Where do you look to get the answers?

RumiLook for the answer inside your question.


Warning: this article is quite offensive to your current picture of yourself… Consider yourself warned.

If you managed to read the Osho talk on self-knowledge, long-long-long talk! please note that this article will make a lot more sense after you read that talk…

I had an hour long conversation yesterday with a friend, and at the end it turned out that the recorder was not working… Oh well… sometimes it is for the best.

The question I was kicking around is this:
Continue reading “Where do you look to get the answers?”

Osho: Self-knowledge is the most difficult thing

Osho and self-knowledge

People ask my why I discontinued the Playground.

After all I loved that program… so why not continue indefinitely.

Two reasons: 1. There were only four participants. But that is not enough reason. 2. The Playground is a knowing yourself program, but knowing yourself needs to be done by you, not by me. People kept coming, but they didn’t continue the work of getting to know themselves at home, in their own time… So all that “self-knowledge” work I did with them was wasted.

Why? Because stronger forces won… You’ll see in this amazing talk, 40 years ago by Osho.

What’s wrong with my Wife?
29 August 1974 am in Buddha Hall THE NINTH SAYING


Self-knowledge is the most difficult thing – not because it is difficult, but because you are scared to know about yourself.

Read the rest of this amazing talk on my Osho page


More on Osho

Vortex Water vs Energizer Water energized with the Energizer® energy; What is the difference?

scalar2There is a difference.

What causes water’s low energy, water’s incoherence, is the little water spouts around impurities…

Just like you, your water is ADD, maybe even ADHD. Distilled water has more water spouts, so it is more incoherent even than tap water purified with primitive filters.

ADD and ADHD, in this connotation means that the water cannot pull it together, it is all over the place, it is confused, and it is hapless.

It may be strange to say that water is hapless, but that is how water feels… as an Empath I can tell you that. Starts and stops, attention span of a fly.

When you put incoherent water in your body, all hell breaks loose…

…even if you weren’t ADD before, it actually makes YOU incoherent, hapless, starts and stops… all over the place.

Continue reading on my Energywater blog

Are you stingy in your acknowledgments? Don’t appreciate?

Appreciation is a wonderful thing it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.Stinginess… where is it coming from?

Unwillingness to allow another to have a part in your success, unwillingness to acknowledge what someone else did that helped you be successful, is what I call stingy.

Example from my youth…

When I was in architecture school, my favorite teacher, young, dashing architect, was very co-creative in his approach to teaching.
Continue reading “Are you stingy in your acknowledgments? Don’t appreciate?”

What do attachments do to you? Do you know?

i-fart-in-your-general-directionThe type of energetic attachments, put on you by witches and healers and sorcerers, I have, so far, distinguished (There are more, but I haven’t seen my way clearly around them. I can remove these attachments, but no distinctions yet…)

    1. Random, shooting in the dark attachment…

      a less skillful “healer”, shooting a dart in your general direction. It’s much like a flash wound… it hurts, it bothers you, but it doesn’t go deep.
      Continue reading “What do attachments do to you? Do you know?”

Do you want someone else to clean up the mess you made?

siberian-shamanI had an interesting interaction with a client. She has been getting sessions from a “Siberian Shamana”, dead giveaway, by the way, that the person is a fraud…

Anyway, this client was riddled with attachments, which I needed to remove several times, because she insisted that it wasn’t the “shamana” that put them on her.

Finally, she had to see the truth.

The next step was: she asked if she could send me an encrypted email… about other people. Members of her family that had session with this shamana… and are probably also full of attachments.
Continue reading “Do you want someone else to clean up the mess you made?”

Why is it harmful for you to search the internet?

leaves-flyingKnowledge is power. But knowledge is different from information.

Information is someone’s opinion, someone’s take on something… totally unreliable. It depends on the person’s worldview (sheep or individual), and intentions. Looking your organs that look outward you can only see what can be seen… not even one layer below… You see what they want you to see.

If you have no core, if you have no substance, every opinion, also called information. will sway you… will blow you around like wind blows dry leaves in the fall.
Continue reading “Why is it harmful for you to search the internet?”

Do you think spirituality, healing, are one size fit most?

One size fits most?

If you think that one diet, one pill, one activator will work for all… then you are as stupid as the medical establishment, and you are as stupid as the marketeers hope that you are.

As simple as that…

In fact, this stupidity is the reason that I can review hundreds of “practitioners” and not find a genuine article… The genuine articles, the people with real talent, real ability, are lost in the shuffle, have given up, can’t make a living, and can’t make a difference. The field is given over to marketeers that are only interested in numbers and in money. And your stupidity caused it… 🙁

If you ever ask the question why I insult you in most every article, I have a reason. If you are a consolation seeker, a positive thinker, an “avoid negativity” junkie, then I want to offend you, and I want you to leave. Why? Because you are hopeless. Continue reading “Do you think spirituality, healing, are one size fit most?”

Osho: Your emptiness within. Your efforts without

osho on the emptiness within and your effort withoutWhat is greed?

Man feels meaningless, empty, hollow within, and wants to fill it, stuff it. The effort to fill it somehow is greed. That effort is bound to fail for the simple reason because whatsoever you accumulate remains on the outside; it cannot reach within you. And the problem is within… and the solution you are seeking is without.

For example, you are feeling meaningless inside you and you are trying to fill it by money. It is a stupid effort, unconscious effort, not seeing a simple point: that money can be gathered, accumulated, but it will pile up around you. You can have mountains of money around you… there have been people with mountains of money.

Continue reading on my Osho blog

What Holds You Back… Part 2

what-holds-you-backNew: someone can put attachments on you, back on you? through their audio recordings.

One of my readers, the first one I removed attachments/cords from, sent me a donation yesterday: do I have attachments on me? And she did… I was mortified… so I muscletested it a few times.

What did you do?!

Turns out that she was listening to… eh, let me quote her email answer: Continue reading “What Holds You Back… Part 2”