What does it mean: get out of your own way?

I am noticing a phenomenon that is both interesting and terrifying:When people include themselves in their cone of vision, in their visual field when they need to answer a question, give a view of something, they literally become stupid. Moronic.

What do you see? How do you see? same old same old?

Your primary goal is to lookI once did a Landmark Education seminar where the main ‘mantra’ was (I paraphrase the funky Landmark Education language for you): ‘stand in front of what you can’t see, and keep on looking even though you can’t see anything‘Most impatient people (that is most people) latch onto something irrelevant, and … Continue reading “What do you see? How do you see? same old same old?”

The rich get richer the poor get poorer the sick get sicker

Money is like a capacity… Whatever you have more of, you’ll get more of. Misery, stupidity, mistakes… or money, happiness, success…Money is a means… a means to get more… and so are capacities… spiritual, DNA, epigenetic capacities.One way you can see this is that the rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer… but how? but … Continue reading “The rich get richer the poor get poorer the sick get sicker”

Sunday Rant or was it Sunday runt? lol

The difference between occurrence and happeningI started this article in the middle of the week, but it was half-baked… it needed to sit a few days… baking. Is it fully baked? You be the judge…I learn where I can, from where I can.One of these are books. Another is movies, especially series, where there is … Continue reading “Sunday Rant or was it Sunday runt? lol”

Change your perspective and get unstuck

What does perspective have to do with anything?You’ll find out that it has everything to do with everything that matters to you… So pay attention.Even though you intellectually know that perspective matters, you, unconsciously, have the tendency to look at things the same way, every time you look at them. Result: you see them the … Continue reading “Change your perspective and get unstuck”

The Scientific Approach to Ascension. Our IQ is dropping…

I got a comment this morning on my article about the Mind Movies. Of course I am knocking the program and its creator.The commenter says: Stop being an asshole and a bully. Promote your products without discrediting others.But the principle: The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing … Continue reading “The Scientific Approach to Ascension. Our IQ is dropping…”

Emotional Intelligence: When you suppress half of reality…

I spent two hours on technical support this morning. My emails are not delivered… and that is a big problem in a business…The lovely support person, Claire, was knowledgeable, but her anxiety was so strong, I got dizzy from it.

Confuse needs and wants? Especially around the holidays?

Once you conquer a “boulder”, a challenging character flaw, a new one takes its place. But what is in common in all the flaws is the seed level.What is the seed level of all the stuff that can make you miserable? Sorry, all the stuff that makes you miserable?So far I have found two that … Continue reading “Confuse needs and wants? Especially around the holidays?”

Scarcity or abundance… the difference on the seed level

I have to admit: I am going to muscletest my way through everything I say… so I become the first person on the planet who doesn’t disseminate bull crap about this topic so many people ask about. Almost 100% of the new visitors to the site come with a strong pull towards money, feeling good, … Continue reading “Scarcity or abundance… the difference on the seed level”