Why aren’t you happy? What Kabbalah has to say about that…

Why aren’t you happy? What Kabbalah has to say about that…

According to Kabbalah 1 (I studiedĀ  at the Kabbalah Centre. Most Kabbalists disagree with the Kabbalah Centre’s take on Kabbalah… ) you EARN your light.

Light is everything that keeps you alive, everything that you enjoy, everything you value. Sustenance, sex, pleasure, fulfillment… everything.

Obviously you want more of it, and obviously you don’t want to work for it… unless you enjoy work…

Work here doesn’t apply only to work that you do to earn money. Anything that you have to do consciously against your own laziness, ego, dark side, is considered work in Kabbalah.

The Soul Corrections are a list of types of work, one can do to earn light. Tell the truth, face the tiger, reveal your dark side, let go of superiority, circulate money, honor, respect, care for and about others… lots of them, and you probably have heard at least most of them. You consider them virtues…

Now, like all useful systems, it works on checks and balances, and it can be rigged.
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Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews

Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews

Teal Scott aka Teal Swan aka Teal Bosworth must be making waves again… Frequency paintings

teal-swan-frequency-paintingCan these paintings raise your vibration automatically? Of course not. It is another greed: raising your vibration… without work… hah, gotcha! lol Continue reading “Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews”

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular
ResonanceIf your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value.

Why? Because you like what you are. You are attracted what confirms what you think, how you are, who you are, what you know. 1

There is no mystery why humanity is growing away from its true nature, not towards it.

Watch who and what is hugely popular?

The more popular someone is, the more people they attract, the closer their “truth” is to the common society trained mind. The more it sounds true to the low vibration man… The average vibration on the Planet is 120… the closer a guru is to that vibration the more people they attract.
Continue reading “If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular”

What does the Unconditional Love Activator do? Will it make you love yourself?

It helps you to bring a kind and sober eye to what you see…

let me knock you consciousBut it is you who needs to do the looking.

One tool to force you to do the looking is my articles. In almost every article asks you to look at yourself, and if you told the truth, if you looked, you would see something ugly about yourself. If not, then you are lying. Those of you that got stuck at a relatively low vibration, in spite of your participation, are unwilling to look. So you lie. Continue reading “What does the Unconditional Love Activator do? Will it make you love yourself?”

The tragedy of marriage

quote-the-tragedy-of-marriage-is-that-while-all-women-marry-thinking-that-their-man-will-change-all-men-len-deighton-223490The tragedy of marriage is that women think that man will change, but they won’t. Men think the woman won’t change but they do.

I heard this sentence yesterday on Netflix. I immediately had to write it down. Just like I wrote down a previous sentence, that I loved: I fit into that crowd like a fart in a crowded elevator.
Continue reading “The tragedy of marriage”

Spiritual Laws that you disobey: The Law of Flexibility

Spiritual Laws that you disobey: The Law of Flexibility

Ask anyone; the happiest moments of one’s life are the moment when we find ourselves in our vertical self… or at least centered and grounded in the bottom of it.

It doesn’t happen a lot, because we are brought up and encouraged to live in our horizontal being.
Continue reading “Spiritual Laws that you disobey: The Law of Flexibility”

What is energized water? At what vibration it gets coherent

energized-waterThis article explains what is energized water Explains what energizing does to the water. Tells you the difference between water in nature or from your tap, from a bottle, and energized water.

The main difference is that energized water, fully energized water, water whose vibration is raised to 653, is coherent. Coherent so that the human cells accept it willingly. whereas all other waters are not willingly accepted by the cells.

A few years ago I had a conversation with a well known guru. I shared with him that energized water is amazingly smooth That it is easy to drink, tastes good, and makes you feel like you did something good for your body.

He got really really angry. He said: water is water. H2O

Now, years later I am still drinking energized water, I look younger than I looked when I was 50, and my skin is smooth, my health is great. He is divorced, battling depression, he could use some energized water… lol.
Continue reading on my Energize Water site

Now, what happens in the water when it’s energized?

There are lots of theories out there, but as an empath I can actually feel it.

Energized water (of course it probably depends on the energizing method! I am talking about MY method of energizing water) is like a huge comb that smooths out the water.

energized-water-2Water coming out of the tap, your well, most lakes and rivers, is energetically incoherent: the water molecules don’t work well together. The taste is chunky, the touch is rough, and not silky as energized water.

The Energizer® is a Source energy that smooths out the water molecules, that make the water molecules sing the same tune, like an orchestra once the conductor appears.

Your body can use energized water better than it can use “normal” water. Because the body is a living organism, it is coherent, otherwise you would not be able to walk! When you add water that is incoherent, fuzzy, angry, and the molecules are conflicting with each other, the body needs to use its own resources to soothe the water so it can use it.

Those same resources could be used to be smart, to fight disease, to feel good, to make money, to understand stuff, to learn new things, to live well…

When you add energized water to the body, it actually increases its coherence, if necessary, and saves the body’s resources.

The Energizer energy is the type of energy that can be “propagated” with entrainment: if you put a bottle of energized water next to a non-energized water, over time the two bottles synchronize, mostly at the energy level of the energized water.

I have recorded myself energizing water. I breathe audibly, because the audio can carry the energy. I sell this audio file and you can use it to energize your water.

The speaker needs to be touching the container you have your water you want to treat. It is easiest and best to use a headset and wrap it around the bottle with the water.

Because the work the energy needs to do, combing the water, making it coherent, it takes time, about an hour an liter, two hours a gallon.

There are other types of energies that when they are infused in the water, they don’t change the water, they are an add-on. Those energies require only minutes to infuse. (HOE long range, Unconditional Love Activator, Effortless Abundance Activator, Wake Up Productive, Bright Focus are such energies that I sell)

Energizing water is a structural alteration of the water mass… not infusion.

It is best to start with purified water. Distilled water is dead water, but it can be re-energized with the EnergizerĀ®

I use a two-tier simple under the counter filter bought in the hardware store. I energize my water for a few days, so I never drink incoherent water again. I wash my food in energized water as well.

Want to energize your water?

Energize your water to coherence

Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!

do you want to change? Warning: this is a long article! don’t start to read it if you have short attention span.

Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!

Change is the only permanent thing in the Universe

But do you know that there are many kinds of changes, and some are more desirable than others?

This article is about the types of change you will encounter while doing the work to raise your vibration.
Continue reading “Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!”

Unlimited Abundance Download, a review. Can it work?

Unlimited Abundance Download, a review. Can it work?

Can incantations, hypnosis, energetic blockage removal change your financial situation?

In the new context, armed with the new knowledge I uncovered this past week, let us look at some Abundance programs (including Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance, re-launched again by MindValley publishing) and see if we can see anything new about them, if we can see why they work if they worked for you and why they can’t work if they didn’t work for you.

Let me re-iterate what is new: the emotions and the thought, even the spoken words, don’t actually effect your abundance, unless they, accidentally or purposefully, create a beingness… like being depressed, being wretched, being a loser… the states of being you so easily slip into.

Beingness=state of being

Continue reading “Unlimited Abundance Download, a review. Can it work?”

What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?

i-love-youI have a Landmark Education friend. In Landmark Education you invent a new possibility for yourself and your life as often as daily… Possibility used to fix your wretched life… in spite of the fact that possibility does none of that.

I may talk about this in another article, but in this one, I’d like to share my educated take on LOVE… and some other topics…

This friend has been calling me all week. He invented loving people. Suddenly he is calling me. And gushing… about love, loving me, blah blah blah.
Continue reading “What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?”