Why An Activator Cannot Change Your Behavior, Only You Can?

Originally posted 2011-11-01 18:05:32.

nerves that work together fire together Why An Activator Cannot Change Your Behavior, Only You Can?

What happens when you get an activator downloaded to you? Even though the activator (a set of statements that are worded as commands, and are very similar to affirmations) alters the “terrain” or the balance of power in the sub-conscious, those affirmations will not alter your behavior.

What will alter your behavior?

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I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me

I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me

what's the truth about you? why are you making mistakes?Correct Diagnosis is 50% of the Cure in any area of your life

In this article I am going to show an area of my life where diagnostic skills and tools have saved the day, and in fact proved to be 90% of the cure.

The process of growth is not linear. It is more like layer by layer. No matter where you are now, in order to get to the next level, you need to completely explore the level or layer where you are at.

I have been relative successful for a while now, and like any other “normal” human being, I had the illusion that I have arrived to the place where it is smooth sailing from hereon. Continue reading “I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me”

Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?

Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?

duality-wordpicPeople, all people are puzzled and disturbed by their dual nature. You love and hate, drip with envy, at times taken over by desire… while you consider yourself sane, and nice, and compassionate and goal-driven.

It is natural to be dual in nature, and it is natural to be puzzled about it, be disturbed about it. If you pay attention, this is the main reason humans invented religion… to make sense of this duality.

The drive to suppress one side of this duality, to declare it bad, or a sin is part of human nature. Human nature is to strive for simple, obvious, and clear… to strive for certainty. A sense of control or a sense that you can control your world.

Continue reading “Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?”

Many ways to unhappiness, but only one way to happiness

Many ways to unhappiness, but only one way to happiness

There are thousands, millions, even billions of ways to unhappiness, but only one way to be happy

Controversial statement, isn’t it? It is reminiscent to Jesus’ saying: only through me… whatever he said.

Although the statement is grandiose, it points to a very simple truth. Simple doesn’t mean easy. It only means ‘uncomplicated.’

No one is really teaching it. It doesn’t sell. It is near impossible, and yet, it’s been done, and we just did it this past Saturday. We demonstrated that it’s possible. Continue reading “Many ways to unhappiness, but only one way to happiness”