What is MY Tikkun? Tikkun is your soul correction. Kabbalah

Originally posted 2008-09-16 11:30:07.

Tikkun is soul correction.

Why does the soul need correction?

Because the original vessel that became the souls of humanity was created for pure receiving. And although it was ‘infected’ with the desire to receive for the sake of sharing, its base and original nature is desire to receive for the self alone.

Each soul correction aka Tikkun has a different way of desire to receive for the self alone…

With that said: your Tikkun is your soul correction.

My tikkun, my soul-correction is ‘Forget Thyself.’ That is #34. You get to the soul correction number through adding up the individual digits of your date of birth. It will be a two digit number…

Ultimately, we could guess that soul correction is a Kabbalistic numerology guided phenomenon. Continue reading “What is MY Tikkun? Tikkun is your soul correction. Kabbalah”

Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential

greatness as potential

greatness as potentialEach great thing that was ever built started with something that had the greatness as potential only.

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little.

About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream:

Each great thing that was ever built started with something that had the greatness, as a potential only.

Most didn’t look like the start of something great. Many times it was a comedy of errors and their correction that took someone to something big. Continue reading “Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential”