Just because someone’s vibration is low today…

the-future-is-not-set-in-stone-and-even-if-it-was-stone-can-be-broken-quote-1…it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person. Or that vibration, that future is set in stone…

Your vibration is an accurate snapshot of where you are on the vibrational scale today.

Your guru, your spouse, your boss… or yourself could jump to a whole new level of vibration even without any spiritual input… if their health number went up higher.

A friend and client wrote to me today:

I wanted to share with you something interesting that is going on. anyway, you know how dead I have been, and I feel more alive every day, but I haven’t been attracted to a man in over 5 years…

Continue reading “Just because someone’s vibration is low today…”

I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well

health-spiritualitySource says: You can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well… This is the signal I have been waiting for.

To be able to do Source’s work, I have surrendered to giving you what you want.

You want to grow? Then you want to be well? Not my favorite topic, not as high minded as I hoped I will work… but Source says: I can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well.

Maslow has said it, and it should be self evident: unless your basics are covered, money, health, you won’t have any interest and any energy to give to spiritual growth.

So I have surrendered… OK. I’ll get you well. If that is what I need to do so I can take you to the level of human being… which requires serious spiritual growth, new capacities, new way of being.

Continue reading “I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well”

Call me blunt, call me judgmental… I don’t care.

indicatorsI am going to share, in this article, some of the judgmental sounding questions I ask when I try to get a full picture about someone who is asking for help.

As you probably don’t know, judgment comes from ego, from comparison. I am smart and you are stupid… that is judgment.

You are stupid isn’t judgment unless you feel something in your chest or throat as you say it. Unless it means something about you.

I feel nothing, or maybe sadness, when I ask these assessment question… that help me make sense out of the convoluted picture each person is.

Continue reading “Call me blunt, call me judgmental… I don’t care.”

You are in trouble… And you don’t know that you don’t know that you are in trouble

The-trouble-with-trouble-is-it-starts-out-funOne of the most educational experiences is to listen in to Dr Wallach’s radio show.

It’s on youtube. But before you rush, let me tell you what to listen for.

  1. People ask about a disease. A problem. Although Dr. Wallach’s approach is not disease+fixing directed, he needed to learn how to ask questions that drive up the actual nutritional deficiency issues, so he can address the underlying deficiency, instead of providing a fix that makes no difference.
  2. One question he repeatedly asks and a question that seems totally irrelevant, is this: Was there childhood rash? 1He also asks, repeatedly about childhood asthma.

I have been pondering these two questions, and I finally cracked the mystery with regards to one of them: the rash, and I am starting to see the relevance of asthma.

Continue reading “You are in trouble… And you don’t know that you don’t know that you are in trouble”

How context can unify a fragmented life make it seamless?

fragmented-lifeIt is time to rewrite the book, Truth versus Falsehood, on muscletesting, measuring for truth, and other practices that most everybody uses to cover up that they don’t know. To cover up that they are amateurs out to get your money.

So who has to write it? Me… and I don’t like to write long things: I am a really short article type person.

People tell me that you write long things the way you write short things… but I don’t know if this is true.

Continue reading “How context can unify a fragmented life make it seamless?”

What is health?

A German who escaped just before all the Jews were hoarded into concentration camps in Germany, came to the United States.

His name was Robert Hartman.

His experience with evil uniquely qualified him to set out to deal with the age long question: what is evil, what is good?

He took on himself to define good… the strait and narrow. Many philosophers failed in that: after all the strait and narrow is delineated by the land that encloses it, not by itself…

But he succeeded.

Continue reading “What is health?”

How Healthy are you?

health-checkYesterday I sent out a request to my subscribers asking for

  1. a health question that you have answered to yourself and you live that way
  2. one or more actual health questions that concern you, with regards to your health or your loved ones’ health
  3. Please let me know if you go to the doctor regularly… it will let me know something about you, that I’d like to know.

It is a holiday weekend and I got surprisingly quite a few answers to my request.

Continue reading “How Healthy are you?”

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger

strongA few years ago I lost my sense of smell.

Then I changed my diet and the sense of smell came back.

Surprisingly I often smell things that didn’t seem to be there… Bringing up memories of the times I smelled the same… good smell, bad smell, neutral smell.

It’s hot here, unseasonably hot, and to accommodate it I am taking cold showers and I am eating differently.

Continue reading “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger”

Attachments are like snakes you have hanging from you

attachments-snakes-1I am trying to organize the information I provide people when they ask for their vibration, or whether they have attachments or not.

On a lark I measured if the student in the previous article had attachments. She felt so imprisoned… there must be a reason.

To my surprise she has 10 attachments.

Continue reading “Attachments are like snakes you have hanging from you”