Why do women, why do mothers, hold men back?

Why do women, why do mothers, hold men back?

Why do women, why do mothers, hold you back under the guise of protecting you?

I always ponder why things are the way they are.

I ask why more than once, more than three times… I ask and look.

One question that makes me ask why a lot nowadays, why is it that certain cultures have most children live their lives in mother-child, and why do others let the child live, where they should move to, to become independent, in father-child.

I have a theory, and like any theory it needs to be tested and tested again.

This theory is this: Continue reading “Why do women, why do mothers, hold men back?”

How to prevent a new project from disrupting your life?

How to prevent a new project from disrupting your life?

humility prevents new knowledge from disrupting your lifeHow do you keep your focus? Keep your focus in spite of adding new tasks, new projects, new activities to your schedule?

How do you prevent it from disrupting your life? How do you become one of those people who can do more and therefore have more?

This is the question many of you have asked me.

Most people are unproductive. period. So this article is mostly for people who are productive in their main occupation, until… Continue reading “How to prevent a new project from disrupting your life?”

Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?

Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?

Some conspiracy theorists say that the COVID virus was intended to reduce the world’s population by a lot… but it escaped the laboratory before it was ready.

I have read several books that talk about human manufactured pathogens for the express purpose to create a new earth with just the rich and powerful continuing to exist. Continue reading “Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?”

The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer

The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer

When you decide on a new direction for your life, you suddenly find yourself with obstacles blocking you, even your view of the horizon, let alone your path.

Your reaction to it will be one of two kinds… in my experience. Continue reading “The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer”

Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing

Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing

I woke up at 3 am with a start from a deep dream about principles spinning so hard that I could only follow them with full concentration…

I stared into the dark for a few minutes still seeing the images of the principles, and I got the words that go with the images: Continue reading “Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing”

What the Nobel Prize winning physicist’s story teaches you

What the Nobel Prize winning physicist’s story teaches you

What can the Nobel Prize winning physicist’s story teach you? OR What did Frank Kern learn the hard way?

First, before I get into the story itself, let’s ponder the meaning of teaching so we are on the same page, OK?

As someone who attempts to teach, let me tell you what it’s like for me. I find a thousand different ways to say, demonstrate, frame what I want to teach. And I invent thousand and one stories. I find books that hint on what I want to teach. Often I sing it, I make it a comedy, make it a tragedy. And I make you read. I make you practice activating your eye muscles and the related brain areas… Continue reading “What the Nobel Prize winning physicist’s story teaches you”

Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?

Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?

This article closely relates to the soul correction articles AND the attachments, cords articles.

Oftentimes it is a difficult case is what leads researchers to new insights. This is exactly what happened today. I had a client who, periodically, has serious heart symptoms, even though physically there is nothing wrong with his heart.

For a while, whenever I muscletested people for attachments, even after the removal of the attachments, the muscletest answer was yes/no. The fingers opened but only a little bit. Yes and no. Maddening, lol.

I clarified it with Source, that it means: there are some things like attachments on the person, but not exactly attachments. Something else, but close.
Continue reading “Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?”

If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature

If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature

If humanity lived in father-nature, it would have to learn how to live, how to be, how to do best with what they have, so it can last. Mothers are to be used and abused… it’s just how it is… every living thing devours their mother… No compassion, no remorse.

  • mother-child is about getting
  • father-child is about instruction

Whether you are about getting or about being instructed… it’s a worldview.

Guess which worldview will make you more successful? At life… at living… at everything…

Continue reading “If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature”

Monday? It is time for me to read the Monday Morning Memo

Monday? It is time for me to read the Monday Morning Memo

Monday? It is time for me to read the Monday Morning Memo

And if it connects to what’s happening, use it as fertilizer of my brain, my thinking.

And today it is one of those days…

Roy H. Williams is talking about patterns this morning in the Memo.

He talks about archetypes… a particular pattern… but here is the rub: if you have NO distinctions in one area, you probably have no distinctions anywhere.

And a distinction is just another word for a pattern. Continue reading “Monday? It is time for me to read the Monday Morning Memo”

What’s is it that if it were there life would be different?

What’s is it that if it were there life would be different?

What’s missing that if it were there life would be different? Your life, not all of life…

In yesterday’s article I said everyone has a keystone. A keystone that if you remove it, the whole arch, the whole construct of your life falls. The construct of the life you lead that is not going anywhere.

So I offered to muscletest that keystone for people.

I admit that first some of the results were unexpected. But after the result of the muscletest it was like ‘of course! that is what’s been missing!’

Self-control missing has been the most unexpected result.

Continue reading “What’s is it that if it were there life would be different?”