Are you astute? Do you think I am saying something bad?

Are you astute? Do you think I am saying something bad?

Astuteness is being able to identify what’s in front of you, what’s happening, what might be the issue, the problem, and match solutions with problems successfully.

It seems that one of elements, or sub-capacities of astuteness is missing for nearly every person… and this capacity is easier to turn on by asking a simple question… while the whole sink and caboodle of astuteness comes to bear only AFTER you go through the first fundamental step.

This step is being able to separate, to tell apart what is relevant and what isn’t.

When you have a capacity open, you suspect that everyone has it open and functional, and fall flat on your face when it turns out that people don’t have it, can’t see it, and it isn’t missing for them that it’s missing for them.

This is what happened with this capacity. Continue reading “Are you astute? Do you think I am saying something bad?”

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

try-time-to-reinvent-yourselfYou live in a world of your own design… Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can’t see the filter, just like you don’t see the window unless you touch it…

A filter is like a pair of glasses…

A filter is also like a pair of glasses… They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green… and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can’t see that it’s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you… unless you can take it off…

You can see only the ripples. The indication that there is something there…

It’s the ripples that we don’t like… we don’t like the things we do, the things we think, the things we feel. We want to change the ripples. But the ripples are the surface of the iceberg… hidden, invisible…

But you can’t change something that you don’t know. You can’t change something that you don’t see.

We all want to reinvent ourselves, our world. Because what we have now is not working too well, not serving us too well. We can’t have what we want, and we suffer.

Continue reading “Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love”

What does skill-building do to you, beyond building skills?

What does skill-building do to you, beyond building skills?

I realized today that I am still at the beginning phases of my “entrepreneurial” journey… meaning: I am not a seasoned entrepreneur.

Why that would be, you ask?

Today I had an insight. Everyone talks about knowing, maybe even knowing how to do something, but hardly anyone talks about building skills, the building blocks of a successful life.

There is a what to do… and then there is a how to do it… and they all look magical and at least foggy for most people… Continue reading “What does skill-building do to you, beyond building skills?”

From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??

From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??

Most authors, most gurus, most spiritual/money/prosperity/marketing teachers each contributed one distinction to me… if any.

Actually, most didn’t… Famous ones, successful ones, amazing ones… nothing. I was left with nothing.

One of these distinctions, by Robert Scheinfeld, is considering that all you see when you look is through the limited perspective of the human mind. The 1%.

But seeing things the only way we can is not the problem. You see what you see. Continue reading “From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??”

How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy

How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy

The Logic System Of The Mind Is “Everything Is The Same As Everything Else … Except Not Always.”… and the mind, of course, is stupid

The test of a first-rate intelligence (astuteness) is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

The comment that sent me to the article on the different cows that produce different milk woke me up.

Life is a lot more complex, has a lot more variety than our brain, hellbent on simplifying, is able to, or even willing to track.

I fell in hate with Bill Harris, when he said: water is water. That was in 2005. I knew better…

What I didn’t know, that everything that looks the same isn’t the same by necessity, only by accident. Continue reading “How lack of astuteness keeps us Sick. Your lack of accuracy”

No coach has helped you to become happier

No coach has helped you to become happier

There are tons of coaches, coaching companies, transformational coaches, etc.

Bloggers teaching you tools of success, tools of happiness, etc.

Tons of books… courses… programs.

I have known for a long time that when people followed what was taught they would end up unhappier than they were before. I have tested it, observed it, and have pondered it. Continue reading “No coach has helped you to become happier”

Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all

Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all

Not surprisingly, I hope, the difference between homo sapiens (thinking man) and Human Being is this elusive “thing”: beingness.

Beingness does not respond to words.
  • Beingness does not respond to words. Not even “declarations!”
  • It doesn’t respond to force, not even to force of will.
  • It doesn’t really respond to feelings either.
  • And: IMPORTANT! is not created by doing

Continue reading “Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all”

what is intelligence, and what is more intelligent?

what is intelligence, and what is more intelligent?

dogs-unseen-venn-diagramThe quality of your life depends on your overall intelligence… intellect, body intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the ability to live a full life, with a range of emotions, and to conquer difficulties, adversities successfully.

You are born with certain DNA defined potentials. No doubt about that. Your ancestry and its habits lead to your DNA being allowing and restrictive, and yet, all human capacities are encoded in your DNA… but what is not needed, what was not needed by your ancestors is dimmed out… “not needed”, Nature decided…
Continue reading “what is intelligence, and what is more intelligent?”

You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit

You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit

astute-examplesMy site gets a lot of hits… people looking to find out how they too could become astute…

Astute people are happier, wealthier, more popular than others.

Of course they are looking for a quick fix to what the opposite of astute is: blindness, unawareness, cluelessness, being a bumbling idiot, or not being able tell their elbow from their ass.

I am not talking down at anyone… I was looking at myself to come up with those opposites.

We are clueless some of the time, most of us: most of the time.
Continue reading “You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit”