There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.

There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.
THERE is a Principle of Power in every person: and there does not appear to be any limit to the possibilities of his growth

This article is based on Wallace D. Wattles’ famous third book, The Science Of Being Great and, of course it includes what I have to say about the topic.

We all want to be great… or at least be considered great, and we all fall short. Why? because we are NOT great, not great at all. The gap between what we hope to be, what we hope to produce and what we actually produce keeps us, overtly or covertly miserable and self-hating. Continue reading “There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.”

Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?

Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?

Chances are that your fix, the solution to your complaints is making you sick or sicker

I just checked out a healing client’s solution for feeling bad, an expensive spray to remove toxins from her body. The muscletest said: the remedy actually puts toxins into her body and almost destroyed her liver. Almost… because we caught it before it killed her.

It is not an isolated incident or phenomenon. Continue reading “Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?”

Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying

Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying
busy but not fulfilledRemember, when something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know.

If your life feels empty in spite of all that’s in it, then you need to look at your life and examine it. There is something, a piece of knowledge, is missing… and you are paying the price.

Another saying that really talks to me: Continue reading “Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying”

What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?

What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?

I have been sitting here pondering if Source knows that humanity is not happy. The humanity has been taken on a path where fulfillment isn’t even a thing. Where life is all about what you have, not what you feel.

You could argue that a feeling is something you have, and you would be right. And also, you would be wrong. Continue reading “What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?”

The secret of happy producers… NOT what you expect

The secret of happy producers… NOT what you expect

The secret of happy producers… NOT what time they get up in the morning, or how many books they read…

My students, like popcorn, are starting to pop at the same time. It is hard to say what made each pop… especially if your vocabulary (the number of distinction) is not keeping up with the richness of the invisible reality. Continue reading “The secret of happy producers… NOT what you expect”

There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it

There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it
Intelligence is being able to tell the difference. The difference between something being wrong and you not liking it. Intelligence begins there.

If you can’t tell the difference, then you will continue to collapse the two. And you are the person about whom the saying goes: for you everything is the same as everything else… except that not always. No distinction. Clueless. Not a compliment.

In essence you will be the guy who cannot tell their ass from your elbow. In my experience you’ll be always angry, or sad, or disappointed. or feel slighted, not loved, lonely, deprived, bored, trying, attacked. the billions of moves that keep you unhappy… unfulfilled. Continue living a subhuman life.

No distinction? No intelligence.

Continue reading “There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it”

If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2

If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2

I am finding out that you’ve been thinking in terms of TODO lists to get things done.

I find TODO lists daunting.

The biggest problem with todo lists is that they kill the spirit of things. Things show up as burden on it, not as opportunities. Opportunities for joy, for contribution, for practice, for greatness. No. Just another thing TODO. Continue reading “If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2”

Stupid is as stupid does. How this helped raise my vibration

Stupid is as stupid does. How this helped raise my vibration

Stupid as stupid does. the saying that was at the root of me raising my vibration

I have known that my turnaround happened when I declared that I was stupid, in 1996, and I embraced it. Accepted it. Came to terms with it.

But I had no idea until this morning how I got to that point. Where the idea came from. Continue reading “Stupid is as stupid does. How this helped raise my vibration”

You say you care… but instead you rain on people’s parade

You say you care… but instead you rain on people’s parade

misery loves companyYou say you care… but you have an agenda instead, raining on people’s parade

When I work with people on coaching calls, I always find out that they have no details, no nuances about people and happenings around them, even if they were part of the happening.

Why? Because they weren’t present. Continue reading “You say you care… but instead you rain on people’s parade”

If you have a problem keeping your word…

If you have a problem keeping your word…

If you have a problem keeping your word… Noticing and handling that may be your first step towards growth and to becoming a person…

Keeping your word, especially the word that you gave to yourself is a big issue… This article is digging deep for the causes and the solutions. Continue reading “If you have a problem keeping your word…”