The fixed mindset and how it prevents you from changing

How the notes you take, the stories you tell, put blinders on you and prevent you from growing…As a coach, I will send you back to the same book, the same video a number of times. My intention is that you watch it…

Own what owns you. Owning it means: you allow it to be

Own what owns you. Whatever you allow to be allows you to be.One of my favorite movies is M, a 1931 German thriller by Fritz Lang.At one point in my life I wanted to have a life about movies. I didn’t know I was an empath, but I knew that I got a lot more … Continue reading “Own what owns you. Owning it means: you allow it to be”

What is the first phase of raising your vibration?

The first phase of raising your vibration is unlearning. Letting go. Getting rid of attachments, the chains that hold you down.All people have two inside attachments:your dominant belief’s therefore: a behavior or attitude that, like an attachment, ties you to the dominant belief.And your anchor to doom. Your doom is the worst thing you fear.

Want to avoid negative emotions? Stupid move!

You must go through emotional phases, no matter how high your vibration, or how successful you areYou imagine that when you’ll have raised your vibration sufficiently, you won’t have sadness, hopelessness, despair… frustration, hate, spite, resistance, and such. Bah humbug.

Could you be crying and be unphased at the same time?

Can you listen to insults to your family, your god, your country and be unphased?Can you watch death and grieving and be unphased?I am unphased 91% of the time. Very few things pull me out of the equilibrium. Times when I need to recover so I can return to being well and being unphased. All … Continue reading “Could you be crying and be unphased at the same time?”

What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?

All you do to raise your vibration is plain wrong and actually lowers your vibration.I got this email this morning:Hello Sophie,I have read some of Your reviews. I thought raising vibrations meant inner transformation, less ego and more kindness. Sorry, but to me Your Message does not seem truthful. I do not think it is … Continue reading “What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?”


First off… find out if you have attachments, please… An attachment is an enslavement device. It can be temporary, I guess, or permanent, but either way, it is used to enslave, manipulate, harvest energy from, or fill with energy from outside, a person. I don’t know how to create an attachment, though I have been … Continue reading “Attachments”