Who are your customers? are you selling what they want?

Who are your customers? are you selling what they want?

who are your customers?I just had my first ‘podcast call’ with Bonnie, one of my newer students. I really like her. Her first question hit me unexpectedly low: she asked: who are you making the podcast for… who is going to listen to it? who are your customers?

I hadn’t given it any thought… I only thought of what I wanted to teach… hm. Continue reading “Who are your customers? are you selling what they want?”

Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?

Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?

Breakthrough: how do you cause one? There is a science to causing breakthroughs! Learn it! This article teaches it.

No matter on what level you are on the evolutionary scale, the percentage of knowledge that you didn’t know that you didn’t know stays at 99%.

Sometimes it overlaps with what you think you know because, most of what you think you know, you mostly do not know, or it isn’t so: low truth value.

But to cut this part short, every breakthrough comes from the 99% that you don’t know that you don’t know.

There is a certain way of being, behaving in the world that triggers the 99% to ‘release’ that hidden knowledge to you. I call it ‘unfolding’. Seth Godin calls it ‘poking the box.’ Continue reading “Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?”

Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…

Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…

avatar nickelodeon teaching by proxyBack in 2013 I was experimenting with teaching by proxy. In some way I still do it in my Sunday calls.

I just listened to one of my 2013 proxy teaching calls, and I sound a little preachy, a little controlling, but regardless: it was an excellent call.

It is about how live like an avatar. How to live life like an avatar, avatar as in the Nickelodeon series’ avatars, not some spiritual ballyhoo… that I can’t say anything about, because I know nothing about it.

A Nickelodeon avatar has all the vending reality power available to him or her in moments of dire strait… When either their life is in peril or humanity is in peril. Continue reading “Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…”

Because of great love one is courageous.

Because of great love one is courageous.

no love no courageI have written about it, I have even quoted Lao Tsu: Because of great love one is courageous. Lao Tsu taught effortless action, which is in line with Life, he calls Tao.

But if the fundamental understanding of life is missing, if life is fundamentally misunderstood, then that quote is misunderstood.

We, humans, have that ‘love is something you feel for another person’. Or for ice cream, or a puppy… more often, lol.

But what if the love Lao Tsu is talking about is something entirely different?
Continue reading “Because of great love one is courageous.”

You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap

You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap
love yourselfLove yourself: easier said than done.

Love yourself, self-love is your two selves loving each other. How does that come about? Simple: through integrity. Integrity is an inside job: between you and you. As your integrity grows, your self-love, self-appreciation grows, and your life starts blossoming. Continue reading “You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap”

What is the difference between forcing and certainty?

What is the difference between forcing and certainty?
effortingNo Efforting **

Efforting describes times that you are not in the flow of either your  business or your personal life. It’s when you are slugging through the day and dreading tasks that you don’t feel connected with. It’s when you are pushing yourself to do things that you aren’t ‘feeling’. It’s the Have To list of life…

Yesterday in the core group meeting, that happened to be also our Getting Guidance from our Future Self, something magical and very educational thing happened. Continue reading “What is the difference between forcing and certainty?”

Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery

Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery

oversleeping depression side effectsSome days start out like this… I don’t know if you can relate… I oversleeping and suffer from the  resulting depression

Today I overslept. Some fascinating dream was more important for me to continue watching than getting up.

It’s now three hours later, and I am till groggy, unmotivated, and I have a fear that is playing hide and seek with me: I can’t really see what it is afraid of. Continue reading “Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery”

Can you be soaring when you are anchored?

Can you be soaring when you are anchored?

self-awarenessSoaring, the Magic, the magic that comes from Beyond cannot be forced… allowing is what works.

Soaring and what happens when you are in soaring is a lot like listening.

  • The listening that causes…
  • The listening that alters

Continue reading “Can you be soaring when you are anchored?”

Second wind, second chance

Second wind, second chance

second wind wingsDo you have the fighting spirit? Have you ever accessed your second wind?

I am sure you were immediately thinking of fighting, and not spirit… and you are about to hang up… and go do something mundane and maybe even boring to calm down your spirit that wants to come alive… ‘go back to sleep. Nothing to see here’

The fighting spirit is the spirit fighting for more life, more aliveness, more joy, more love, more everything. For you.

The factions fighting and bickering and backbiting and slandering online and in your groups are not spirit… they are all fear based… and I would say death-based, not life based. Not for themselves either.

It’s a smokescreen to hide that they are about death… theirs.

So let’s talk, instead, about the fighting spirit, that is all for you, about you, and you have, probably, only a fleeing memory of when you last saw it.

The fighting spirit is what gives you the second wind. Continue reading “Second wind, second chance”

I am reading this book, Change or Die by Alan Deutschman

I am reading this book, Change or Die by Alan Deutschman

the three r's of changeAlan Deutschman says you need 3 R’s… relate, repeat, reframe to effect lasting change.

I hate when people try to do anagrams or 3r’s from their advice, but I’ll fight off my disgust, and translate for you…

Relate, the first R, stands for hope. Trust. Faith. Faith that you can and will do it.

He says that for someone to change someone else has the believe that they can.

The doctor, the therapist, the teacher. Continue reading “I am reading this book, Change or Die by Alan Deutschman”