Does your vibration depend only on you? Your money?

Does your vibration depend only on you? Your money?

I just had a profound realization: To the degree I deal with people whose actions lack integrity, to the same degree I lack integrity myself.

You are not only a sum total of your closest five people, your “originating” or “sourcing” circle. You are actually the same as the lowest of them in spiritual sense.

Your financial integrity, your earning power, your deserving factor, your happiness, your weight, your health, your mindset, all depend more on your friends than on yourself. Who you surround yourself with have more power in your life than you, yourself. Continue reading “Does your vibration depend only on you? Your money?”

An easy way to get to the big picture so that…

An easy way to get to the big picture so that…

the-meaning-of-your-lifeAn easy way to get to the big picture that can make your life worth living, regardless of the circumstances

Gurus teach to look at life this way… but obviously even they don’t quite get it… The order of things is this: Being creates the kind and type of doing and the doing creates the having… If this didn’t make any sense, you are not alone… billions are in the same place of WTF does that mean?!

be – do – have

But getting it would make all the difference for you: suddenly finding constructive actions, actions that actually lead to what you want… And between you and me, that is not a small thing. I get lots of requests to muscletest for people if the actions they decided lead to self-growth, a better future, or not.

So, it is obviously not easy to see.

As any living thing, your first and main concern is you. What you have, how you feel, how safe you are, how happy you are.

Most people get stuck there: it is a “level of consciousness” thing… that is the level of consciousness where most people live. Really, 99.99% of humanity.
Continue reading “An easy way to get to the big picture so that…”

How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears

How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears

Countries, people, soul corrections, have different attitudes to doing things. 1

Hungary (country), Finish What you Start (soul correction), England (country, ethnicity), especially, have an attitude of “How hard can it be?”

And they fancy themselves all-knowing, all-expert at everything.

My brother calls this the “do it yourself” culture.

And utter disrespect for people with experience, education, expertise. Or for skills, expertise, experience, and learning.

I worked as an architect in Hungary, for 11 years. Every client knew everything better. They considered me their guy who puts the stamp to their plan so they can get a building permit.

My brother was in a different profession, and his experience was the same: no humility, no sense of what it takes to actually be good at something, to see things fully. Continue reading “How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears”

Your weirdness factor. How weird are you… or not

Your weirdness factor. How weird are you… or not

Weirdness Factor

One of Tai’s steps talks about the weirdness factor, your weirdness factor.

Only one student whose mother tongue is not English interpreted weirdness correctly.

What the f… right? Compared to what?!

You think that you know English. But your English is a personal English… what you mean is not expressed by the words you use accurately, and what you read is not what the writer of a sentence meant.

So you see, with words being such a flimsy, unreliable vehicle for thinking and communicating, the world cannot be a better place.

The troubles in your life cannot be fixed with the language that created them. 1

Continue reading “Your weirdness factor. How weird are you… or not”

Witness a “measure my vibration” conversation… very educational

Witness a “measure my vibration” conversation… very educational

open-micThis is a conversation between a person who sent me a donation to find out his vibration.

The conversation worth quoting: I say a lot of important things there… so please read and heed.

Please measure my vibration. Here is my $15 donation….

Continue reading “Witness a “measure my vibration” conversation… very educational”

Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?

Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?

duality-wordpicPeople, all people are puzzled and disturbed by their dual nature. You love and hate, drip with envy, at times taken over by desire… while you consider yourself sane, and nice, and compassionate and goal-driven.

It is natural to be dual in nature, and it is natural to be puzzled about it, be disturbed about it. If you pay attention, this is the main reason humans invented religion… to make sense of this duality.

The drive to suppress one side of this duality, to declare it bad, or a sin is part of human nature. Human nature is to strive for simple, obvious, and clear… to strive for certainty. A sense of control or a sense that you can control your world.

Continue reading “Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?”

Updated: How to go from lazy, procrastinating never do well to someone who gets things done? This also applies to raising your vibration…

I found this article today… I wrote it 18 months ago.

Of course at the time I had no idea that there are spiritual capacities, that they are encoded in the DNA, that they can be turned on, that I can turn them on… none of that.

So the article is a little outdated, and yet… many of the principles apply, they are timeless. Good reading.

One of the typical mistakes I see comes from the “culture” of instant, quick, magic buttons, magic bullets.

The idea that if you can imagine it you can do it.

It’s not true, or it is not that simple.

We all understand that things take time to get up to speed, your car, an airplane, your computer, but we don’t think that the same rule applies to us. We actually really think, really hope, that someone can touch us, a holy man or woman, and we will be healed, and throw away our cane, walker, and run away dancing, laughing, victorious.

This is what the fake gurus (i.e. the associates of the Dark Side) want us to believe.

But why are they selling us a bill of goods if it is not true? The answer is simple: because what they sell matches your desire, that’s why you will buy it.
Continue reading “Updated: How to go from lazy, procrastinating never do well to someone who gets things done? This also applies to raising your vibration…”

Want to become a nice person? Here is a clue that you aren’t

Self satisfaction alone cannot determine if a desire or action is positive or negative. The demarcation between a positive and a negative desire or action is not whether it gives you a immediate feeling of satisfaction, but whether it ultimately results in positive or negative consequences.

Every soul correction is about correcting the desire to receive (Light) for the self alone.

If you were born, you have a soul correction.

There is no jumping into “desire to receive for the sake of sharing”, which selfless, charitable, do gooders try to do.

Being charitable, giving, do-gooding, selfless is NOT desire to receive for the sake of sharing, it is just more “desire to receive for the self alone.”

Bummer, eh?

As I am sitting here pondering one of my favorite students’ Reclaim share where she is proudly telling me that her husband walked in during the webinar, evidently hungry, she could courageously ignore him and not be interrupted.

My, my…

You may not hear anything: I hear “nasty piece of work”, or simply: “desire to receive for the self alone.”
Continue reading “Want to become a nice person? Here is a clue that you aren’t”

Should you read Kabbalah? I mean popular Kabbalah, Kabbalah the way the Kabbalah Centre teaches it

kabbala vs. kabbalah centre kabbalah

  • Kabbalah the way the Kabbalah Centre teaches it: Truth value: 10%
  • If you take out god, and incarnation, karma, law of attraction, etc., all the religious connotations: 19%

Compare the 19%

  • Compare it with the Old Testament: Truth value less than 1%
  • Compare it with the New Testament: Truth value less than 1%
  • Compare it with The Law of Attraction: Truth value less than 1%
  • Indian scriptures: Truth value 2%

Obviously your best bet is to read Kabbalah books, but to read them with the capacity of Discernment, also known as Astuteness, Mental Acuity, so you can allow the not true things to be there, but soak up the truth that is 19%.

So, obviously, Kabbalah doesn’t have all the truth. It has 19%.
The truth value of what I teach is 70%, so I don’t have all the truth either.

Does reading what I write give you 70% of the truth? I wish. You can’t get it, don’t get it, for two reasons:
Continue reading “Should you read Kabbalah? I mean popular Kabbalah, Kabbalah the way the Kabbalah Centre teaches it”

Spirituality and the quality of your life? Part 1

holographic-universe-mainMy method of growing myself, my method of growing what can be known for humans, is running conquering-new-territories campaigns into the unknown.

It is about leading scouting and conquering military campaigns into the unknown and unknowable, and I do it on my podcast calls… the one I have been having for 8 years now. Every week, for 15 years now.

Some calls are huge campaigns, today’s was like that, and most calls are maintenance, cleaning up, clarifying… All needed for a coherent view.

In today’s call, the conversation was about the question: what does spirituality have to do with the quality of your life??
Continue reading “Spirituality and the quality of your life? Part 1”