Why should you believe me? Why should you learn from me?

Why should you believe me? Why should you learn from me?

I have been a spiritual, raise-your-vibration teacher for a while… and when someone asked what qualified me to teach, I could say that the fact that I did it myself, and went from a vibration of 185 to 930, consciously and with my eyes open.

Now, having done that is fine and dandy… but can I teach it? Good question.

But let’s look at another area: health.

At some point I got really clear that unless you have energy to do the work, unless you have coherence to do the work, unless you are well enough… I can’t help you much.

But I had a problem, an integrity issue: I myself wasn’t well enough to prove to you that I know what I am talking about when it comes to becoming healthy.

Continue reading “Why should you believe me? Why should you learn from me?”

It’s 45th that I graduated from architecture school

It’s 45th that I graduated from architecture school

01-livewelllakewoodIt put me into a walk-down memory lane mood, and I revisited some events in my life I haven’t remembered in decades.

For example the only person I ever saw as compatible, left after a few weeks, without saying good bye.

I could grieve it, but I think it was fortunate. I loved him too much…

When you love someone or something too much, you put your own self interest on hold, and become a slave to that person or thing…
Continue reading “It’s 45th that I graduated from architecture school”

Your health number… thoughts from the starting point tests I’ve done

hippocratesHippocrates said: food will be your medicine.

Let’s look at that statement from my experience with myself, and with my clients.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

– attributed to Hippocrates

Lay people (you) jump into conclusions… and jump from one superfood to the next, from one fad to the next, from one magic bullet to the next.

Modern (ineffective) medicine attacks this statement.
Energy medicine attacks this statement.

Continue reading “Your health number… thoughts from the starting point tests I’ve done”

The magic wand of instant change… aka manifestation

The magic wand of instant change… aka manifestation

Context is one of those words that unless you have enough capacities, especially the big picture capacity, is impossible to explain… at least it’s been impossible for me to explain to you.

And yet, if you want to improve the quality of your life, the magic wand to do that is context. Continue reading “The magic wand of instant change… aka manifestation”

Just because someone’s vibration is low today…

the-future-is-not-set-in-stone-and-even-if-it-was-stone-can-be-broken-quote-1…it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person. Or that vibration, that future is set in stone…

Your vibration is an accurate snapshot of where you are on the vibrational scale today.

Your guru, your spouse, your boss… or yourself could jump to a whole new level of vibration even without any spiritual input… if their health number went up higher.

A friend and client wrote to me today:

I wanted to share with you something interesting that is going on. anyway, you know how dead I have been, and I feel more alive every day, but I haven’t been attracted to a man in over 5 years…

Continue reading “Just because someone’s vibration is low today…”

Attachments are like snakes you have hanging from you

attachments-snakes-1I am trying to organize the information I provide people when they ask for their vibration, or whether they have attachments or not.

On a lark I measured if the student in the previous article had attachments. She felt so imprisoned… there must be a reason.

To my surprise she has 10 attachments.

Continue reading “Attachments are like snakes you have hanging from you”

The Pleasure Principle and winning in life

The Pleasure Principle and winning in life

tumblr_ni0hxucPbU1u23a8fo1_1280Psychology, as a science and as a practice has some tools: Observation and brain scans.

But the problem with either is that the human element, the interpreter between what is being seen, their mindset, their attitude, their approach, is crucial.

But, of course, this is true everywhere, except with psychologists, we expect them to interpret what they observe accurately… except they don’t. As a rule.

And then there are some outliers… like Freud. Continue reading “The Pleasure Principle and winning in life”

Case study: Attachment removal. What can you learn from it?

Case study: Attachment removal. What can you learn from it?

dave-watts-song-thrush-turdus-philomelos-eating-a-worm-ukI started to offer attachment removal in 2015, I think. This is one I did today… and I am sharing it with you because there is a great lesson in it, especially if you read Osho’s words I also included:

She: Do I have any attachments?

Me: yes. you have about 20 Continue reading “Case study: Attachment removal. What can you learn from it?”

Feeling weak? Drained? Or weird? You may have…

Feeling weak? Drained? Or weird? You may have…

collar-leash-humanFeeling weak? Drained? Or weird? You may have a Dark Side attachment that is sucking you dry

Reader asks:

Can your energy or vibration be “stolen” from you? If so, can you please point me in the direction of the person or thing that can help me protect myself? I used to be happy and friendly, now I think I have mini anxiety attacks, because when someone gets too close I start sweating and blushing for no reason. All this happened immediately after I started dating someone who was really deep into the occult (I didn’t know at the time). Continue reading “Feeling weak? Drained? Or weird? You may have…”

What is the first phase of raising your vibration?

What is the first phase of raising your vibration?

The first phase of raising your vibration is unlearning. Letting go. Getting rid of attachments, the chains that hold you down.

All people have two inside attachments:

  • your dominant belief’s therefore: a behavior or attitude that, like an attachment, ties you to the dominant belief.
  • And your anchor to doom. Your doom is the worst thing you fear.

Continue reading “What is the first phase of raising your vibration?”