Bad feelings… they are the best guidance

Bad feelings… they are the best guidance

bad feelingsFeeling… different feelings, if they are consciously felt, guide you in different ways. Acting on guidance is not jerky… it is deliberate… What is jerky is fixing.

Of course like with most important things, the words we use are, maybe intentionally, used to confound us, to give us no clarity.

It is useful to separate and distinguish feelings and emotions in that feelings are what you actually feel in your body, emotions are the meaning you gave to those feelings.

Margoczi, a Hungarian author, says that emotions are wholly and fully created by words. This is useful to consider, even if this is not exactly accurate, for the purposes of having a sense of power, a feeling of power, this is very useful.

What may be true is that if the feeling moves… Continue reading “Bad feelings… they are the best guidance”

Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending

Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending

soul correction: speak your mindSoul Correction: Speak Your Mind aka reveal your secret agenda

Update 6/30/2021: upon reflecting on all the #25, that is the numerology number for this soul correction, I am finding that the most dominant aspect is: self hate… and that is what is, maybe, underneath the lying, pretending, making airs, etc.

…Update on 2/15/2014: I had an interesting conversation with a friend, where we were looking for politicians with this soul correction. And as we were working on finding them, I had an insight: the fundamental issue of this soul correction is DUPLICITY.

The inside and the outside are disconnected.
Continue reading “Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending”

The courage to be yourself, Your TRUE self

The courage to be yourself, Your TRUE self

know your true selfI had an insight yesterday that was completely driven home today by my guidance system.

We see something, and then it’s gone.

It is gone, and it didn’t have time or a receiver to impart the important learning in what we saw.

This happens with such frequency, that we stop paying attention to our inner guidance, our bodies talking to us…

We see the the feeling for a moment from the corner of our consciousness, and the guidance is lost… again.
Continue reading “The courage to be yourself, Your TRUE self”

Soaring together… a dream I have had all my life

Soaring together… a dream I have had all my life

soaringI am having second thoughts about sharing this information, because of what famous French novelist Stendhal said about love… and the fragility of love…

I made a dietary mistake on Monday. You know, the kind your voices not discounted. The voices that scream in your head: ‘you only live once‘… or maybe the way Madame de Pompadour said, lover of the French king Louis XV ‘Après moi, le deluge!‘ After me the flood… sloppy translation but you can get the gist… f*** it, I want to do what I want to do even if it destroys the earth… or my health. Continue reading “Soaring together… a dream I have had all my life”

Two rules of engagement and a condition…

Two rules of engagement and a condition…

two rules of engagementEver since last Saturday I have been observing myself putting myself down, devaluing myself. Telling people I am not such a good coach, etc. etc. etc.

I know what happened. I know exactly.

I watched this guy’s videos, I read his testimonials, I heard his superior facility to guide people and take them where he wanted them to go. I watched his 24/7 tireless enthusiasm to turn marginally interested people into fans. And I compared.

I compared.
Continue reading “Two rules of engagement and a condition…”

Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?

Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?

who are you?I just read an article in the Monday Morning Memo and I cringed. It hit me what b.s. is being propagated as wisdom.

As you have seen, if you have been with me for more than a week, you would know that I knock the idea of beliefs being important to your success in life. And after reading Roy Williams article, I am also going to start knocking the notion that the why is what’s important. Continue reading “Who are you? Are you The Dude, or are you your name?”

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

The other day it occurred to me that the Precious I I have been talking about is just another name for vaniPRECIOUS 'i'ty.

But vanity is a loaded word, while Precious I has some compassion in it, it can be measured, everyone can relate to it, so it is less denied out of hand.

Because when you want to see yourself, be self-aware, you want to avoid the words that condemn.

Or in some cases using those words is your m.o., modus operandi, to keep it up, because you make it sound that you have nothing to say in the matter.

And having something to say in the matter is all the magic you need: you can tweak it, understand it, sympathize with it, and win. Continue reading “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”

4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness

4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness

4 daily tasks: the future given present4 daily tasks: not what you need to do. instead what you see you can do for a future you decided to have.

In my case the future: being able to pick up and move countries without loss of productivity, loss of health, loss of income, loss of standard of living. Having an apartment, food, transportation, internet connection, mobile phone… the important things.

The four daily tasks are really a very useful tool.

An aside: what is a task? Anything that you can do in one sitting, not long enough even to have to get up to go to the bathroom. Even writing an article is a project that is made up of several tasks… idea, outlining, writing, editing, title, publishing. It may include even researching… Continue reading “4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness”

Why do we have feelings? Not emotions… feelings…

Why do we have feelings? Not emotions… feelings…
feelings... inner authorityIf it has a name, it is no longer a feeling…

I am a True Empath. What does it have to do with the price of tea in China? A whole lot. I feel feeling you have… you have the feelings, but you don’t feel it. You only feel what you said it means.

Empathy, the ordinary kind, is part of the human DNA. It can be overpowered by the predatory genes… making the human not experience it… not care, and a whole 30% of humanity doesn’t feel empathy, and doesn’t care for another’s plight, pain, misery or need.

And then there is empathy where the person feels what the other feels to the degree that they are merged, the feelings that the person themselves are not feeling keenly. The shared feeling is always physical, interpreted according to the empathic person’s own experience. Continue reading “Why do we have feelings? Not emotions… feelings…”

How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

get unstuckI have been working on the project of doubling my income by adding a new revenue source.

This article is my private process. I wrote it to document how I got myself over the hump. To clarify some things. To get unstuck. And to be able to do it again and again.

At some spots it’s sketchy… it is my process and it has fulfilled its purpose: I have gained the clarity from doing it, the clarity that will help me to get to over the next hump when I want to or need to do it again… because that is how life works.

If life is smooth sailing, then you are not growing.

Then you are not challenging yourself. Then you are most likely going down on a greased chute. Continue reading “How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…”