Raising your vibration happens through doing things

Raising your vibration happens through doing things
Raising your vibration happens through doing things that you wouldn’t do without the intention to raise your vibration.

Coaching is making you do what you need to do, but don’t want to, that will get you what you desire.

Often any deviation from the normal, the accepted, the habitual, the regular, the easy, the socially acceptable is all you need to open up and allow you to glimpse at dormant capacities. Or alternatively see your need for capacities that you don’t have but could start to desire. Continue reading “Raising your vibration happens through doing things”

Strategy to avoid transformation and to stay miserable?

Strategy to avoid transformation and to stay miserable?

What is your strategy to avoid your own transformation and stay miserable? Here are a few strategies: Which ones do you use?

Let’s first look what is transformation to understand why anyone would want to avoid it. After all transformation sounds all good, doesn’t it?

Transformation is very simple, but it is not that simple and it is not that easy to cause it, whether for yourself or not.
Continue reading “Strategy to avoid transformation and to stay miserable?”

Are you arrogant? Oh, no, not you? How dare I say that?

Are you arrogant? Oh, no, not you? How dare I say that?

3-year-old-boyYesterday I had a coaching call. One of the students was talking about her difficulty of getting to sleep and then starting her day.

I checked her vibration and it was 130, slightly under her usual vibration of 150. As usual, she was scared of what may get revealed in our interaction about her. Rightfully so…

What got revealed that she scans the articles on my site, and at such low vibration you are also low on intelligence, low on comprehension, low on patience.
Continue reading “Are you arrogant? Oh, no, not you? How dare I say that?”

Spiritual? Religious? Atheist?

wizardozIt is undeniable that there is more to reality than what you can see with your eyes. The below the water level stuff… or behind the curtain type of stuff… mostly about the invisible dynamics, the invisible motive powers of people, and maybe even stuff.

I grew up atheist, a Marxist, and a seriously anti-religious child. Most of that wasn’t from my parents, I don’t ever remember them talking about any of that among themselves: they almost never talked to me about anything.

I never thought there were monsters under the bed, or that the Easter Bunny filled the boots in the windows (we are talking about Hungarian customs, don’t get confused!) or any other superstition. I was free to observe… unimpeded, unhindered, unguided by others’ imagination and fantasies, like religion.

I knew there were at least two layers to every human: what they showed and what was inside…
Continue reading “Spiritual? Religious? Atheist?”

Your childhood holds the keys to your redemption, to your happiness, to your success

fair-chanceHumans are the most vulnerable creatures of the Planet. They are not big enough, they are not strong enough, to protect themselves effectively from being harmed by predators or nature.

The only reason humans, as a species have survived so far is because of humans’ use of the brain to create protection from predators and the elements.

Nothing has changed: we, humans, are as vulnerable as every, but we have forgotten that the survival of the species depends on each individual in the species: it cannot be delegated to authorities, police, the medical establishment and the like. It has to happen on the individual level first and foremost.

We pretend not to know, because we really don’t care, that for a child to grow up healthy, the child needs a supportive environment with a sense of safety, including emotional safety.
Continue reading “Your childhood holds the keys to your redemption, to your happiness, to your success”

What Is Higher Vibration? How Would You Know It?

What Is Higher Vibration? How Would You Know It?

I wrote this article 2011… even with the rewrite it has notions I no longer consider. It has mentions of stuff I have completely eliminated from my teaching. But it is worth reading: it probably bridges to the general public better than my newer articles…

What is higher vibration?

How would you know it? How would you feel it? Why would you want it? What is this thing about? Continue reading “What Is Higher Vibration? How Would You Know It?”

If it is easy, it probably won’t do you any good!

staples-easy-buttonI had an insight today that will open up a can of worms…

I have had issues with my weight since age 9. I have found effective ways to manage my weight, apart from starving myself (I did that for about 15 years too…), one of them involves a breathing technique.

I did that method for about three years, first to reduce my weight and then to maintain it, without having to change my diet.

It worked like gangbusters… and I was surprised to hear that the originator of the method was sued, in a class action suit, that the method didn’t work.

She lost the suit, and paid millions in restitution.
Continue reading “If it is easy, it probably won’t do you any good!”

When something isn’t working, doing more of it is not the answer


Summary: In my search for finding transformational methods, I have come to the startling realization that everyone I know in the business of transformation is doing the wrong thing, teaching the wrong thing, and thus helping the Dark Side.

In one of the episodes of the House MD TV series, Dr. House has a patient who is dying. After a lot of tests they find out that the patient’s father gave his son a graduation gift from his scrap metal yard.

The son honored the loving father by keeping the gift on his person all the time.

The gift, a highly radioactive piece of metal, kills him, and maims his friend who was exposed to the radioactivity on a long flight when he sit next to him.

Why am I telling you this story? Continue reading “When something isn’t working, doing more of it is not the answer”

Baby Steps To Big Big Dreams. Baby steps?

Baby Steps To Big Big Dreams. Baby steps?

Baby steps to big dreamsNote: I adapted this post using a salesy email I got this morning… I liked the questions… not the product… If it sounds a little bit salesy… I apologize. That was not my intention.

It is time to be brutally honest with yourself… just like spring cleaning, Passover cleaning, etc. You need to do a cleaning of your house at least once a year…

  • If life has lost its taste.
  • If life has gone hum-drum.
  • If you stopped really enjoying what is supposed to be enjoyable.
  • If the people in your life lost their beauty.
  • If food is only there to be eaten… but really who cares.
  • If you have become dutiful, duty-bound. If it is an effort.
  • If blessed sleep is valued more than your awake hours.
  • If being with yourself has become something to run away from.

Continue reading “Baby Steps To Big Big Dreams. Baby steps?”

Healing Crisis, Healing Events… Suppressing is toxic

Healing Crisis, Healing Events… Suppressing is toxic

HealingCrisis1We suppress our emotions. Many of us don’t even breathe: we can’t because our chest isn’t willing to move any more, because we have put so much toxins into our muscles.

Suppressing is toxic.

In western medicine, a lot of our focus in on suppressing the symptoms we experience. However, that act is actually more detrimental and causes a build up of illnesses at a later stage in life. Continue reading “Healing Crisis, Healing Events… Suppressing is toxic”