The real causes of success and the real causes of no success

galdwell1The majority of people, in fact about 99% of all people, live a life of quiet or not so quiet desperation.
80% of my readers also belong to that majority.

I’d like to address this article to the 20% that is not willing to live a life of quiet or not so quiet desperation, the 20% that is willing to put themselves on the hook for a better life, for growing, for taking risks, for a life worth living.

The theories of success, the books on success, the psychology of success, the technology of success you come across on the internet, in seminars, in books is totally ineffective, useless, and will never and has never changed anyone’s life, anyone’s behavior.
Continue reading “The real causes of success and the real causes of no success”

Why don’t you use the new stuff you buy to better yourself?

1103382595902154989i3uvnxmcWhy don’t you use the new stuff you buy, your new course, your new capacity?

What happens when you get anything new?

Is it always good news?

After all it’s shiny, after all it’s new… and yet… you are not using it.

Why? Are you crazy?

No, actually you may be intelligent.

New things, a new relationship, a new baby, a new job are disruptive to your current life… disruptive is a good word to use here.

And you are not ready to disrupt, you are not willing to be disrupted.

Why fix something that is not broken?
Continue reading “Why don’t you use the new stuff you buy to better yourself?”

In life you are either a nerd or a floater, a producer or a second-hander

nerd or floaterAre you a nerd or a floater?

One description I found on the internet is this: a NERD is an individual of vast intelligence and curiosity coupled with a natural knack for academics and discovery.

You not only appreciate technology, biology, and all the other ‘ology’s – you know what they mean and how they work, too! While Geeks are busy flooding comic-cons and using the internet while pretending to know how it works, you are busy coding the damn internet and earning your Masters or Doctorate (if you don’t already have it/both).

Of course the terms Nerd, Geek, and Dork will always have some overlap, but your test results show an innately intelligent individual with the drive and know-how to put you behind the classic horn-rimmed glasses and pocket protector of a well-educated, deeply intellectual N-E-R-D!

I prefer to say: a nerd is someone who has a vision, a path, and skills and knowledge to follow that path faithfully, and diligently.

don't be realistic... evolve!You can be an engineer, an artist, an architect, a cook, a restaurateur, an actor, a furniture maker… and be a nerd… Am I misusing the term? Probably…. I mean, more like the hero of the movie Gattaca… where your natural abilities are magnified by your will and your diligence.


Floaters are people who don’t do anything with their lives, or at least they don’t try to. When at work, floaterdo you notice anybody that sits around or acts like they are busy? That’s a Floater. When your girlfriend or wife complains about how nobody does anything around the house and carries on doing whatever, sorry honey you’re a Floater.

If the complainers would actually stand up and put some effort into what they are doing and try to change how they are living, then they might actually spread their wings and take flight.

Hate me? Thank you. I take it as a compliment.

In life you are either a nerd or you are a floater.

The two most important characteristics of a nerd is that they know what is most important to them, and they love it.

I always wanted to be Renaissance man, because for me, choosing, committing was the hardest. I even picked architecture because I had the illusion that architects needed to know everything. And that may be true, that they need to know everything, but it is also true, that they don’t.

And especially they don’t use words to express, and I am a words person.

So I went through five years of university and suffered through 17 years of working as an architect… until I chose and committed to a profession that needed my words…

When you know what is important to you, then it is easier to organize a life around it. Then your life becomes a workshop.

What prevents a lot of people from living a life worth living is that they don’t choose their priorities, they are chosen for them.

By other people.

You become the toothbrush, toilet brush, entertainer, janitor, shopper, dildo: a service provider for other people.

You don’t notice it until there is a conflict. Conflict of interest. Between what other people want you to be, and you want to be.

Holidays are a good time to notice: what you want from your life, doesn’t much matter around holiday time… only what you have to do, expected to do, asked to do, ought to do.

It’s not a special time: it is just easier to notice because pretty much nothing that is important to you, nothing that serves you on the long run, has room in your life around the holidays… whatever holidays, by the way… Be them state holidays or religious holidays. At holidays you find out how much control and say you have about your own life. For most that is mighty little…

Nothing wrong, they should not cancel holidays, I just want you to be awake.

Floaters have never chosen what is important to them. They don’t know. They are just thrown around by circumstances, for them there is no path holidays are trying to take them off… they have no path, no purpose, no rhyme and no reason to live.

They wake up in the morning because they didn’t die the night before.

Now, you may think that I am talking against family, and honestly a month ago I would have. But sometimes you get guided to the perfect Netflix series…

I am watching Blue Bloods, about an Irish family, top cops. Every single adult in that family knows what they are about, and yet, every Sunday they go to church together, eat together, protect each other, support each other.

I didn’t know it was possible, because I had never seen anything like that. My family surely wasn’t like it. In my own family closeness wasn’t present. Family wasn’t a priority at all. It was at the very bottom of priorities. And so it was in all families I have observed…

Or if family was important, it was important from top down, not to each person. In this type of family each person was required to give up what they individually were about, and get no support or respect if in spite of that pressure they were up to something… i.e. they were nerds.

It’s rare, or non-existent, but if they could make a series about it, then it’s possible.

I can even imagine being part of a family like that.

Now, how is a family like that is born and formed?

I think that it all comes from top down…

One person, the patriarch, I guess, was up to something, had the generosity to share what he was about, the principles, the idealism, the struggles, and it became attractive, and the ambition of the children to choose their own path, and share it.

Among people I know, sharing with their parents what you are about, and getting support is unheard of.

People get married without ever completely know and share what they are about, and then the marriage is a power struggle…

Inside my parents’ marriage that power struggle never happened, but family, love, was never present.

Somehow, my older brother and me, got infected with my father’s purposeful living… my little brother, who was still little when my father left the family, is a floater. Not up to anything.

I have been working with adults.

The results are disappointing. More often than not, the person I am working with is pulled down, pulled back to being a floater by the family.

I see that I can work till I die and not make a difference if I continue to work with adults.

So I am setting my eyes at children.

Children have more freedom, and they have a good and politically correct excuse: their school grades, their future, their future earnings, their future success.

Parents want that for their children, even if they want it for the wrong reason. And they do… they have no choice about it: unevolved parents don’t really want their children to evolve, but by the time they notice, I hope, it will be irreversible.

The goal is to create nerds, children whose first priority is what they are up to (vertical), and their second priority is a loving relationship (horizontal).

What format will I choose? I am not sure yet. What age group? I haven’t decided.

I welcome your input. Especially if you have children. Children that you’d allow to get smarter, happier, so they can have a life they love, a life where they grow.

Would you allow your child to be more than you? More evolved?

Or would you like them to be just like you but get better grades?

Please comment below, or send me an email. I’d really like to hear what you have to say.

And please don’t lie. I’ll know.

steve-jobs_thumbPS: I just finished reading a long nerd article that you do want to read if you don’t have your life’s purpose, if you are ambiguous about your life purpose… here it is… enjoy:

The dynamics of getting stuck… Or why isn’t my life getting any better, in spite of all the things I do?

mutually exclusive outcomesWhy and how you got stuck?
  • When you see that acting would make a positive difference, but you don’t act.
  • When you see that if you did what you said you would do, you could… but you don’t do it.
  • When you see that staying angry or right will cost you everything you ever wanted… but being angry or being right is soooo justified…!

What is it that counters you taking that action, when you don’t do what you see would be a good move?
What is winning when you are obviously losing?

Obviously, as always, the answer to those questions is under the hood.

Obviously, because above the hood you are losing. But under the hood, something or someone is winning…
Continue reading “The dynamics of getting stuck… Or why isn’t my life getting any better, in spite of all the things I do?”

The Law of Action


There is a huge misunderstanding that most of you are the victim of: thinking that you need to be ready to do something, that you need to get rid of fear or discomfort to do something.

One of my clients is dealing with an issue. To solve the issue, I asked him to talk to people in the same kind of business as his, to pick their brains what to do in the winters when there is no snow… i.e. there is no business, no revenue… and he still has to pay his employees.

He is afraid. I get that. But he is not doing what I asked him to do, and I don’t get that… WTF? Is he going to let the company die? What a waste.

When I checked him, a minute ago, he had turned Life Force aka ambition capacity off… dead as a door nail.

All this work for nothing… He may not benefit, but you could… so here is the law of action, teaching you that action doesn’t need you to feel like action, it only needs you to act… Duh.

The capacity that’s missing, interestingly, is the capacity of seeing hierarchy: what comes first, what comes second. And it seems that culture is repeating this delusion… that you have to stop being afraid before you can act. B.S.

The Law of Action

No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life. Those of us who only think we understand concepts, such as commitment, courage, and love, one day discover that we only know when we act; doing becomes understanding.

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It’s in your DNA… but it’s not working. But why?

livingstonYou’ll get the most out of this article, if you map it on yourself, on your life… Everything I write about you can find in your own life, in one form or another.

On Tuesdays I do my grocery shopping. Oftentimes I buy something chocolate, not a whole lot, a few bites I can finish before I get home. Other times I buy more…

I always know I did something really stupid within a few hours… Sugar doesn’t agree with me. Continue reading “It’s in your DNA… but it’s not working. But why?”

Power tip: locate yourself… in reality

locate-yourselfOne of the things that immediately de-fuses an explosive situation, being frazzled, stress, etc. is accurately identifying what is going on, where you are at.

It takes stepping outside of the situation, looking at it from there, to identify what is going on.

You may have over committed… and so you are overwhelmed
You may have made promises without consulting the people you live with, and so your are out of integrity
You may be trying to prove that you are special… so you are in greed


Once you see exactly what the situation is, restoring peace, restoring calm, restoring effectiveness is a piece of cake.
Continue reading “Power tip: locate yourself… in reality”

Scarcity Thinking? Why knowing this will make you happy?

water-grabbersPeople (you) throw around words like they mean something, but in fact they (you) have no idea what they are talking about. And to boot, the words themselves stand in for many words, that don’t match well with the word used to “abbreviate” the phenomenon.

Scarcity is such a word. Scarce… not enough, meager, finite… but how does this apply to scarcity thinking? The attitude of scarcity?

Before I start, let me get something out of the way:

First off, people, you, can’t think, don’t think, instead you use prefab blocks of words and call it thinking. It isn’t. But that, the lack of thinking isn’t the topic of this article, so I’ll just leave it alone, for now.

You see, if I asked you to give me an example, you would be hard pressed to give any, because it would mean actually understanding what you are talking about… but here is a whole article, hopefully, lol, about scarcity… why? Because it deserves to be illuminated, talked about, understood, so you can stop causing yourself being miserable, not even knowing that you did it.
Continue reading “Scarcity Thinking? Why knowing this will make you happy?”

The most generous thing you can ever do…

the strait... the best analogy I could find for distinctionI wrote in the last article that guiding anyone, including yourself with a positive statement is the fastest way to misery… Positive statements, including affirmations, don’t define anything.

The expression ‘strait and narrow’ is brilliant, because it tells it how it is: the strait, as in the Bering Strait… is the key: everything that is NOT land is the strait… the land defines the strait, nothing inside the strait defines it… only its boundary. Same with a river. And same with generosity.

Giving is NOT generous, giving is giving.

Continue reading “The most generous thing you can ever do…”

A reader writes: an amazing insight about praising

i-am-a-disappointmentSometimes a student can say it better than I will ever be able to say…

A lot of you will resonate with this.

If you don’t… that is a sign of an inner desert…

I resonated with it, it expressed me wholly, fully… even though I may be 60% past it. But 40% is still there…

I will put my comments, hopefully, in boxes, near where what I am commenting about. It’s rich and there is a lot to be said.

Enjoy. But most importantly, map what he says to yourself. When you can see yourself in this light, you can start to include it, embrace it, so you can grow.

Hi Sophie

Continue reading “A reader writes: an amazing insight about praising”