The secret that every successful person uses thinking that it is common knowledge

The secret that every successful person uses thinking that it is common knowledge

I have been in deep thought since yesterday…

This article can become a watershed… when you’ll say: before I learned that… and after I learned that… What? Read the article.

“Adoration of a President-to-Be” –

Newly engaged John F. Kennedy & Jacqueline Bouvier – Cape Cod, July 4th 1953
source: Life

Continue reading “The secret that every successful person uses thinking that it is common knowledge”

Who are your customers? You don’t have any? Think again!

Who are your customers? You don’t have any? Think again!
You have customers. Many. You have ‘vendor-customer’ relationship with them.

It takes intellectual intelligence (the one the IQ tests test) to see this. It has nothing to do with being stingy, or emotionally unevolved.

So let’s have this conversation now to cause a sudden rise in your intelligence, and potentially a sudden rise in your income, your popularity, your street value.

The story behind this knowledge comes from 1991-1992.

I was a student in Werner Erhard and Associates in 1991, when Werner appeared on 60 minutes and consequently had to leave the country, his company, and go into exile.

He sold the company to its employees, and the company faltered. It always happens when the vision of the company wasn’t shared between owner and staff.
Continue reading “Who are your customers? You don’t have any? Think again!”

Selfish? let’s look at selfish, let’s look at unselfish

Selfish? let’s look at selfish, let’s look at unselfish
Life is best when it is lived where what you want for yourself is a side effect.

For half of humanity that sounds like liberal nonsense… but this is how life becomes the most enjoyable, and maybe the most ‘life-earning’ as well, in spite of it being counter intuitive.

And this is true in every area of life…

I can’t write a better article on this than Zat Rana on Medium.

What I can write best about is the wretchedness of going straight for what you want, and quitting when anyone else benefits… And I can share how this… getting what I need as a side effect, consciously, has been one of the secrets of my inner peace, fulfillment, and happiness. Continue reading “Selfish? let’s look at selfish, let’s look at unselfish”

Concerted effort? Phalanx? On what, for what? And why?

Concerted effort? Phalanx? On what, for what? And why?

There is ‘knowledge’… what you hear, what you read, even what you see… and then there is knowledge that is the result of what you do and observe.

Mind you, all knowledge depends on observation and actually accurately identifying what worked and what didn’t.

Because there are thousands of things that you can see at any one time, and it is hard to know what is operative and what isn’t, most people never distinguish accurately the operative factors, and therefore need a coach who looks from the sideways view where there are less factors to contend with.

What do I mean? Continue reading “Concerted effort? Phalanx? On what, for what? And why?”

Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?

Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?

Why do we have an ego, and how can we make it really useful? You don’t have any part that is not useful!

I just had a ‘conversation’ with a student, where I suggested that she uses ego to support her growth.

From her answers it has become clear that ‘using ego’ is not a commonplace conversation, and that it needs instruction.

Culture condemns ego… as if it were a bad thing.

So let’s see what ego is, and what it isn’t.

Ego is a lot like a kitchen knife: you can use it for good, for useful, or for harm… kill with it. You can also use it to clean it under your nails… somewhat useful, but not the right tool… Continue reading “Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?”

Is focus useful or harmful? It depends…

Is focus useful or harmful? It depends…

tight focus relaxed focusSometimes the teacher fails to tell you the crucial, most important thing that they should tell you… not out of malice, but out of not knowing that it matters.

No matter what is the topic, the area, this happens all the time.

If you don’t get the results your teacher promised, this is probably what’s going it, this is probably what went on.

Why wide angle, big picture attitude on the hammer exercises is the winning way to do it?

How you do anything is how you do everything. Continue reading “Is focus useful or harmful? It depends…”

It’s not always what you do, but in what order

It’s not always what you do, but in what order

Actions that are perfect at one time are disastrous at other times.

To see what is the cause and what is the effect is mandatory if you want to be happy.

To know that starting a building the roof before the house is stupid… is a rare skill… most people do the equivalent of that in the area of spirituality, building a business, finding a fulfilling vocation, etc.

The Sight capacity can really help, but it takes building the skill of seeing what is there to higher levels than it naturally is. Normal sight is 1% accurate. 1%… horrible, no?

If you were a tracker, someone who tracks an animal or a person, the signs you see as clues would mean nothing to the other… although they, maybe, have the same sight capacity open, and yet. Continue reading “It’s not always what you do, but in what order”

How to ‘earn’ a master’s degree in beingness?

How to ‘earn’ a master’s degree in beingness?

How to ‘earn’ a master’s degree in beingness? In attitude? In emotional intelligence?

A lot of people use famous quotes for guidance, and, if my observations are correct, those quotes increase your sense of inadequacy, your sense of doom about 90% of the time. And 10% of the time you don’t even need inspiring quotes, you are already inspired.

So, what do you do? You pretend how much you love it, how much difference it makes… while inside, the gap between your authentic self and the horizontal self is growing with every lie.
Continue reading “How to ‘earn’ a master’s degree in beingness?”

The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach

The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach

Most people, including coaches, are too wrapped up in their thoughts, in what they want, etc.

They cannot see outside of it… In essence they are locked into the nine dots… the famous exercise.

Here is another one I learned this morning, and I fell into the same nine dots trap…

A father and a son has a car accident. The emergency services take them to different hospitals given their injuries. Continue reading “The benefits, the drawbacks of a true empath coach”

Is an accurate vocabulary the key to emotional intelligence?

Is an accurate vocabulary the key to emotional intelligence?

My first breakthrough in emotional intelligence came when a number of years ago I identified the emotion that curled down the corners of my mouth. It was familiar… and it was the first time I had words to wrap around the emotion: “I am personally offended.”

The key word there is ‘Personally’…

Of course, every time you are offended, you took something personally, as if it happened to you, as if it were directed to you, personally.

Rarely, if anything, is directed at you personally.

In fact the offending party is so wrapped up in their own ‘stuff’ that they scarcely took notice of you… at all. Continue reading “Is an accurate vocabulary the key to emotional intelligence?”