Authenticity is a matter of integrity on the highest level

Authenticity is a matter of integrity on the highest level
lying-is-comfortableTrying to act like a Buddha won’t make you a Buddha.

I just finished a webinar… Before the webinar one of my students wrote an email to me wondering why I don’t lie to them before and during a webinar. Why I don’t say that it is going to be easy. That it is going to be piece of cake.

But it had taken me quite a bit of time and effort to learn that trying to act like a Buddha won’t make me a Buddha.

The vulnerability that honesty requires isn’t something everybody can handle. So lying allows people to be comfortable. Continue reading “Authenticity is a matter of integrity on the highest level”

Beyond the horizontal, beyond ambition, beyond desire…

Beyond the horizontal, ambition, desire… let’s see if we can make it all clear

climbing jacob's ladderI am re-reading Atlas Shrugged.

When the first two times I read it, I knew it was very important. but an essential aspect was missing for me. An aspect I just got a week or so ago.

This aspect, the difference between ambition and desire, that goes, hand in hand, with the word pairs, producer vs second hander, vertical plane vs horizontal plane. Continue reading “Beyond the horizontal, beyond ambition, beyond desire…”

If you don’t manage yourself, someone, something else will

If you don’t manage yourself, someone, something else will

manage-yourself-for changeSo I guess it is that time again… when the broken faced child comes out of the woodwork…

I use this expression ‘broken face child’ as if I expected you to know what I am talking about… You probably don’t.

So let me explain: When you were little, things happened to you that were beyond your comprehension. You had to make up some story,some interpretation of what was happening. It is normal.

The ‘normal’ story everyone makes up  is this: ‘There is something wrong here. Either with me, or with them, or with the world, that’s why this is happening.’

Most of us made up: ‘There is something wrong with me.’ Continue reading “If you don’t manage yourself, someone, something else will”

The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer

The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer

When you decide on a new direction for your life, you suddenly find yourself with obstacles blocking you, even your view of the horizon, let alone your path.

Your reaction to it will be one of two kinds… in my experience. Continue reading “The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer”

The worst of the 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People

The worst of the 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People

I am on a quest to catch up to the culture

I came to this country in 1985. In all of my 38 years here I watched TV on a TV set maybe 10 hours total… Probably less.

So I haven’t been part of the ‘culture’. And being part of the culture is essential if you want to be in people’s world.

Everything is culturally defined. Love, sadness, tragedy, compassion, etc. Culturally defined. Continue reading “The worst of the 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People”

Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing

Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing

I woke up at 3 am with a start from a deep dream about principles spinning so hard that I could only follow them with full concentration…

I stared into the dark for a few minutes still seeing the images of the principles, and I got the words that go with the images: Continue reading “Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing”

Rocks, pebbles, and sand that your life organized around

Rocks, pebbles, and sand that your life organized around

Some of my students pondered my article from yesterday and asked themselves: why am I not reading?

One found something that may be the reason billions of people don’t read: by the time they would get to reading, they are too tired. They are spent.

The priority they assign to reading is low.

Normal lives are full of stuff to do that some meme says: you must do.

Take a shower every day, for example. Many people even wash their hair every day. Read the newspaper. Every day. Do shopping when they need something, when they need it. Drive the kid to activities.

Cut coupons. Check facebook, your email, chat, watch cat videos.

Cook every meal… instead of batches is one way many of my students spend their time, instead of reading. I, instead, buy enough to make 7 meals, I cook the food, and put it in sandwich or snack bags… more the snack bags, which are about one fist, so it’s the perfect size.

This means that I don’t cook every day. I always have 10 or so meals prepared in my freezer.

Continue reading “Rocks, pebbles, and sand that your life organized around”

I have the ascension process. ready. but can you hack it?

I have the ascension process. ready. but can you hack it?

I woke up with a question this morning:

Have I succeeded to create a system that can put a human onto the path of becoming a human being?

The answer was ‘yes but’. And the proverbial search for the needle in the haystack began. Continue reading “I have the ascension process. ready. but can you hack it?”

Playground: The One Ring Method to rule it all

Playground: The One Ring Method to rule it all

If you love yourself, you love your life.

It sounds so good, but how could you? How could you love yourself, knowing all the horrible things you have done?!

Last night, after the Playground, after I turned the light off. memories of those horrible things started to revisit.

After about 10-15 minutes of that I was feeling really horrible, doubting that I can do any good in the world. And then it hit me:

none of the horrible things I said I did ever happened.

What? was I lying to myself? Continue reading “Playground: The One Ring Method to rule it all”

The 3 levels of value: an amazing process to love yourself

The 3 levels of value: an amazing process to love yourself
In this article I’ll teach you something that has the potential to turn you into a happy, joyful person. No kidding.

Also, it can serve as the bridge between human and human being…

From that you can guess: the distinctions in this article are high level.

At present, if you are a ‘normal’ human, you are judging yourself and others. You are miserable, wretched, prone to get happy, get sad, get depressed at the drop of a hat. Continue reading “The 3 levels of value: an amazing process to love yourself”