Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?
Almost all Source energies, almost all my energy products are co-creative

co-creative examples: in the ham and eggs dish the ham and the dish co-create. A male and a female co-create the offspring.. Continue reading “Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?”

The puzzle that is called “human”. Your theory matters…

Humans are an unpredictable mystery, and therefore have given rise to many many theories.

The way humans examine things to make sense of them is by taking them apart. It works relative well with people, but with a living thing, it is not that effective.

So humans make up parts and elements… and some seem to work to one degree or another, but nothing quite works perfectly.

The mechanical models medical “sciences” use doesn’t work well at all… we have more diseases than before…

The psychological models of ego, and subconscious, and beliefs, and such don’t work well either… How do we know? Because the results are temporary, or there are no results. Life is simple… The results are the shadow… showing that the method worked or didn’t work. Continue reading “The puzzle that is called “human”. Your theory matters…”

Where every student of mine is lacking is communication.

Where every student of mine is lacking is communication.

One area where every student of mine is lacking is communication.

When suddenly they do something that I consider communication, I cry. Tears of joy. One of my recent articles brought a flurry of communication… but it was a ‘fluke’, an accident, a one time event.

What is communication, really?

The dictionary says: conveying information. Bah humbug.

The purpose of communication is to get what you want, from life, through other people.

Continue reading “Where every student of mine is lacking is communication.”

Carrot and Stick: Becoming someone who can

Carrot and Stick: Becoming someone who can

I wrote this article in 2014… So the webinar sessions it talks about are now a recorded course… Carrot and Stick.

We’ll have the third webinar in the Carrot and Stick series today. The results are mixed, but I am excited. Because it has made people to show their true colors: good or bad.

M from London, a Filipina writes:

Hello Sophie

I want to share with you that what we did last Wednesday (in the Carrot and Stick webinar) is now having an effect on me. Just saying UNWILLING in my mind has some some effect on my body something like a burst of energy and the feeling of ‘I can’t have this same life any more.’

This morning, I don’t know if this is part of the the plan of the universe for me to feel the disgust on how I behave and live my life by accident, I watched something on the internet that made me question how could I live the way I live…. I cried for hours until I felt I could not cry any more.. I have headache and my eyes hurt. I’ve never cried like this before. I feel so disgusted the way I live my life.

In case you are interested this the video that made me feel disgusted with my behaviour and attitude in my life. she won XFactor Israel. The song she sang inspired me which I will keep on listening at the moment to remind me the feeling of disgust with the way I live my life

Thank you so much Sophie. Stick works for me.

Watch the video below that inspired M… https://youtu.be/_LVV750lZkA
Continue reading “Carrot and Stick: Becoming someone who can”

Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article

What would put you into the vibration of money? Or why are you repelling money?

Summary: 90% of what keeps you in money, or what repels money from you are you attitudes towards people, including yourself.

It is not vibration, per se… but people feel it. And they refuse to give you money.

The solution is to develop attitudes more conducive, more attractive, more inviting to money.

Most of my courses are about that… Changing your attitudes…

The article below may be too scholarly for most of you…

What is blocking your ability to abundance? To making money, to accepting money, to do things worth money?

Continue reading “Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article”

I didn’t know that I didn’t know! The the dangers of thinking you know something that actually isn’t true

What you don’t know that you don’t know

If you are like me at any point you think that what you know is how it is. And that makes you stuck.

Here is what happened that woke me up from this seductive illusion that what I know is so.

I have been fascinated with nut butters. OK… nothing fancy in that…

I bought a machine to make nut butters, and it was a tedious job: 90% of the time was scraping the wall of the bowl… or the machine would run as if it were empty. Continue reading “I didn’t know that I didn’t know! The the dangers of thinking you know something that actually isn’t true”

Yesterday I introduced the distinction “look with fuzzy eyes” on the Feelings webinar.

Yesterday I introduced the distinction “look with fuzzy eyes” on the Feelings webinar.

Words are tricky. You think you understand them, and you think that everyone hears the same meaning when they hear it. They don’t… maybe ever!

The main problem with the Tree of Knowledge: we learn our world through words, instead of experience.

And you end up delusional, making mistakes, and never happy.

This is the main reason for unhappiness. The words create an illusion of being reality… but they aren’t… and moreover the inner map of reality they create is vastly different from reality itself. Continue reading “Yesterday I introduced the distinction “look with fuzzy eyes” on the Feelings webinar.”

People are writing to me that they had no trauma to bring to the Sunday Feelings Webinar.

People are writing to me that they had no trauma to bring to the Sunday Feelings Webinar.

A trauma is an incident. The significance is in your emotional response, not in what happened. The same incident is no big deal for others, but it is, or was a big deal for you.

Here is an example from my life:

I went on my biweekly grocery shopping trip with the old folks van yesterday.

They asked what’s new, and I shared that I asked the Community Center to give me a chance to do a short lecture on water. The answer to that was a groan. Audible, and coming from a deep reluctance and distaste.

It wasn’t the right time to deal with it then and there, so I stored it away for analysis later.

And this is “later”… let’s do it now.

First off: the groan awakened a whole series of memories, unpleasant memories of earlier similar incidents.

Earlier similar is a technical term.

Let me explain:

When you are upset, you are never upset from or by what is happening right now. Continue reading “People are writing to me that they had no trauma to bring to the Sunday Feelings Webinar.”

Human survival need: Meeting the expectation of others

Human survival need: Meeting the expectation of others

reason to kill, reason to steal, reason to hateBefore I get into defining what this need is doing, and what is the extent of it, I’ll tell you what may be in your way…

In the movie Sling Blade, the main character is asked in an interview, just before he is released from prison: “Will you kill again?” He answers: “I don’t reckon I have a reason to…”

This is when you know he will…

Animals don’t kill their kind… or not often. And never from anger. Continue reading “Human survival need: Meeting the expectation of others”

You live in a world of your own design

You live in a world of your own design

You-Create-Your-Own-RealityYou live in a world of your own design. And you create the world with your beingness.

We think that beingness is all good… But beingness is neutral. It doesn’t take sides. There is a beingness for everything, including greed, jealousy, and puniness… if that’s a word.

But whatever that beingess is, when you realize it, when you pinpoint it, you’ll immediately see that it actually created your current reality, and if you don’t do something about it… it will create the rest of your life that same…

But as a human you have access to creating any kind of beingness… you have difficulty in holding onto it. But yet, you can start. Any time, any day, any age. And increase your capacity to hold onto the beingness, honor it as yourself.