Can you wield energies? Do attunements work? Are they needed? Is Reiki real?

attunement art at yesterday’s article about the story that marketers use to connect to you, to connect to your need, to prove that they are special, I made strong statements that I want to repeat and provide some evidence.

Some of the stuff that story-tellers sell to you actually work. Regardless of the story.

Now, I don’t have a lot of examples, because I am not a consumer of hyped up products, but I do have one example I’d like to share with you: it is very educational, and quite stunning.

Back in the year 2000 I met this flaky guy. He was quite cuckoo. Circumstances, story, blah blah blah later, he convinced me to buy an energy from his energy guy.

It turns out, the energy guy was Matt Schoener, the energy system was Omega Shakti System (no connection with the Omega Center in NY).

It was very expensive, and it was quite bs sounding, but I did it. (By the way, this guy loved to push me to spend my money on stuff he liked… I hated that, but on the long run I am grateful, I would have never become who I am today without those things.)

The energies were palpable, and they worked for me instantly. Meaning: energy shot out of my hand… wow. Quite amazing.
Continue reading “Can you wield energies? Do attunements work? Are they needed? Is Reiki real?”

Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…

Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…
what is your real iq?Geniuxole System

People are looking for ways to become smarter. And you should… I mean you should become smarter.

There is one major issue and that is: where do you think smarts lives?

We have spoken of this before, but let me repeat it for those that are new: Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…”

Marketers are storytellers, often liars… Healers, teachers, gurus, are marketers. And they are liars if their stories are lies…

healers are marketersOne of my favorite books is Seth Godin’s ‘All Marketers Are Liars.’

Now, this book isn’t teaching not to believe everyone’s story, it teaches how to craft your story so people that are like you, that people that are easily fascinated, will become your fans.

In the industry of healers, gurus, psychics, ascension people, the stories are more important than in any other industry.
Continue reading “Marketers are storytellers, often liars… Healers, teachers, gurus, are marketers. And they are liars if their stories are lies…”

Dark Energies, Light Energies… How does it work? How does the energy get to you, for whom is it intended?

dark side energiesEnergies, just like light, need a carrier. Energies are not a bodiless, shapeless woo-woo thing: they are vibrational in their nature. In total vacuum, the energy cannot advance: there is no carrier.

What are suitable carriers for energies? Air, liquids, especially water, and sound. Obviously sound is already a derivative: without something to carry the sound vibration, there is no sound…

I’ll use sound to illustrate.

If there is no carrier, if there is no matter, sound dissipates.

But sound itself can become a carrier. The energy you want it to carry will modulate the “original” sound, it will combine: you will get the original sound and the inaudible sound of the energy.
Continue reading “Dark Energies, Light Energies… How does it work? How does the energy get to you, for whom is it intended?”

The most important three words to utter when you are stuck

The most important three words to utter when you are stuck

I need help“I need help”

Sometimes these magical words, said at the right time, said to the right person, will make all the difference.

Sometimes even if you just say it to yourself it makes a difference.

Yesterday, on the Path coaching call, two of the seven participants asked for help.
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No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level …

No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level …

No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level Of Consciousness That Created ItNo Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level Of Consciousness That Created It

Einstein supposedly said that, and supposedly he knew what he was supposedly talking about…

But what did he mean? What could you mean? How could this famous statement be useful to you?
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The Follow-Your-Passion Myth and What’s the Truth

The Follow-Your-Passion Myth and What’s the Truth

success is an inside jobThe following article is based on a quote from Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo; always an inspiration. This week especially. This week even I needed it… lol

Why am I not explaining it myself? Because he is a better writer. Because he says it better than I can ever say it: you need to bring your passion, your love, your happiness to everything, instead of waiting (hands out) for it to be provided.

And, of course, this includes raising your vibration, transformation, healing: pretty much all the things you expect someone or something to provide.

Human Being is powerful, is meant to be powerful. Waiting for something to be given to you is PRETENDING TO BE POWERLESS. Not a human being. Raising your vibration is a function of your starting to use your Human Being capacities, instead of settling for the status quo, resigning to living a hum drum life.
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Are you serious about your transformation, about raising your vibration, about your connection to Soul?

cost and payoff, the ultimate test

Warning: I do not call weight loss transformation… getting smaller, eating less, eating different is not transformation… and you may need transformation to change…

Do not continue if you are here for weight loss advice, please…

Are you serious about your transformation, about your vibration, about your connection to Soul? Most say yes, but when the push comes to shove, their actions speak louder than words.

In certain areas I am just about to break through: certain areas are harder than others.

Your transformation will never be even, the same degree in every area, so don’t even expect it.

My area is money, and it’s been a hard nut to crack.
Continue reading “Are you serious about your transformation, about raising your vibration, about your connection to Soul?”

Do carbs make you sluggish, in body and mind? Part 2

Do carbs make you sluggish, in body and mind? Part 2

Read Part 1 if you haven’t…

how to be dumb and stay poor

Do carbohydrates make you sluggish of body and mind?

It is hard to know how to eat. The newspapers, magazines, TV, scientist change their tune as if it were the seasons… so, as a rule, anything that you read or hear is suspect of being a lie.

I had my first breakthrough with a simple insight about 15 years ago:

Whenever I went into a restaurant I looked around. If the patrons were fat, I turned around and left. The restaurant catered to fat people…
Continue reading “Do carbs make you sluggish, in body and mind? Part 2”

Could Depression Be Caused By Carbs?

Could Depression Be Caused By Carbs? This is a question not many people would be able to answer authentically. Authentically means answering from their own experience. I can.

Why can’t other people? Because most humans go through life with their eyes closed, asleep. Things happen to them they don’t act as cause in their lives, they don’t even consider it. They don’t live consciously. I do, and this is what all my programs are about: causing you to live consciously.

carbs, including fruitsAbout 10 months ago I removed most carbohydrates 1 from my diet. I was on that all protein, some fat, some greens diet for six months. Then I started to add, slowly, some vegetables, and about a month ago I added sweet potatoes, baby red potatoes, and finally two weeks ago I added bread.
Continue reading “Could Depression Be Caused By Carbs?”