The Ticket To Peace of Mind, Grace, Ease, and Power

The Ticket To Peace of Mind, Grace, Ease, and Power

who are you that you are? How Finding Out What’s Wrong With You Is The Ticket To Peace of Mind, Grace and Ease and Power

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. Not tears of gratitude, not tears of joy. Just tears.

Most people teach from their mind. Most people teach from the Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge, simply, means speaking from what you already know, what you store in your memory.

A “real” teacher is different, and very very rare.

A real teacher is always a student. And as student learn with all the people they teach, at the same time. Not what you would think: they are also taking course, they also have teachers. That is not what I mean. That doesn’t make them real teachers.

A real teacher, like me, learn as they speak.

How is that possible? It’s possible because I do not speak from my mind. I speak from the nothing (space) behind my mind. From the space of mystery, from the space that cannot be known.

That is why I am so nervous, anxious, stiff as a board before I approach a new topic. I have no idea what I am going to say.

This was, exactly, the case yesterday when I lead my first Brilliance at Will class. Looking back, I was exactly as agitated, nervous, stressed out as I used to be, every time, I was going to do the Landmark Education Forum. I did that course 20 times, but it was always from the mystery: what am I going to find out about myself now?
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What Attitude That Is Most Missing For You To Succeed?

What Attitude That Is Most Missing For You To Succeed?

I got an email from a reader today, one of many such emails:

“Hi Sophie, I listened to your video but I didn’t get the answer or find solution to my struggles in life! I am wondering, yes as you said, why I am not transformed in-spite of learning so many methods from attending seminars and reading books! I came from a broken family I tried to change my life but sometimes my life was up but mostly down!

Financially I struggle, bankrupt and thinking to end my life. . . But when I hear your story, I did not and I am now almost 5 years searching for answers? I have read the Bible many times from cover to end and everyday, I received emails trying to sell me self-improvement books but I am fed up, nothing works! I would appreciate if you can help me!”

So what can you answer to someone who has been struggling and considering suicide a viable alternative?

One major distinction I need to teach to all my readers, students, a distinction that if you don’t learn it, you’ll miss everything.

The distinction is called: Where are you listening from?

The from is the operative word here. It is your base attitude consistent with your “grounds of being”.

We each are embedded in a paradigm. The insides and the walls of our paradigm are built from our belief system. Your paradigm has everything that you need to stay the same, and nothing to be more successful that you are, happier than you are, thinner, richer, more entertaining, more attractive than you are.

Your current life is exactly what’s possible inside your current paradigm.

When you look at someone who has what you crave, you can be 100% sure that they live in a different paradigm with beliefs that can’t be found in yours.
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For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else

For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else

paradigm shift For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else, Except That Not Always

The statement in the title used to be the koan 1 trainers used to scream, whisper, yell, raucously laugh saying… in the Forum, which eventually became the Landmark Education Forum. Continue reading “For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else”

Why Did Jesus Choose To Die Rather Than Live?

why did Jesus choose to die? Because the alternative would have been failure We had a revolutionary meditation this morning. (I started this article on February 4… five months ago)

Revolutionary comes from the word, revolve, and it means something that was up goes to the bottom, and vice versa.

Our meditations are not visual, no visualizing at all. You connect to Source, I download some activators, I witness what Source and the Light does, I report, and when the spirit so moves me, I comment, I report, I am like the game announcer… I tell you bit by bit what’s happening.

This is what was going on this morning.

Another little bit: I am connected to everyone on the call, but I am always connected more intimately to the people I have a relationship outside of these calls: there are only a few of those.

And I use their emotional reactions to gauge what is going on overall… across the board.

Today’s meditation was not soothing. It was the Light working hard and the people blocking it hard.

Once the meditation was over, I was starting to feel the feelings of my two people I was strongly connected on the call… not fun, not fun at all. They didn’t receive what was said too well. I felt that we may lose at least one of them.

What was said on the call was an important milestone: it was much like breaking the bad news to a sick person: unless you do this and this, you are going to that and that…

Continue reading “Why Did Jesus Choose To Die Rather Than Live?”

Are all energies healing energies? Or transformative energies? What about Reiki? Omega Shakti System?

the triple helix energies
Are all energies healing energies? Or transformative 1 energies?
Before I realized that I can talk to Source and Source will answer, I learned two energy modalities.

One was an energy modality called, and you can still get attuned

The founder died a few years ago. I knew him personally, he spent a few days with us (my then boy-friend and myself) in Syracuse, NY.

I was first exposed to those energies inside the Omega Shakti System 12 years ago, then I bought quite a few of those energies.

omega shakti system energies don't do what they say they do You don’t really buy the energies, you buy the right to use them, and how you can use them is that you get attuned.

In my humble opinion, the whole attunement is a scam, a way for people to sell something. Attunement also comes witht he story that

  1. Only a designated teacher can attune you
  2. If you reveal the technique to an non-initiate (meaning someone who didn’t pay for the attunement) you’ll lose the energy.
  3. In the Omega Shakti System the threat was even more severe: it said that the whole “matrix” of energies get weakened by your betrayal of this secrecy.

This is much similar to what Maharishi did: he has 8 mantras, and you pay for the privilege to have your own “designated, perfect fit” mantra, and you pay 1200 dollars: at the time I bought it that was my entire monthly income. What a scam!

I bought quite a few of the Omega Energies. They are supposed to be transformative and healing. I didn’t have any way at the time to check if the claims are true. But I had my doubt: the originator was wretched to the max, both physically and other ways.

His emotional maturity was at the level of a teenager, his behavior: ditto. He was riddled with diseases, and died quite prematurely.

My then boy friend was an emotional wreck as well, a self-medicating addict. That should tell you something.

helix temple academy energies: a bunch of fourth plane scam I loved wielding those energies: they were strong, and they were very definite. But when I muscletested it today, they didn’t do much. Light show, fireworks, show and tell.

There was one energy that actually did some of what it claimed it would do: the pattern puller… But I came to learn that it pretty much did it only for me: I did it with all my conscious awareness, and not just as a mechanical exercise.

It’s quite time consuming, but it seems to loosen your stuck way of being, pride, self-centeredness, negativity, hopelessness, tendency to give up, etc. Pretty much the same stuff the Bach Flower Energies® (the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies) deal with no work, so I haven’t don’t any of it. But muscletest says that it works, if you have the conscious awareness and purity of thought. Which means that only one out of a thousand can make it work.


Where do those energies come from?

I need to tell you the tale of creation, so hang on for a second.

In the beginning there was just one undifferentiated energy, the one we call Source. It could create with its own thought, it was an intelligent energy.
Continue reading “Are all energies healing energies? Or transformative energies? What about Reiki? Omega Shakti System?”

MuscleTesting To Raise Your Vibration

bach flower remedies to raise your vibration Muscletesting To Raise Your Vibration

I have been trying to get the Muscletesting program ready for sale, but I have had a snag: the emotions list was too long, too cumbersome, and most people would not be able or willing to go through a list of 100 stages… including myself.

Even measuring the vibrational level of each feeling didn’t feel right. Now what?!

But I suddenly had an inspiration, a minute ago, and I think I have had the solution all along, just didn’t think of it that way.

The Bach Flower Emotions and the Bach Flower Energies are perfect. They are recognizable, they are real, they cover all the field of character defect and attitude errors.

So I am going to use those as a guidance system to attack your “garden pests” in the garden of your being.

How does it work?

You observe your symptoms. You find the matching Bach Flower Remedy. You either buy the remedy at your local health food store, or order it online. You practice observing the ego aspects of your personality, and with the help of the Flower you transform it.

You will use muscletesting to make sure that you are picking the right Flower. But even if you pick the wrong one, you are going to start the work of weed picking, and your vibration will rise.

You’ll get better, and you’ll fly higher.

Warning: you should do this for the purpose of identifying, and correcting your ego-self. To get instant gratification is nice, but will not raise your vibration permanently: you need to earn your vibration and you can only do it with conscious work.

The Flowers help but will only do transformation, which is impermanent. Transfiguration is the goal: that is permanent.

So, what is your next step?

Your best bet is to buy a book on Bach Flower Remedies: I like the books by Mechthild Scheffer and Stefan Ball. I, personally, nowadays, always refer to Mechthild Scheffer‘s book: it speaks the language I resonate with: I read it and feel the feeling associated with the flower… perfect for me. Which means, to me, that I find her the most “Tree of Life” and the others Tree of Knowledge… i.e. they got to their conclusions through thinking, not connecting.

Nevertheless, I think the workbook by Stefan Ball is useful for you. Buy them locally, or order them from Amazon. I buy them on Amazon.

I will quote each flower from Mechthild’s book and add my empath observations, maybe experience.
Continue reading “MuscleTesting To Raise Your Vibration”

Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?

Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?

raise your vibration. it is like a score on the scoreboard Raise your vibration, 19 ways, 22 ways, eat this, do that, breathe this way, visualize that…

The misinformation of what raises your vibration proliferates. It’s a popular topic. People want to feel better. People want to be part of the new humanity. People want to survive 2012.

So what is vibration, for god’s sake? Continue reading “Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?”

Can’t feel anything, anger, joy, love, peace? Can’t feel that you are connected? What can you do about it?

suppress-emotion, anger, -with-eating Can’t feel anything, joy, love, peace? Can’t feel that you are connected? What can you do about it?

You are a Pressure Cooker

I had a real transformation a few years ago, but because it disappeared stuff, I am just noticing.

When anger disappears, you barely notice it.

I used to be an angry person. You wouldn’t know it, because for reasons of my own I suppressed my anger.

Anger not expressed cripples you. But expressing anger can be dangerous: you need to be out of control, or so it seems.

Continue reading “Can’t feel anything, anger, joy, love, peace? Can’t feel that you are connected? What can you do about it?”

Until recently you could get energies in only three ways

how to get energies: now we know four ways to get energies What it is that I am learning about energies and what is so revolutionary about that?

Until recently you could get energies in only three ways:

  1. you were attuned by someone who had the energy. Attunement is an implant type of procedure. 1
  2. you discovered that you had access to a certain energy. It seems innate… You may call it having been gifted, or some other way that makes you sound superior: the truth is that you probably earned it. Your vibration is probably higher than “normal” and you probably regularly connect to Source.
  3. someone dumped it on you, whether you were ready or not. I have only heard tales of that: I can’t testify about the veracity of the claims. 2

I have discovered a fourth way to get energies.

Continue reading “Until recently you could get energies in only three ways”

Who Is Speaking? Who Is Listening? What Is Speaking?

Who Is Speaking? Who Is Listening? What Is Speaking?

who is speaking? who is listening? Who Is Speaking? Who Is Listening? What Is Speaking? What Is Listening?

I am noticing that no matter what question I ask, people, unconsciously, translate the question to a Tree of Knowledge, pedestrian question, and then answer their own question.

Asking the same questions leave you unconscious and your life unchanged.

The power is in the questions that make you pick up your head and say: What?

The two paradigms, the pedestrian paradigm, and the elevated paradigm mostly differ, not in their answers, but in their questions.

The four questions (all four need to be answered, not just one!) create a several story jump… unless, of course, you turn it into a pedestrian question.

When I first started to work on raising my vibration, there were no tools. There were only courses, and most people used them as brain candy, to be smarter in conversation with their peeps.

who is speaking? who is listening? As I am learning disabled, and a foreigner, and a certified loner, I had to chew on each sentence, until I got it. Being hard of understanding is a definite advantage in this type of work. The sharper and quicker the person, the more superficial and pedestrian the understanding.

Most of the people that taught courses or seminars for Landmark Education, for example, were the quick-witted ones… fast and superficial.

The better someone’s command of the English language, the less depth they had in their understanding.

Continue reading “Who Is Speaking? Who Is Listening? What Is Speaking?”