How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…

How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…

tailored-vs-untailored dietCustom diet plan… versus a plan off the rack.

I want to do more Health Consultations. So I have been reading emails in my spam folder for ideas what hooks people… Spammers, marketeers know how you think and therefore they know how to hook you.

I found this subject line: “Custom diet plan…” and I contemplated using it. A custom diet plan, this is what I give people, will cost you. But unlike custom made clothes, this will not cost you much more than a diet plan off the rack, in fact on the long run, it will cost you less.

But here is the interesting thing: even when someone comes to me for a health consultation, they quickly return to their lives and do what they have always done: chasing mirages. Chasing quick fixes. Chasing a fix. 1

But why? What is the difference between clients that do well with the diet and clients who do well for a while, but then go back to almost the way they were?

This is what I am examining in this article. It’s long, be forewarned.
Continue reading “How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…”

Those who are worth a damn and who aren’t…

Those who are worth a damn and who aren’t…

success myth: take massive actionWhat is the main difference between people who are worth a damn and people who aren’t?

The answer flies in the face of everything most anyone teaches, except one book and maybe one teacher in particular. 1

What is being taught is to take massive action towards your goal.

But almost no one is on the level among my readers, and I am not there either. On the level meaning where one massive action can get one to the goal. 2

The massive action followers are trying to build results on thin air… Continue reading “Those who are worth a damn and who aren’t…”

Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

energize your body while you are doing other things water energizer audioUpdate 10/5/2018: I didn’t realize this when ‘i wrote this article: I should have tested the energizer audio’s effect on my cell hydration, not direct download from source.

What is the difference?

When I download the energy into the water a five gallon container gets energized to coherence in less than a minute. Using the audio it takes between 48 hours and 72 hours… so9 that means that the audio does not raise your cell hydration directly. oops, my bad.

Do the remedy creating audios work on your body too? Does the Water Energizer energize your cells directly?

I haven’t heard this question in a long time, which is interesting.

Regardless, I tested it.

Because 60% of your body is water, some body parts more, if you listen to the audios through headphones they get infused in your body.

How did I test it?

I just downloaded the Water Energizer energy into my body. I measured my cell hydration before, in the middle, and after.

My cell hydration number was 30% when I started, and it rose to 70%.

Continue reading “Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?”

Insights are opportunities mostly not acted upon

Insights are opportunities mostly not acted upon

I have noticed that my health number has gone up 10 points, and my hydration went up another 3 points.

I also noticed that maybe I am a little smarter. I see a little more than before.

I have also noticed the same on students, that when their health improves they see more too… so I am not unique this way.

But yet, in spite of the high vibration, certain things scare the crap out of me, sorry for the crude expression… You see, high vibration doesn’t necessarily make you more polished.

So, this afternoon, as I was listening to my 67 step for today, I had an insight. Meaning: I saw something that has far reaching consequences… potentially. 1 Continue reading “Insights are opportunities mostly not acted upon”

When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life

When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life

I listened to step two 1 of the 67 steps, I think, the seventh time three days ago, and then again yesterday.

The step is about evolution. Growth. What it takes to grow… personally. It’s also about being adaptable, it’s about adapting.

Adapting is very hard. Why? Because part of adapting is to say no to what you have been saying yes to.

So it is complete upset, confusion, fear, uncertainty, and personally, it feels to me that death would be preferable. That is my 50% TLB speaking.

I always bring the example of climbing the ladder, but it is not how it feels. It feels really jumping. And when both feet are in the air, you don’t know where you are going to land.

I am seeing that in every area of life all the yes’s I am saying are keeping me the same, and I am terrified of saying no to them and saying yes to something else.

It started with my health.
Continue reading “When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life”

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change is going to win in life

Changeability, adaptability: what prevents you from being changeable or adaptable so you can win?

Darwin may have said: The species that is most adaptable wins the genetic lottery. Humanity’s, society’s emphasis is on smarts, but smart people are often losers.

Groups of people survived in history if they could adapt to the changing environment, the changing of the world successfully.

This is also true for the individual who wants to be successful and live the good life. (Success in one area does not translate to the good life, where you are successful in health, wealth, love and happiness equally). Continue reading “The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..”

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

It is said that awareness 1 , the awareness factor is the best predictor of someone’s chances for success.

Simply put: your awareness is a measure that expresses how far your head is out of your anus, and how much of what you see, hear, feel reaches your conscious awareness and triggers an APPROPRIATE response there.

That is quite a mouthful, right? So to make it easier, I am going to speak computer language… if you don’t understand, I am sorry. I use many different analogies later on in this article, so just hang in there… OK?

The brain receives all the signals the sensory organs provide, but is selective about bringing it to the conscious, because of bandwidth limitations. Continue reading “Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?”

Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

dante infernoThis article is about using guidance, but not for its truth value, but in spite of its truth value. 1

Tai’s 67 steps program coupled with my coaching is the perfect growth program.

It’s not because of me, it is not because of the steps either but because of its structural essence.
Continue reading “Long winter may be the secret of high achievers”

Why doesn’t meditation raise your vibration?

Why doesn’t meditation raise your vibration?

Life. You either go with it or life will drag you…

And if you don’t go, untold suffering is your “pay”.

Why doesn’t meditation raise your vibration?

You know everything you know because you were taught.

Even if you have an inner sense of what you should know, how things work, etc. without first being taught you are like everyone else: completely caught up in the way the world thinks.

I am talking about both tangible and intangible knowledge. Continue reading “Why doesn’t meditation raise your vibration?”

The non-physical pain of being devalued…

The non-physical pain of being devalued…

There is a very interesting phenomenon and I just experienced it full blast.

This is how it goes: I write something. I think I know what i am saying. but hours later it hits me… wow.

So I wrote in my previous article, this morning, that all pain and suffering you experience is experiencing your own resistance… resistance coming from the 14th floor words: “This should not be…”

And most non-physical pain you experience comes from the devaluation of the I… or the perceived devaluation… and the feedback that is causing it is resisted.

So, consequently all non-physical pain comes from your resistance to feedback.

OK… I said more or less this… but how true and how general it is just hit me.

Here I am sitting by my computer, wondering when the mailman will arrive today. I have something outgoing…
Continue reading “The non-physical pain of being devalued…”