What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?

What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?

I wrote about the Baby genes yesterday… The two entitlements genes that were supposed to turn off, one at age 3, the other around age 6.

Thinking that it is an end point would be a mistake.

A bunch of people paid me to disable the baby genes for them, some paid me for the second time. And I was left with a sense of ‘it is not over till the fat lady sings‘ and the fat lady hasn’t sung yet.

So in this article I am continuing this whole entitlement issue… and look to see what’s underneath it… Continue reading “What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?”

You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?

You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?

You are not the arbiter of the Universe

It’s hard to know if you still have the baby genes working, even though you are an adult.

Here is one of the ways you know:

This is one of the things I have recently found out about the entitlement genes: They say: you have the right to call things wrong and then they ARE wrong. Continue reading “You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?”

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable
Just like the front and the back of the hand, being and action are distinct yet inseparable. WernerCorrecting the language

This article tries to explain something I heard 30 years ago, and it took, till today to understand. So it’s not easy, but it has the answer to the question in the title, and it has the key you’ve been looking for, though you didn’t know what exactly you were looking for.

The reason you are unhappy, lonely, and afraid because language directly leads there. Continue reading “Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable”

Changing your brain: can it change your life?

Changing your brain: can it change your life?

This is a long article. It spells out literally all the work I have been attempting to do change humanity’s future. To help homo sapiens evolve into the next evolutionary stage: human being. To bring in the One Thousand Years of Peace.

If the length of the article is already daunting for you… please stop here. Don’t read it. It is not for you. Continue reading “Changing your brain: can it change your life?”

The drink your food challenge… helping you decide

The drink your food challenge… helping you decide

So far the vote is unanimous: people want to do a ‘drink your food‘ challenge instead of the fulfillment challenge.

I have a suggestion if you want both results: combine the two.

What does it mean in this case? Continue reading “The drink your food challenge… helping you decide”

There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.

There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.
THERE is a Principle of Power in every person: and there does not appear to be any limit to the possibilities of his growth

This article is based on Wallace D. Wattles’ famous third book, The Science Of Being Great and, of course it includes what I have to say about the topic.

We all want to be great… or at least be considered great, and we all fall short. Why? because we are NOT great, not great at all. The gap between what we hope to be, what we hope to produce and what we actually produce keeps us, overtly or covertly miserable and self-hating. Continue reading “There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.”

Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?

Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?

Chances are that your fix, the solution to your complaints is making you sick or sicker

I just checked out a healing client’s solution for feeling bad, an expensive spray to remove toxins from her body. The muscletest said: the remedy actually puts toxins into her body and almost destroyed her liver. Almost… because we caught it before it killed her.

It is not an isolated incident or phenomenon. Continue reading “Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?”

Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying

Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying
busy but not fulfilledRemember, when something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know.

If your life feels empty in spite of all that’s in it, then you need to look at your life and examine it. There is something, a piece of knowledge, is missing… and you are paying the price.

Another saying that really talks to me: Continue reading “Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying”

What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?

What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?

I have been sitting here pondering if Source knows that humanity is not happy. The humanity has been taken on a path where fulfillment isn’t even a thing. Where life is all about what you have, not what you feel.

You could argue that a feeling is something you have, and you would be right. And also, you would be wrong. Continue reading “What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?”

The secret of happy producers… NOT what you expect

The secret of happy producers… NOT what you expect

The secret of happy producers… NOT what time they get up in the morning, or how many books they read…

My students, like popcorn, are starting to pop at the same time. It is hard to say what made each pop… especially if your vocabulary (the number of distinction) is not keeping up with the richness of the invisible reality. Continue reading “The secret of happy producers… NOT what you expect”