You need to have it! or what keeps you flat on your arse

You need to have it! or what keeps you flat on your arse

needinessDarn, these power outages… I lost a whole article I didn’t name, didn’t save. It was a stream of consciousness…. then oops, the power went out… and with it the article disappeared as if it never existed.

And now the inspiration is gone as well… let me see if I can re-generate it.

OK here you go: I noticed that occasionally, when I play Freecell, I have a phenomenon that deserves being talked about, analyzing, and see what it’s all about.

I play Freecell when I need to puzzle something out, when I need to pay attention to a movie, a video, an audio, your partner calls… so I play a lot of Freecell. It keeps me sitting, lol, and it keeps my attention on you. Continue reading “You need to have it! or what keeps you flat on your arse”

Context is decisive. 99% of humans can’t get the idea

Context is decisive. 99% of humans can’t get the idea

Everyone says that you create your own reality. They fancy themselves creating wealth, health, a loving partner… out of thin air.

But they don’t get that they have already created their own reality… unconsciously, and now they are just stirring muck… ineffectively. Continue reading “Context is decisive. 99% of humans can’t get the idea”

Gratitude, appreciation is for you, not for the other

gratitudeI have students who fake thankfulness, gratitude… you can hear it. And occasionally they confess.

To me, to hear the fakeness, it indicates their wretchedness.

They think that gratitude, appreciation is social grease… and you give it to look good, to fit in, to obey some social rule, or because the other needs it.

Their knowledge about how reality works is completely missing…

Gratitude, what you are getting, all live in language… have no existence in reality. Without expressing gratitude you got nothing… and of course nothing to be grateful for.

But if you get nothing, ever, then you are wretched. You got nothing… and no joy, no being moved,no nice feelings, no connection with the other… you are an empty shell waiting to be filled. Continue reading “Gratitude, appreciation is for you, not for the other”

Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?

Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?

change is the result of true learningEither everybody counts or nobody counts… this is the principle that makes Michael Connelly’s books so dear to me. Obviously, to me, that labels me as a commie, a Democrat, a lefty… but I really don’t care… It’s your issue, not mine. My job is to be true to my principles.

I like crime novels. Most of them are clean and most of them go into the details that allow me to be forced to ride on the surface, to turn the page too eagerly, but stay on the page I am on: savoring it. Rare to find books like that.

No FOMO, I am where I am supposed to be. No desire to be anywhere else, doing anything other than what I am doing.

Priceless. Continue reading “Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?”

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need a Paradigm Shift: Own what owns you

I get affirmation from wherever, when I am on the right path… here it goes: I just finished this article, and here is my Rob Brezsny horoscope…

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Burrow down as deep as you dare, Virgo. Give yourself pep talks as you descend toward the gritty core of every matter. Feel your way into the underground, where the roots meet the foundations. It’s time for you to explore the mysteries that are usually beneath your conscious awareness. You have a mandate to reacquaint yourself with where you came from and how you got to where you are now.

Make it yours… if you have the courage… So you can become free. The process is more intricate than Rob Brezsny indicates, but it is also more rewarding.

OK, onto the actual article…

I have this very interesting and troubling insight:

People want to learn to act from their inner authority without ever finding out the bad news about themselves:

…who they have been being, that “told” them to do all the things that made their lives not work, or not work as well as it could. Continue reading “Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…”

Emotional Intelligence and your experience of life

Emotional Intelligence is a buzz word, an expression, that no one explains, and yet, everyone pretends that they know what they are talking about.

No such THING as emotional intelligence… it is made up.

And yet: some people maneuver life better than others, have less upsets, upheavals, self-hate, than others.

They take obstacles differently than others. They are OK with themselves, and they don’t worry about what other people think about them. They are not attention, approval, drama seekers. They just do what they do… and let others do what others do.

We call those people emotionally intelligent.

I guess you are reading this article because you are not like that. Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence and your experience of life”

Energy healing: how does the Big Bundle energy know what to do?

energy-healingIf you have been reading my articles… daily, for at least a month, you know that I have been working on extending my life by repairing in my body what has gone wrong. In the case of my body: everything has gone wrong.

For the past two years or so I had been declining to the inevitable conclusion about six weeks ago, that I was dying.

I still feel twinges of self-pity and sadness as I am writing this, even though in the past 32 days my health has dramatically turned around.

The main cause of the turnaround is an energy. The secondary cause is a very stringent diet decided moment to moment…

The energy is a knockoff of an energy healer’s “product” plus two other energies. Why three energies packaged in one audio? So it cannot be attacked by the Dark Side. What is the Dark Side? It’s people. Do I know who? It’s about three billion people… so no, I don’t know them.

This energy has been doing repair and cleansing in my body and my brain for a month now, and until just now I just allowed it to do its work, have gone through healing crisis after healing crisis, without questioning, doubting, inquiring… Continue reading “Energy healing: how does the Big Bundle energy know what to do?”

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?
Almost all Source energies, almost all my energy products are co-creative

co-creative examples: in the ham and eggs dish the ham and the dish co-create. A male and a female co-create the offspring.. Continue reading “Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?”

Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?

Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?

the light at the end of the tunnelQuestions, ordinary questions make you look for an answer. And getting that answer shuts down the looking.

Other questions, like the question in the title make you look… But the answer… oh, the answer creates an even bigger opening… it is like the abyss opened up in front of your feet… Fill your heart with dread.

And that is what was the purpose of the question… to open up the abyss…

Your self-view today is a tricky thing to predict. It will grow out of your seed level: of who you are that you are, whether you can count on yourself to be winning at life today, and other questions, very similar to the one in the title. All designed to confront you, to arrest you, to wake you up. Continue reading “Can you count on yourself to be winning in life today?”

Self-awareness: what is it and why is it crucial to have it?

Self-awareness: what is it and why is it crucial to have it?

Self-awareness is the rarest of all the human virtues. Why? because it is all inner. . . and unless you have it you won’t even know you have it. And unless you grow it, you can’t change.

This is one of the things I measure in the Starting Point Measurements.

The numbers I get are between 3% and 20%, with 20% is being rare: I only found, so far, one person with that level of awareness.

So what can you notice if and when you are self-aware? Continue reading “Self-awareness: what is it and why is it crucial to have it?”