Updated: The secret of being able to change

becoming independent from society's pullThe original of this article was published a year ago… I have added new insights today

The secret of my being able to change, and be reborn with a higher frequency, a higher vibration, is that I have been able to keep in check the societal imperative to care about other people more than I care about myself. And in addition to that, I have been able to admit to myself all the errors of my ways that I can see. So I don’t even want to look good to myself. I am willing to accept myself, warts and all… for all I am and for all I am lacking.

This comes with giving up the emotional impact of others view of me, of others opinion of me, of others praise or hate of me, and my opinion of me… especially when I make a mistake, a false step, or when I make a fool of myself.

This attachment to opinions needs to be actively given up: no epigenetic shift, no transformation, no energy remedy will make these opinions neutral: we do live in a society, and others opinion of you and your products determines your money: and your money determines whether you eat, be sheltered, have leisure time, and a lot more. And your own opinion about yourself will determine whether you are going to play fully… or shrink.

So opinions are important, but they are not important emotionally.

Fear is emotional. Careful, thoughtful pro-action is not.

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Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

rememberingIt’s been a weird couple of days.

Every time I stop doing something my mind goes to evil acts I have seen in movies or read about in books.

It started with the Marco Polo series on Netflix. I realized that I can’t watch betrayal… something about betrayal is too difficult for me to be with.

I wondered if it was that I saw myself in either the traitor or the betrayed, but I don’t think it’s that.

But it dislodged a veritable mound of buried memories of acts in books and other movies.

Continue reading “Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.”

Limiting beliefs… what should you do about them?

you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to become greatLimiting beliefs… can you zap them like Christie Marie Sheldon pretends to do? Does listening to some guru, watching some Mind Valley video help you chuck them, change them, or eliminate them?

The answer is no. You can’t eliminate limiting beliefs, and they can’t eliminate limiting beliefs either.

Limiting beliefs will not go anywhere. You have to find another way to win: stop listening to them.

I have limiting beliefs, but you would not know from my actions. I don’t consider my mind chatter significant. I only listen to advisors that I hired… I never hired my mind chatter. Continue reading “Limiting beliefs… what should you do about them?”

When your life is looked at through a different filter, you see something you have never seen

Photographer Removes Phones From Photos To Highlight Our Terrible Addiction

earth porm

How addicted are you to your cell phone? The real answer may surprise you. “Removed” is an awesome photo project by American photographer Eric Pickergill that highlights our horrible addiction to smartphones in a whole new way. Pickergill removes phones and other digital devices from his photos and as a result presents an entirely new photo—one that shows how much we are missing out on everyday moments all because of technology.

Pickergill admits he’s not above smartphone addiction; he spends far too much time on his mobile devices too. It wasn’t his own addiction that inspired the project, but instead a family he encountered while out taking notes at a New York café.
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I am changing… Why aren’t you? You can’t? You won’t?

the-measure-of-intelligenceI have been changing. Subtly.

The biggest problem with subtle changes is that they go unnoticed. And if you are like most people, you want encouragement, you want people to see that you are becoming something better.

But your environment is about as aware and as present as you are, which means: not very. And besides they are busy having their head up their ass… so until you are very very very different, they don’t notice it.

A good example is your weight: if you drop two dress sizes… then they notice it. But if you are doing it right, in a sustainable fashion, it’s taken you months… And for those months you had gotten no feedback.
Continue reading “I am changing… Why aren’t you? You can’t? You won’t?”

5 Characteristics Of Grit — How Many Do You Have?

be creative and persistentReprinted from Forbes… 1

Recently some close friends visited, both of whom have worked in education with adolescents for over 40 years. We were talking about students in general and when I asked what has changed with regards to the character of kids, in unison they said “grit” – or more specifically, lack thereof. There seems to be growing concern among teachers that kids these days are growing soft.

When I took a deeper dive, I found that what my friends have been observing in-the-field, researchers have been measuring in the lab. The role grit plays in success has become a topic du jour, spearheaded by Angela Duckworth, who was catapulted to the forefront of the field after delivering a TED talk which has since been viewed well over a million times.
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Jane Roberts, Seth, other channelers… Vibrational Review

All channelers are fakes, frauds, impostors.

There are no entities that can be channeled.

Reality is a lot simpler than that.

You CAN tune into the Zero Point Field, I have been, but it is much less colorful, much less like the channelers and the entities and the b.s. that is floating out there.

But you are stupid… and you can be told anything, you’ll be fascinated, and blown away.

Here are a few examples:

  • Jane Roberts: personal vibration: 100. Truth value of what she says: less than 1%. Bullshit artist.
  • Esther Hicks: personal vibration: 150. Truth value of what she says: 1%
  • A course in miracles and its author Helen Schucman: personal vibration: 70, 1%

Continue reading “Jane Roberts, Seth, other channelers… Vibrational Review”

Expanding human being aka living an interesting life

tumblr_o59w74rBvA1szqwnwo1_500I am reading one of my all time favorite books. Again. I was guided to read it again. As I have been guided to watch everything I watch, read everything I read.

Sometimes the key to the insight is on page 800 of a book, or in episode 60 of a Netflix series.

The trick is: trust, don’t be in a hurry

Don’t expect the “key” to be a direct answer, and once you have what you were needing, acknowledge it.

This book is full of clues for me. Clues for why you are living a life of quiet desperation, why you don’t live an interesting life.

The book is about a little girl who gets an interactive smart book, to teach her life.

Neal Stephenson: The Diamond Age. Wikipedia says: The most important quality to achieving an “interesting life” is deemed to be a subversive attitude towards the status quo.

She is four years old when she gets the book.

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It takes tweaking to get things right… including your diet

individual... with a brain to useI find that most people want to be mindless… Get a solution and never look again, never think again.

Tai calls this: an experiment run too long.

But for most people experiments are non-existent. They want to live their lives as puppies or kitties… not as humans.

Why is that? you ask… whether you are one of “most people” or one of the few who are individuals.

To answer that why question,

  • You may look at how you were brought up.
  • You may look at how you were educated to be sheep.
  • You may look at that as character defect.
  • You may blame this or that…
The truth is simpler and more sinister than any of those you have already thought of.

Continue reading “It takes tweaking to get things right… including your diet”