Religion… what is it, what’s valid about it, and what is an enslavement device, or the “opium for the masses”

true-religionThere is religion and there is religiousness. People of religion are fakes, pretenders, and not religious.

Wikipedia: Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and worldviews that relate humanity to the supernatural, to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values

Religiousness is listening keenly to the call of the Universe… and heeding it, behaving and acting in harmony with all, all living and not living things. When you heed the written and dead word, you cannot be religious, because you yourself are not alive, you yourself are dead.

All religions were, originally, a worldview, a worldview, forever changing. As soon as more phenomenon was experienced, the more it changed. This is the true nature of knowledge.

The physical, knowable universe is about 1% of all there is. The number 1% is not the truth, it is an indication only for the vast and incomparable gap between what’s knowable and what isn’t. The proportion of the knowable and unknowable is unchanging, it’s probably the only constant in the universe.

How do we glean knowledge? Something happens. And then we explain it. From the limited perspective of the human mind. Then something else happens, that modifies what we had already known. Organic, and highly changeable.

Until… until someone decides that this is all the knowledge, and they create a dogma from it.
Continue reading “Religion… what is it, what’s valid about it, and what is an enslavement device, or the “opium for the masses””

I made a terrifying discovery today: It is true that you create your life. But why?

I made a terrifying discovery today: It is true that you create your life. But why?

I made a terrifying discovery today. The discovery has been long time coming, but today, because the circumstances were so different, I could actually see it. This discovery will change the life of thousands! Guaranteed!

They say that you create your life. It sounds so far-fetched that most people would say: why would anyone create misery, poverty, rape, and death, right?

They never explained to me clearly enough, so I don’t even know if they know the REAL dynamic, my hunch is that maybe the first person that said it did, but not the ones that have been repeating this sentence, like parrots.

So, this is what happened: I was preparing to see a client when suddenly a cap from my front tooth fell into the sink and went down the drain.

I promptly called the client to stop him from coming, I wasn’t going to be toothless… just wasn’t going to be.

I caught him, and he thanked me. I found some tools, took the pipe off the bottom of the sink, found the cap, but now the sink is leaking.
Continue reading “I made a terrifying discovery today: It is true that you create your life. But why?”

What is the Self? Is it the same as the ego? Or the witness? or the Soul?

What is the Self? Is it the same as the ego? Or the witness? or the Soul?

Here is my horoscope for this week…

Enlarge the Self

This may be the best week in a long time to practice the art of crazy wisdom. And what is crazy wisdom? Here’s how novelist Tom Robbins described it to *Shambhala Sun*: It’s “a philosophical worldview that recommends swimming against the tide, cheerfully seizing the short end of the stick, embracing insecurity, honoring paradox, courting the unexpected, celebrating the unfamiliar, shunning orthodoxy, volunteering for tasks nobody else wants or dares to do, and breaking taboos in order to destroy their power. It’s the wisdom of those who turn the tables on despair by lampooning it, and who neither seek authority nor submit to it.” And why should you do any of that weird stuff? Robbins: “To enlarge the soul, light up the brain, and liberate the spirit.”

and here is a video:

Continue reading “What is the Self? Is it the same as the ego? Or the witness? or the Soul?”

Worlds Apart: the two basic worldviews…

Worlds Apart: the two basic worldviews…

Worlds Apart: the two basic worldviews every worldview belongs to… Part 1: Dolores Cannon review

I have a funny inner GPS, and yesterday it spoke funny. I was sitting in front of my computer minding my own business. Then I suddenly had this think little voice from inside plead: ‘Please just tell me what to do… and I’ll do it.

I sat motionless for a long time. I have never heard a voice from inside me be so meek, so moocher-like, so pleading. Ever. It was so not-like-me, that I considered that it may be real.

I contemplated to write an article about it. But before I’d do it, I decided to run it by my trusted Activate Divinity class, to get a perspective on it. It is like WTF is happening to me?! Continue reading “Worlds Apart: the two basic worldviews…”

The Nature of Reality: Glimpses, reality, filters: why is the world the way world is… different for different people?

The Nature of Reality: Glimpses, reality, filters: why is the world the way world is… different for different people?

I had a rare glimpse at the nature of reality today.

It’s been happening quite some time, but I could never catch the why of it…

Imagine the scenario: you are playing a card game with 52 cards. No one is there to move the cards, just you, and you don’t cheat.

You get to a point where you are clear that you lost the game. So you go and make yourself a cup of tea, go to the bathroom, answer the phone… whatever.

About 10 minutes later you come back and look at the game. Before you close it, you just want to look at it again. And miracle: you suddenly see a way that, in three more steps, instead of losing, you’ll win this game.

You suspect divine intervention. You suspect miracle… but what happened, really? What is the “real” nature of reality?

Ever since I started to run the Harmonize Your Vibration audio in the background, I’ve been having miracles like this happen, several times a day… but this time I caught the “what happened” part, for the first time.

I caught the thoughts “it’s impossible…” and “I can’t…”
Continue reading “The Nature of Reality: Glimpses, reality, filters: why is the world the way world is… different for different people?”

Choice: Do you choose everything that happens in your life?

Choice: Do you really choose everything that happens in your life?

Modigliani's daughter... what story does she tell?Choice

We are told that we have free will. We are told that we have free choice. But we are never told what that means, so we are left with a childish or adolescent view of what we can and can’t do, what we have the power to do or not.

The childish/adolescent view is that it means that you have a license to do anything you wish, or refuse to do anything you wish. Continue reading “Choice: Do you choose everything that happens in your life?”

Guru learning from another guru: guru teaching another guru: is it possible?

Guru learning from another guru: guru teaching another guru: is it possible?

One of my students is a relationship guru.

I am not an expert at relationship. I don’t like them, I don’t want them. I consider them an inconvenience, a prison. An imposition.

Regardless, my students have the most breakthroughs in their relationships: weird.

It doesn’t make me proud. I actually feel ashamed. As if I wanted to create a good method to feed humanity and accidentally I created a method to create gold from sand… who cares. Humanity won’t be fed by gold.

So what is it that I really want to teach my people? I want them to immerse themselves into the relationship they have with themselves and into the relationship they have with reality.

The relationship with other people is a societal construct: keeps you on the surface, engaged with what’s not important, keeping you from your depths. Society loves puppets on a string: they are easy to manipulate.

Imagine teaching a relationship guru about relationships…

Continue reading “Guru learning from another guru: guru teaching another guru: is it possible?”

Confidentiality Agreement When You Are In A Paid Course

Confidentiality Agreement When You Are In A Paid Course

I Was Stupid Or Why Do You Need To Sign A Confidentiality Agreement When You Are In A Paid Course

Most of us are in this work, teacher and student alike, to raise our vibration. In my programs the specific purpose is to develop a core group of the New Humanity through a combination of raising the vibration and new ways of being.

But some people, students and gurus alike, are in this work for their own purposes

For personal significance, money, world dominance… everybody has their purpose and reason.

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