Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be

Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be

the subtle art of not giving a fuckI just read an excerpt of Mark Manson’s (vibration: 260) book, about the path to growing… The art of not giving a f*ck

Even the brief is worth reading…

Some people write better than me. Some people find solutions faster than me. Some people can teach ME things… Baah, right?

What Manson says is the essence of the Michelangelo Method of growing.

You remove everything that doesn’t work, everything that is not you, everything that doesn’t support you in living life you love and living it powerfully.

But the sticky part of this process is telling the truth about having been wrong. Continue reading “Removing Barriers to you being all-you-can-be”

So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.

So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.

So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.

This issue is coming to the forefront… This expectation of be made important, liked, relevant, belonging by other people, or by some job, of by association, or by some success.

Or to be liked by behaving in a certain way, be liked by other people because of something you do or don’t do.

It is an aspect of being an effect… not a cause. Little explored by anyone.

You are either in the world of because or you are cause… BE cause

Continue reading “So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.”

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

lying-to-continueYou can’t fix being human

..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you baloney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.

The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”

These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.

When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more. Continue reading “You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive”

I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…

I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…

…when someone, finally, out of the blue, comes into your life and gives you what you haven’t been able to get from anyone, even though you have been trying and trying and trying… in vain.

And then you feel love. No, I mean LOVE… if I could I would make the letters as big as a house. Love. really. Continue reading “I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…”

Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

Where attention goes, energy flows… but can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

I’ve read somewhere that we live in the age of attention. Everyone fights for your attention, and you have little or no control… unless you can control your attention.

How much control do you have over your attention?

Why is that important?

Two reasons:

  • 1. where attention goes, energy flows. But… as you’ll find out, not all attention is equal…
  • 2. While you are ‘paying’ attention to one thing, you are ignoring everything else.
Attention is a single pointed arrow… it is not very wide cone either.
  • Your cone of vision is already narrow… why? Because fear, wrong, desire all narrow it… automatically.
  • Fear, wrong, and desire also urges you to fix what seems to be threatening you… by avoiding it, or by doing something drastic to it.

What happens when you see something that seems to be threatening you? Essentially what happens is that you take that ‘thing’ completely out of context… because in your puny cone of vision you cannot see the larger picture, you cannot see the context.

Context is decisive. It decides what you see when you look… You can only see what agrees with the context.

Continue reading “Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?”

I want I want I want… holiday weeks malady

  • stress is wantingI want this to be different than it is
  • I want to feel different than I am feeling
  • I want to be treated differently than I am being treated
  • I want to have more money
  • I want to do more interesting things
  • I want to have some skills
  • I want I want I want
What is underneath that wanting?

For one, a sky high desire number. Maybe even a desire trap. Coupled with a low, weak, tepid ambition number.

Holiday times are especially trapping… I can even feel it myself.

Desire, by its unrealistic nature, robs you of the energy to bring what you desire about.

Why? How? Continue reading “I want I want I want… holiday weeks malady”

Somewhere else is better than here… Something else…

Somewhere else is better than here… Something else…

Somewhere else is better than here… Something else is better than this… Someone else has it better than meYesterday, still recovering from my strenuous weekend, lol, I watched TED talks for a few hours, all on Emotional Intelligence.

They were all profound, and nice, and useful… and yet.

Emotional intelligence, measurable in percentages, is the ability to be appropriate to life, to dance, to get stuff done, to rest when it is time to rest, and work when it is time to work, and to love, and appreciate, and say what you need to say, when it is appropriate.

To look at things from more than just one fixed point of view, to be able to empathize, have compassion, express instead of stuff it…

You see why emotionally intelligent people get ahead in life… they are easy to be around because they are OK with themselves.

What people, psychologists, writers, etc. teach is surface.

Much like telling you to cover up chicken shit and enjoy the praline… Praline is an expensive candy… for those of you who don’t know. Continue reading “Somewhere else is better than here… Something else…”

It’s all in a day’s work… what does it mean?

3 years oldWhat’s the invisible dynamic that makes “It’s all in a day’s work” so transformative?

I have a different relationship to work than most people.

People at large want to do what they want to do, and don’t want to do what they don’t want to do. An attitude, a behavior, a maturity level of a 3-year old.

It is the level where most people got stuck, and now they are unhappy, because the world doesn’t respect their wishes, their rules, their “right”… so they are angry, pissed, reluctant, belligerent, feel slighted, lazy, stupid, clueless… whatever it takes to avoid playing life at life’s terms.

It’s easier to see it on misbehaving 6 year olds, than on adults… but it’s there. Continue reading “It’s all in a day’s work… what does it mean?”

Why you can’t see, don’t see value… what is in the way?

Why you can’t see, don’t see value… what is in the way?
You can’t catch what you don’t see

Gratitude is a capacity. You can’t fake it, like you can’t fake riding a bicycle.
Appreciation is another capacity.

Appreciation means: seeing value. Gratitude means: acknowledging value.

There are three levels of values:
  1. Cultural or systemic values. 80% of people see those. They are different culture by culture. But most of them are universal… meaning they are in all cultures… These values are binary, like an on/off switch.These are the “two drawers” the book The Art of Hunting Humans talks about, loser/winner, sad/happy, good/bad, useful/useless, smart/stupid, right/wrong, etc.
  2. The second tear is the value, extrinsic value, the use value humans place on things: they are personal values, mostly… They are closer to what people pay for, with money or reciprocation: tasty (food), a nice conversation (companionship), useful, interesting, beneficial, etc.A bowl of soup, a wedding ring, a Thanksgiving dinner, a nice conversation…Anything will have, albeit not acknowledged, not noticed value on all three levels.
  3. The third level is the godlike level, the intrinsic level, and most people don’t notice it, don’t value it, don’t provide it… Even if they know the words… but they are like appreciation: you can say the word as much as you want, the word does not create appreciation, the capacity creates the being.The capacity of appreciation is, like everything in reality, can be expressed in percentages… capacity not on is zero, fully open is 100.

It is one thing to appreciate the obvious, and quite another thing to appreciate what is not obvious… because in the moment it is not visible yet where the value is, or it doesn’t FEEL GOOD…

Too much, too strong focusing on systemic value robs a person of their ability to have spiritual, third level, godlike capacities: generosity, love, enthusiasm, creativity, intuitive, etc. Continue reading “Why you can’t see, don’t see value… what is in the way?”

As a man is, so he sees. you project yourself on everything

As a man is, so he sees. you project yourself on everything

The idea that you can get smarter needs to get clarified.

Why? Because people cannot see smart, cannot see how smart shows up, cannot see… anything other than filtered through themselves, how THEY are. Continue reading “As a man is, so he sees. you project yourself on everything”