Vibrational reviews: how other people do it

(Bashar,Ramtha,Ashtar Command,Sananda,Neale Donald Walsh,Wayne Dyer,Amma, Sylvia Browne, Sathya Sai Baba, Osho)OK, I was browsing for other people’s reviews, and found this. It’s pretty good… I will add my vibrational review to it, probably in a different color for you to see what I say and what “she” said… She is the author of this post… … Continue reading “Vibrational reviews: how other people do it”

Does your cheerfulness irritate someone? Enough to wish you dead? More on attachments…

The difference between cords and energetic attachment, psychic attachment is many.Cords don’t grow roots, they stay where stay landed. They cause damage only by virtue of being there.Energetic attachments, psychic attachments are “alive” and grow roots, coil around an organ, go from one organ to another.They are designed to kill, or at least debilitate. They … Continue reading “Does your cheerfulness irritate someone? Enough to wish you dead? More on attachments…”

Being an empath is no picnic…

Being an empath is a bitch… You don’t only feel another’s duplicity when they allow you, you feel it when they are dead and you are reading their stuff. You feel it in a movie, when the whole movie, on the surface is supposed to be a compliment, but underneath it it is a left-handed … Continue reading “Being an empath is no picnic…”

What is the fundamental and profound difference between a human and a human being?

The level of evolution where you are is called human. The next level is called human being.I know, I know, everyone says, even the dictionary, that you are a human being, but it’s a misnomer.

Apocalypse: an opportunity to develop capacities

Apocalypse: an opportunity to develop some capacities to be ready for anythingThis is an article partially rewritten by me. It is from Rob Brezsny from his book, Pronoia… with my notes, annotations…He describes, through the “apocalypse” the relationship between the pedestrian (driftwood) way of living and the living on the higher floors… pretty much what … Continue reading “Apocalypse: an opportunity to develop capacities”

When your vibration drops everything starts to bother you

One of the most harmful words in the English language are I, my, and me.It is not that they are intrinsically harmful! they are harmful the way we relate to their meaning.Context is decisive. Sometimes these words (I, my and me) are the context, and sometimes they are heard in a context… confusing? Yeah, context … Continue reading “When your vibration drops everything starts to bother you”

Can you wield energies? Do attunements work? Are they needed? Is Reiki real?

In yesterday’s article about the story that marketers use to connect to you, to connect to your need, to prove that they are special, I made strong statements that I want to repeat and provide some evidence.Some of the stuff that story-tellers sell to you actually work. Regardless of the story.Now, I don’t have a … Continue reading “Can you wield energies? Do attunements work? Are they needed? Is Reiki real?”

Becoming Like God, Clinging To The Tree of Life

Becoming Like God, Climbing The Tree of LifeThis is a very old article. The truth value of this article is only 10%… my newer articles’ truth value is 60%. And yet… this article has elements of truth… 10%…I wrote it on my birthday in 2011…There are two fundamental ways to live life, and that reflects … Continue reading “Becoming Like God, Clinging To The Tree of Life”