person to person.

For me a good show is a show well planned out. A show that decides, ahead of time, what it thrives to accomplish. That is the context inside which they develop the characters, the story line, and direct the actors to act in. Continue reading “Anchor your existence and start becoming a person”

Some weird health and eating questions or how I got well

Some weird health and eating questions or how I got well

fat-burning-metabolismOne of my clients is unwilling to take Omega 2 capsules, because he says: “I don’t want to get fat”

I first started to experiment with the fat burning metabolism some six years ago.

I liked the idea of eating sugar free ice cream from real cream…

I packed on 30 lbs, 13-14 kilos, in 10 days.

I have been eating a stick of butter a day, fatty lamb, and eggs… for two months now.

I am dropping between half a pound to a pound a week.

I feel good. I do have some carbohydrate cravings and I satisfy it by eating peppers, and almonds. Both slightly sweet. just enough to stop the cravings. A gram here and there…
Continue reading “Some weird health and eating questions or how I got well”

You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit

You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit

astute-examplesMy site gets a lot of hits… people looking to find out how they too could become astute…

Astute people are happier, wealthier, more popular than others.

Of course they are looking for a quick fix to what the opposite of astute is: blindness, unawareness, cluelessness, being a bumbling idiot, or not being able tell their elbow from their ass.

I am not talking down at anyone… I was looking at myself to come up with those opposites.

We are clueless some of the time, most of us: most of the time.
Continue reading “You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit”

Capacities are like doors: they can be closed, they can be open.

Capacities are like doors: they can be closed, they can be open.

Closed door, closed capacity: that is clear. No traffic is possible. Open, that is a whole other ball game: the door can be open anywhere from 1% to 100%

I activated the Unconditional Love capacity: the degree to which the intrinsic Self and the invented, the fake self can interact and bring peace, joy, fulfillment, creativity, curiosity to one’s life.

Watching people, I am more than certain that they think: I’ve done it…


My capacity is 70% open… Not 100%. I have done this activation a 100 times. I have the activator in every glass of water I drink. And in five years I got to 70%.

Matsa, my very first student is at 50%.

And another old student of mine is at 10%.

What is the difference?
Continue reading “Capacities are like doors: they can be closed, they can be open.”

The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life

The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life

Sun Tzu The Art of WarI watched this hour and a half long documentary on Sun Tzu’s lessons, and real historical wars America fought inside and outside of America.

I wept throughout.

I value, overall, human life. Even if it is the life of someone I don’t like, don’t respect, or who is the enemy.

So it was painful.

If you are one of those who doesn’t have the stomach for real life, who only wants to know about the nice things in life… You are stupid. Life is life, people are people, and life is war.

Whether you like it or not.
Continue reading “The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life”

October special… Can the Power of this special day break through your resistance?

October special… Can the Power of this special day break through your resistance?
days-of-powerNew experiment: Can the spiritual power of the Days of Power be used to power an activation?

Activation of a spiritual capacity?

I am thinking of combining the Day of Power on Sunday, October 16, with the Unconditional Love Activator live activation.

If you have the activator already, then you are welcome to the call. If you don’t: you can buy any version between now and the session, and be eligible to be on the call.

Here is how the call will go:

Continue reading “October special… Can the Power of this special day break through your resistance?”

Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?

Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?

unpopular-decisionsTo get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.

I am continuing the inquiry into curiosity… the intrinsic motivation of humans… how you lost it, how to rekindle it… and what might be in the way.

I am going to use myself, because curiosity is so rare, and so relatively unconscious, unobserved, and unacknowledged, that I don’t even know who I could ask about their own experience… Let’s hope that this state of affairs will change soon. Continue reading “Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?”