You can be joyous, you can love, you can be loved, you can be grateful… what is life for you?

peeling the onion: what's the truth about you?What’s the Truth About You?

At first I was surprised. Very few people want to find out what’s the truth about them. It was stunning to me, given what I know about life: Unless you know what you are up against you will shoot in the dark when you want to change direction, or results.

But then I looked again.

People don’t want to do the work. And they especially don’t want to do the work if it means they have to look at their own ugliness.

Don’t be mistaken: we are all ugly inside. Ever since Adam and Eve put on the fig leaves as costume, human being are trying to cover up, hide, and pretend that their shadow side doesn’t exist. 1

You learn, real fast, if you live in a country where people wear clothes, that being a girl or being a boy is not a physical thing, it’s a behavior thing. It’s not that you have a different equipment, it is that you are supposed to play with dolls if you are a girl, and you are not allowed to cry if you are a boy.

shameNo one talks about your privates, as if they were a dirty secret, something to be ashamed of, something to hide, something wrong.

And those “privates” become much more interesting than dolls or toy soldiers: anything that is not allowed becomes more interesting than what is allowed.

So, if you didn’t start earlier, you start building a whole life of secret fascination with your own privates, other children’s privates, other people’s privates. And depending on your inclination to be obedient and fearful or proper… you will feel horrible about yourself, a fraud, a fake, a bad person.
Continue reading “You can be joyous, you can love, you can be loved, you can be grateful… what is life for you?”

Become Who You Were Really Meant To Become…

Become Who You Were Really Meant To Become…

Become who you were meant to become

Really nice and really loaded title, would you agree? It means that you are not who you were meant to be. You are someone else, and that flies in the face of determinists.

Determinists say that your life is scripted, and you have no choice about it. You choose what you have in store for you. You have no free will.

But the truth is that humans do have free will. Continue reading “Become Who You Were Really Meant To Become…”

Anger, Resentment, Disappointment: How To Liberate Yourself?

Anger, Resentment, Disappointment: How To Liberate Yourself?

A few years ago, (maybe 3?) I went over the list of people I was angry at, or disappointed by. I made an all-out attempt to liberate myself from the bondage anger or disappointment creates.

Anger, resentment, disappointment: all symptoms of ego/mind, all symptoms of thinking of the future and feeling threatened. Look at how the Indonesian Mimic Octopus makes sure that they don’t fall prey to having any reason for anger, etc. But humans are not as intelligent: they willingly put themselves in that position… Don’t forget to read the rest of the article once you are done watching the video Continue reading “Anger, Resentment, Disappointment: How To Liberate Yourself?”

The Three Realities: What’s the Truth About You?

3-way history:

  • The Way I Remember It,
  • The Way You Remember It, and
  • The Way It Actually Was.

you are three different persons:

  1. The person you believe yourself to be.
  2. The person others believe you to be.
  3. The person you really are.

This means there is:
Continue reading “The Three Realities: What’s the Truth About You?”

Vibrational Review: The Silva Method

I have never done anything with the Silva Method, except a presentation imagery with Laura Silva that I found ineffective.

Here are the vibrational frequencies of Laura and Isabel Silva and the method itself.

Laura Silva vibration: 250
Isabel Silva vibration: 240
the Silva philosophy: 230
the Silva Method: 200

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Vibrational Reviews: More Distance Healers

Coherent Healing and Medical Intuitive Matt DiLorenzo
personal vibration: 160
accuracy of “diagnosis”: 20%
Effectiveness of healing: 30%
empath? no

Susan Grey healer
empath? no
how does she connect? through “seeing”
fake? fraud? yes (judging from her own self-perception)
internal state: anguish
personal vibration: 190
healing effective: ~50% (mostly placebo effect)

Healing by Betsy
personal vibration: 200
fake? fraud? no
connects to client: 20% of the time
healing effectiveness: 50% (can’t seem to find the reason… sorry)

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Vibrational Review: Distance Healer Adam Fulmore

Vibrational Review: Dr. Adam Fulmore distance healer, Intuitive health solutions

I read this guy, Adam Fulmore’s site, asked for a sample energy session transcript.

I connected to the person the session was with. My experience of the person was similar as his, although I don’t see colors, and I don’t deal in chakras.

When I muscletest his “solutions”, muscletest says that he is able to do 10% of what he thinks he can.

Ultimately he removes congestion, which doesn’t mean much to me. At sounds to me like hokus pokus, though if he uses chi gong moves, like I learned from Chuny Lin, maybe.

All in all, I would not call Adam Fulmore a fraud, he actually believes that he does what he does.

His personal vibration is 160, and his method registers as 10% effective.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Want Change In Your Life? All Change Starts With Knowing Where You Are At… What’s the truth about you?

Want Change In Your Life? All Change Starts With Knowing Where You Are… What’s the truth about you?

The best doctors are the ones that diagnose correctly. When you hear the diagnosis and it resonates with you, your trust in the doctor doubles, after all correct diagnosis is 50% of the cure.

This is true in medicine, this is true in coaching, this is true in business.

Some jokes come to mind:

Michael is having a problem with his car. He drives to his mechanic. The mechanic looks it over and says: five hundred bucks. When will it be ready, asks Michael. In 15 minutes, answers the mechanic. five hundred dollars for 15 minutes? exclaims Michael. Oh, if you look at it that way, it will be ready next week.

or another one:
Continue reading “Want Change In Your Life? All Change Starts With Knowing Where You Are At… What’s the truth about you?”

MuscleTesting and The Story Of Three Feet from Gold

MuscleTesting and The Story Of Three Feet from Gold

Three Feet from Gold and Muscletesting… there is something here for all of us.

The course I am currently teaching, Brilliance at Will, has come to a line of demarcation.

Suddenly it looks much easier and much more desirable for students to turn back and give up than forging ahead.

Much like the guy in the story from Think and Grow Rich (by Napoleon Hill) who bought a piece of land during the California gold rush and spent all his money and life searching for the big score, only to end up broke and broken, eventually selling off his claim to another prospector. The new owner of the claim brought in geologists and specialists to see if it made sense to continue mining the old mine since the original owner had not pulled out enough gold to even live on. What they found was that the original miner had stopped digging and gave up his mine and his dream just three feet from the richest gold vein in California history.

Unless you have a tool, an education, or an elevated view, you’ll never know how far you are from hitting pay-dirt.
Continue reading “MuscleTesting and The Story Of Three Feet from Gold”