April’s fool… always asking: what does that mean?

The Hungarian saying about April Fool is ‘April’s fool, May’s stupid ass’But when you look closely, the human mind makes us an April’s fool all the time.I look out the window. the trees are covered with snow.What does this mean? This is the first question any human asks, isn’t it? What does this mean?

Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?

Breakthrough: how do you cause one? There is a science to causing breakthroughs! Learn it! This article teaches it.No matter on what level you are on the evolutionary scale, the percentage of knowledge that you didn’t know that you didn’t know stays at 99%.Sometimes it overlaps with what you think you know because, most of … Continue reading “Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?”

Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward

I don’t feel motivated! I can’t get motivated enough to get this done! Motivation is missing… can you help?This, motivation, motive power is the topic of this article… but first: how it came about… OK?Yesterday I had one of my ‘historic’ Sunday calls… A call I have been having for 14 years.I use the calls … Continue reading “Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward”

Because of great love one is courageous.

In the Original Design, that is aligned with Life, love is not what we consider love, and courage is not what we consider courage. be prepared to be surprised.

You are the anchor of the world that keeps it fixed.

The world seems to be fixed… We call reality what everyone agrees about… but is it fixed? It turns out that when you soar reality changes with you. I am talking about real change… both you and reality…It’s Friday. Friday is my day off… which doesn’t mean I won’t write an article. A day off … Continue reading “You are the anchor of the world that keeps it fixed.”

Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…

In this article we’ll look how psychopathy will stop you from soaring by making you, the center of the world fixed, unchangeable. And unless you can change…Don’t be mistaken: Source’s definition of psychopathy doesn’t quite agree with the common view… I listen to Source, not the common view.Long time ago clients are suddenly interested in … Continue reading “Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…”

Want to go fast, go alone. Want to go far? go together

I rarely do one-on-one sessions. And unless it is about someone’s health, r business, I don’t do them.Why? I don’t think they are effective. Not effective for the client. and if I am interested in causing something: it is not effective for me.Most coaching programs are useless as far as making a difference.

What is your issue with work? Because you have one!

The secret of big success in most any endeavor is to outwork the competition.But humanity, you, have a problem with that.I watched IP Man, four movies on Netflix, yesterday. Binge-watched. I considered it work.Work? Yeah. Character study, life study, I learn from books and movies… so I can work with you better. I love working.

Is ranting gossiping? Is ranting complaining?

Complaining implies expressing dissatisfaction about a situation or behavior. Ranting is all about expressing anger by shouting in frustration. And gossiping is talking about a person who isn’t present. So this article, at least the first part is all three. But it is also a teaching opportunity.Every Tuesday I am on a group coaching call … Continue reading “Is ranting gossiping? Is ranting complaining?”

Inner authority? What does it mean really?

I define someone who has that, Inner Authority, is this: they don’t need an outside force to entice them or to threaten them with some kind of punishment or doom to do what they have to do to get things done.So, the year was 1987, and it was the end of an 8-year run of … Continue reading “Inner authority? What does it mean really?”