There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it

There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it
Intelligence is being able to tell the difference. The difference between something being wrong and you not liking it. Intelligence begins there.

If you can’t tell the difference, then you will continue to collapse the two. And you are the person about whom the saying goes: for you everything is the same as everything else… except that not always. No distinction. Clueless. Not a compliment.

In essence you will be the guy who cannot tell their ass from your elbow. In my experience you’ll be always angry, or sad, or disappointed. or feel slighted, not loved, lonely, deprived, bored, trying, attacked. the billions of moves that keep you unhappy… unfulfilled. Continue living a subhuman life.

No distinction? No intelligence.

Continue reading “There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it”

If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2

If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2

I am finding out that you’ve been thinking in terms of TODO lists to get things done.

I find TODO lists daunting.

The biggest problem with todo lists is that they kill the spirit of things. Things show up as burden on it, not as opportunities. Opportunities for joy, for contribution, for practice, for greatness. No. Just another thing TODO. Continue reading “If you have a problem keeping your word… Part 2”

Stupid is as stupid does. How this helped raise my vibration

Stupid is as stupid does. How this helped raise my vibration

Stupid as stupid does. the saying that was at the root of me raising my vibration

I have known that my turnaround happened when I declared that I was stupid, in 1996, and I embraced it. Accepted it. Came to terms with it.

But I had no idea until this morning how I got to that point. Where the idea came from. Continue reading “Stupid is as stupid does. How this helped raise my vibration”

You say you care… but instead you rain on people’s parade

You say you care… but instead you rain on people’s parade

misery loves companyYou say you care… but you have an agenda instead, raining on people’s parade

When I work with people on coaching calls, I always find out that they have no details, no nuances about people and happenings around them, even if they were part of the happening.

Why? Because they weren’t present. Continue reading “You say you care… but instead you rain on people’s parade”

If you have a problem keeping your word…

If you have a problem keeping your word…

If you have a problem keeping your word… Noticing and handling that may be your first step towards growth and to becoming a person…

Keeping your word, especially the word that you gave to yourself is a big issue… This article is digging deep for the causes and the solutions. Continue reading “If you have a problem keeping your word…”

Do you have a question that contributes to others?

Do you have a question that contributes to others?

On Monday I asked you for ideas and questions. I have gotten a few. I am answering some of them publicly.

None of you said what I wanted to know. Each question put the ball to my side of the court. None of you expressed any commitment to anything other than to get personal answers, the ‘desire to receive for the self alone’…

It is what is is. Here are some of the topics: Continue reading “Do you have a question that contributes to others?”

Are you a successful person or just a not unsuccessful one?

Are you a successful person or just a not unsuccessful one?

What’s the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?

This article is really important. If you read nothing else on this site, read this. I’ll do my darned best to make it simple, and to reach your dense brain. How do I know it’s dense? Because successful people don’t read articles like this, or not often. Skinny people don’t read how to lose weight articles either… got it?

If you take two people, maybe even twins, and watch them, their results in life, most likely, will be different. Their actions will be different. Their likes and dislikes… Continue reading “Are you a successful person or just a not unsuccessful one?”

Is what you want attainable through your methods?

Is what you want attainable through your methods?

Yesterday I asked people who subscribe to my weekly digest to recommend some topics they are would be willing to spend a whole week with.

And I got only a trickle of suggestions.

One suggestion was really interesting. It was from a woman who endeavors to play a ‘best friend’ to me with her suggestions.

Let’s not forget, we are at the zenith of the we-generation.

So in her email she suggests that I look differently. She asks: ‘what can you teach to people who aren’t looking for a teacher anymore? I’m not looking for a mentor anymore, I’m looking for a peer.

Continue reading “Is what you want attainable through your methods?”

What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

From the point of view of health, what is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

Just so we are clear: even what you eat is the result of your attitude…

And, of course, your attitude is hidden. Hidden from you… and when we look, hidden from other people too. Continue reading “What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?”

You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?

You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?
you create your own realityDoes it serve you to have a personal reality?

You may know that I have been talkingĀ  a lot about flexibility. And how important flexibility is. How essential flexibility is for you to be able to change your mind. To get out of the rut your mind has taken you and is keeping you in.

Without you knowing why you can’t grow. Why you can’t be happy. Why you don’t feel successful, productive. and why you don’t have ease and grace in life. Continue reading “You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?”